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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Gold Star Mom To Poker Player McCain: 'I'm Sorry the Lives Of Our Brave Warriors Bore You'

Responding to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) playing online poker on his iPhone during yesterday’s Senate hearing with Secretary of State John Kerry over war with Syria, Gold Star mother Debbie Lee fired back in an exclusive comment to Breitbart News. “It infuriates me,” she said. “We are facing the possibility of sending our sons and daughters to a war, conflict, military action or whatever politically correct term you use – an action that could change the world as we know it – and McCain couldn’t care less.”Lee is the founder of America’s Mighty Warriors, a non-profit focusing on Gold Star moms. She lost her son, Navy SEAL Marc Alan Lee, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, on August 2, 2006. Navy officers said that Marc died after single-handedly fighting off enemy fighters as his team rescued a wounded soldier. He fired 100 rounds of ammunition before being killed.



  1. great observation. mccain was interviewed later by blitzer on cnn and joked about sitting there for 3 boring hours so he had to do something; besides he had lost $15,000. in his little poker game and was trying to recoup his loss.

    isn't he special???

  2. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 5, 2013 at 4:49 AM

    Time for McCain to retire and join the Poker Club Arizona. Obama should leave as well to join PGA Tour with Tiger Woods. Tiger can chase the chicks and Barry can chase the transgenders.

  3. Senator McCain nearly gave his life for this country and was held as POW - I think he can be given some slack.

  4. No need to listen to the lies coming out of Kerry's mouth. Maybe she should spend more time worrying about the lies getting us into a senseless
    war and killing more of our young men.

  5. "cut him some slack"? OK, put him out to pasture.. No matter what his past was, he NOW has a job to do representing us. If he can't handle it, get someone who can.!!

  6. I imagine the person who took the picture of poker face will be tried for treason.

  7. Surprised? Why would they care about anyone other then votes to stay in office. It's like a chess game.

  8. I guess it's burnout and brain damage on McCain's part. And he probably thinks it's a done deal so why not sit there like a 15 year old and game your life away. Time to retire.

  9. Of course tax payers are paying for this-probably on the state level. Yeah you dumb Podunk hicks need to get out and see how it does work in the real world!

  10. Those poor soldiers who thought they were almost home free following the Afghanistan exit.The other day this blog posted the photos of the Marines holding up signs voicing their contempt for yet another war.That said it all.They know what's coming.Look for the suicide rate to go up even more if Obama does what we all think he will.

  11. 7:07 & 8:02... is your head so far up your ace that it's too dare to THINK?! Being a POW doesn't make you a hero --- it makes you a former POW. At his salary, he BETTER pay attention. In view of what was being discussed, he BETTER pay attention. I saw McCain on TV this morning, calling for military action. He is ready to send some more kids to die. Can't wait. But was too busy playing poker (and losing more money in a few hours than most people make in several months -- and LAUGHING about it!) to pay attention to doing what citizens PAY HIM TO DO (which AIN'T playing poker!!!!!!!). THIS is our ruling elite. There is no better description or better illustration than him doing that while we talk about more war. Disgraceful. Disgusting. Appalling. Keep cheering...I hope you're still cheering when you go pick up the box your kids come home in so some different muslims can start a new religious dictatorship.


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