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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Here Is "THE PLAN" To Take Our Guns

Here's the UN (liberal) program to take guns from Americans, including a UN police force to assist. In Germany during the 1930's they were called the Gestapo!!! We all know what happened next!


  1. I love my country, but I fear this government. God Save Us

  2. bad move I think this would be the straw that broke the camels back .

  3. Are any of you ignorant liberals reading this? Are you happy now that your team is bringing in foreign military personnel to attack us on our own soil? May you all rot in hell for what you have done to this country with your arrogant stupidity.

  4. All of these rules have been influenced by muslims. It is a shame if any of this happens.

    If you think about it , we should be taking the guns away from the government. They work for us , or at least should work for us.

    obamie has struck again

    The only guns allowed will be blacks and their gangs.

  5. And then, invasion of America??? Obama wants to sign this "treaty"...we as American can NOT allow the downfall of our country...get informed...get involved...get the tyrants out of office before it is TOO LATE

  6. This is scary. I am ready to go to war with any Democrat and we need to start fighting back now. People this is scary and you need to wake up.

  7. there would be civil war.. bring it

  8. Somehow I think this is a bogus or photoshopped document.

  9. If they can't take our guns any other way, I suspect Ob' will declare martial law...

  10. Remember that Senators Mikulski and Cardin voted in favor of this. Let's vote in favor of putting them out of a job next year.

  11. No one -- nobody! --- that I know would ever just hand all their weapons over to the police, the government, or any other entity. Being able to resist (and NOT with mean and strongly worded editorials) government authority is at the root of their fear and our freedom. They are looking for trouble an I think they are going to get all they want, plus some...

  12. 9:19. Mikulski and Cardin did Not vote in favor of this. It is a fake document and even if it was real, Mikulski and Cardin do not vote in the UN.

    1. Hey lib, Take your common sense and facts elsewhere. Neither one is welcome here

  13. The only place in the world that is having gun problems are the middle east muslim countries.
    Try to take their guns away and see what happens.
    Isn't it strange that the U.N. hasn't mentioned this , solid evidence that muslims are behind taking guns away from the U.S..
    I will never put a capital in front of obamas name , he is a supporter of muslim criminals.


  15. 10:34. Ignorant Democrats like you should not try to comment.
    They DID vote to enter the U.N. Arms trade treaty. Fortunately it was defeated and the U.S. is not party to disarmament. Yet.

  16. This document is real, and this is one of the UN global government goals. One world government, one world currency, one world religion. Agenda 21 is the meme used to put this goal in progress. Obama is merely a puppet for the banking, military industrial complex, corporate oligarchy. Agenda 21 is their "old world" attempt at new age feudalism. They want to bring the US down

  17. 1:09. Actually, I'm an ignorant Republican. Tired of being fed crap like the fake document this post is about. Mikulski and Cardin did NOT vote for anything shown in this hoax document because it is FAKE!

  18. 10:34 I beg your pardon. They did indeed vote to accept the UN proposal. Thank god it was voted down by the Senate therefore did not proceed to the House. I know that they do not vote in the UN. You are stupid and proved it with your comment. Uneducated voters like you are exactly why our Country is in this mess. Have a nice day, moron.

  19. To Moron. Since you think the document is fake, find someone with a smartphone to read the UPC square (whatever they're called!) at the bottom of the page and follow the link.

  20. 3:58.. God is always with a capital G!

  21. 4:37 My apologies to you and all and especially God. Sometimes I get so involved in with issuing my opinion about ignorant people, that leave comments on SBY NEWS, I forget the basics. My point being, don't comment on issues that you don't have any clue. 10:34 should review the records of the US Senate votes and then try to make an intelligent comment. It's in the recorded records. Thanks for the correction.

  22. 9:41 Facts don't matter to Leftist Democrats--truth is relative to them.


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