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Sunday, September 08, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 9-5-13

Watching local news this morning was infuriating. the coverage was ALL about the university girl, WHO is still living, very little about the young man who GAVE his LIFE for that girl. That just seems the opposite of what I would think there would be. Why I ask? 
Is the girl an "easier" story or is there another objective/agenda?


  1. Take off the tinfoil hat. There's not a left-wing conspiracy behind everything. Sheesh!

  2. I'd imagine that since this is a homicide case, they have to be careful about what they say about the suspect and/or the victim who passed away who gave his life to save the female victim.

    Once the case is settled & considered closed, I'm sure more information will be released and the focus will then be on him.

  3. The media on the Eastern Shore is very liberal and will do anything to protect the college at at any cost. CJ was a hero and did risk his life for that girl. The media never wants to discuss all the crimes that happen to the students such as the robberies and assaults that happens.

  4. there's still an element of suspense about what will happen to the girl, because she is still alive.

  5. Nothing you can do about the Dead, you have to focus on who is still struggling to survive. Most people want to keep up with if the young girl is going to survive! Take nothing away from the young boy who was killed but if she dies then he died for nothing.

  6. Charles Abbott displayed traits that should be commended. Our society has a "I don't want to get involved" attitude. I know my son would have given his life to help a friend in a life threatening situation. I pray for his parents and for Kristin who will be scarred for life from this experience.

  7. The reaction by SU is more about cover not compassion. They know so many crimes are happening on campus,which they control, but off campus they cannot. One major incident and they will lose enrollment, and the $500k prez who nows plays the role of a prized pig. Crime will take on a major role as SU and there is nothing they can do about it. Keep plenty of candles.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Take off the tinfoil hat. There's not a left-wing conspiracy behind everything. Sheesh!

    September 5, 2013 at 7:18 AM

    Why are you left wingnuts to defensive? Come and get my gun, JERK!

  9. CJ was a nice young man who had a lot of feelings for this girl the past 2 months. He was in love with her and he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I wish the college students would have had their doors locked so that mentally ill boy couldn't just walk in.

    All of Ryan's friends that got his tweets should have contacted authorities immediately. They knew he was leaving Kent Island heading for Salisbury and drinking Vodka. They knew he was going to do something to regret. People that ignored his threats via tweets can share some of the blame.

    If any woman is being stalked or harassed by an ex should report it immediately. It may save a life.

    Prayers to all the families involved.

  10. If I hear "take off the tinfoil hat" one more time I might vomit. Please, come up with an intelligent argument, and cut out the tired cliches. Why do you bother reading this blog if the owner wears a tinfoil hat?

  11. I've heard a great deal about Mr Abbott in the news.Interviews with friends & co workers have revealed him to be a very caring individual.No one seems surprised that he gave his life to save hers.

  12. 9:50 why don't you take your tinfoil hat off and try reading the blog and the comments.

  13. Had I been in my Deceased Brother's home the night College scum bags stole his 300.00 collection of Asian flags - there would not have been enough candles for the vigil.

  14. I'm sure that CJ did his best to help his friend because that's the right thing to do, not because he wanted his name broadcast all over the news. He's receiving all the praise that he deserves in heaven. There's no need to be upset at the media for addressing the girl, who still has to fight for her life.

  15. 9:50 I read it for the humor that folks like you unintentionally leave.


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