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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Freeze! Global Gun Grab Treaty 'Dead In The Water,' Inhofe Says

Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Wednesday formally signed a far-reaching international treaty in New York designed to regulate the international purchase and sale of conventional firearms — despite intense resistance from the American gun lobby and warnings from at least one Republican that the pact will never get ratified in Washington.

The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty requires signatories to draw up national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but drafters insist it will not control the domestic firearms market in any country. It prohibits the transfer of conventional weapons if they violate international arms embargoes or if they go to regimes accused of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes.



  1. "The United States was one of 154 countries who voted in April to approve the final draft of the U.N. pact, with only Syria, Iran and North Korea voting against."

    So.... if it was up to you nutjobs we'd be in GREAT company. Isn't it just like conservitards to want us to be more like Syria, Iran and North Korea?

  2. 2:31 our leaders supposedly took an oath to uphold the constitution. this treaty clearly goes against the second amendment so stuff your new world order crap

  3. statistics and history prove that a disarmed populace is subject to extermination....crimes rates of nations with gun bans actually have higher numbers of armed robberies and voilent crime increases..and according to fbi stats since 1992 crime in the us is down contaray to what this admin and msm would have you believe.....so if you wish to be a defense less drone dont think for a moment you will be safer with no guns...

  4. "We don't want you to have these weapons, but we will give them to drug lords, terrorist groups and church groups"

    Basically what they're saying... we'll give them to the nutjobs, but you can't own them.

  5. So if a terrorist group decides to pull a mall shooting here(god forbid) what state do you think they will target..? Texas..kentucky or any right to carry state..OR md.. ny...chicago...or any anti 2nd amendment state? They will choose defenseless sheep..since they are cowards and dont expect to run into any civilian interference...


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