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Monday, September 16, 2013

ICE Released 2,837 Convicted Alien Sex Offenders To Comply With Supreme Court Ruling

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released 2,837 convicted criminal alien sex offenders back into American communities in order to comply with a Supreme Court decision authored by Clinton-appointed Justice Stephen Breyer, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

The 2,837 sex offenders represented five percent of the 59,347 deportable aliens that have been released from detention under the supervision of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), according to the GAO report, which was released Thursday.
“There are circumstances in which criminal aliens who have been ordered removed from the United States – including those convicted of a sex offense – cannot be removed,” the report states. “For example, a criminal alien may not be removed because the designated country will not accept the alien’s return.”



  1. That's our gubment protecting us. And they wonder why we would like to keep our guns. Good job libtards!!!

  2. How in the Hell is this allowed to happen???...WTF..IS WRONG WITH THE SYSTEM...CRIMINALS...illegals allowed back in?....this is absurd and crimminal act of treason

  3. Janet Napolitano established this policy as she did not want to enforce the immigration laws unless it suited her needs. And as things often get worse if unattended they are worse. WE are now putting up thousand of illegals in hotels as they now can claim asylum evading deportation for at least a year.

  4. Get caught with a couple of grams of pot and you could end up in prison. Shoot a couple of thugs who just kicked your door down and threaten to rape your wife and the POLICE might show up and kill YOU. If you don't get shot, you may get 25-life. BUT -- rape a 5 year old girl and as long as you are ALREADY A CRIMINAL (thats why they are called "illegals"), you get released with a jolly old slap on the back, an EBT card, and a drivers license. Thats because NONE of the people involved in this fiasco EVER have to worry --- THEY and their families are protected by a dozen different police agencies and hardly ever come in contact with taxpayers on whom they have released these predators and criminals. Keep cheering.

  5. I would like to see Clinton-appointed Justice Stephen Breyer's family gang raped by these Illegal Alien thugs. He need to be gang banged first and forced to watch it happen to his family.


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