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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fight Or Flight: Theories On Why Marylanders Move Elsewhere

Since officially moving to Florida in May, former Maryland resident Constance Kihm said she has met numerous other former residents of the Free State. They all have their reasons for moving, but hers came down to getting away from higher taxes and from policies she couldn’t stomach.

“Real estate agents I’ve talked with say the exodus from Maryland is astonishing,” Kihm said.

A new book, “How Money Walks” by Travis H. Brown, backs up the anecdotal evidence. Looking at IRS and Census Bureau data, Brown and his team determined that Maryland lost a little more than $7 billion in adjusted gross income due to residents moving away between 1992 and 2010.


  1. Not much changes here. There is too much poverty, alcoholism and drugs and self- absorbed mentalities.

    For me its not political it's a matter of survival, financial and better opportunities. Better education, jobs and social climate. The only ones who are doing well are the upper crust, those who inherited homes and business from family or those who have family living close by or with them in the same house.

  2. As soon as our son is done with high school, we are moving...he wants to finish school with his friends. We are looking at Texas & Florida. I just can't take all the liberal BS anymore.

  3. @1:56, Florida? Why would you want to live somewhere that the temps reach the triple digits and the IQs are in the single digits?

  4. Sorry you are talking about Salisbury me thinks!

  5. Florida is a dump and full of sex offenders. Good riddance to you. Enjoy the horrible, lightning, heavy rain storms, hurricanes, massive unemployment, more foreclosed properties. Remember, the grasss isn't always greener.

    1. He also said he was looking at Texas.and that's a hell of a lot netters then here. And why would you say good riddance?

  6. Maryland is the next Detroit. But the Federal teat in DC will keep some life around Balto-Wash.

  7. Just for your information I left Maryland for Florida in July and when you all where dealing with 100 plus temps we barely hit 88. It still hasn't hit 93 here yet. As far as education Florida schools have it all over Maryland. Oh and Naples our new wonderful home town is number 2 in the nation for millionaires and of the 30 or so billionaires in the US 27 own homes in Naples. There is low crime, no state income tax, great jobs,beautiful wheather, and I could go on but why bother the numbers don't lie........

  8. @4:01 Why not both? Sorry, but every time I hear some insane news story its always Florida.

  9. The grass is always greener on the other side, bc it is covered in BS.

    That being said..Texas is a wonderful state. I would move there in a nano second.

    Florida is ehhh. The schools in Fl are worse than they are here, and home owners insurance is thru the roof..etc.

  10. Article 5 of the United States Constitution/ Read itSeptember 8, 2013 at 5:21 PM

    We are moving soon too out West and Away from Mulkiski and Gay O'Malley...Tired of the Free Loader State

  11. 221-As opposed to the Eastern Shore...where the salaries are laughable and the real estate is outrageous?

  12. Just say it like it is. Maryland, thanks to our socialist communist governor and the dumbocrat liberals in the legislature, has become a pure hell for good conservative law abiding citizens with its gay marriage law, its lack of capital punishment for murder, its rain tax plus all the other outrageous taxes/fees and now with gun laws that will only put guns in the hands of violent criminals. Maryland has taken PC to whole new level that allows anyone of minority from taking any personal responsibility or face any consequences because "the excuse" is now the new and accepted norm for any and all negative/antisocial behavior. In the meantime, I'm heading to Montana where common sense seems to still prevail and the constitution is actually worth the paper it's written on.

  13. Are you kidding 4:05. All of that is better than progressive Maryland and owemalley.

  14. This is not a difficult question. MARYLAND SUCKS!

  15. 7:40pm...i whole heartedly agree.

  16. Considering that Florida has easily 5 times the population of Maryland it's not hard to see why you would have crazy stories. True not all of Florida is booming and sure you will have issues. South west Florida is booming, companies moving in, low crime, sure the thunderstorms are insane and alittle scary but in January when you all freezing and complaining about heating costs my kids will be at the beach..... Oh and upon doing some research the schools here are far superior to md, and we don't have to paint all over speed cameras because there aren't any. Happily left Maryland and would never come back.......

  17. FL is not considered a 'tax friendly' state. They have approx. 40 taxes and fees residents and property owners are hit with. Sales tax is as high as 7.5% in some municipalities. Property taxes are one of the highest in the nation.
    Bottom line no one is going to get away from forking over basically the same amount of money to the government.
    FL also has a high cost of living comparatively speaking and of course crime is through the roof with the Dept of Corrections being the #1 employer in the state.

  18. @11:02, yet your still here reading and talking about it, quit trying to make Florida look like some wonderland, its not.
    To those complaining about our fine state, do something about it, otherwise shutup and leave, we don't want you here anyway(and neither does any other state!)

  19. What did Martin O'Stalin think when he ramed through an exit tax. It is no different then an iron curtin. It will only get worse.

  20. The article states that "tax flight is a myth", per some study by a waste of tax dollars.

    The MAIN reason I moved to from Maryland to Delaware was taxes... property, sales, sin, etc etc.. there is even a RAIN tax.

    Tax flight is NOT myth... it's a reality.

  21. All I know is in FL I don't pay any state income tax, my drivers license costs half as much and is valid for 9 years. You don't need to shovel hot. BTW, you don't even need to motorcycle insurance if you wear a helmet.

  22. Used to live in Florida. A popular bumper-sticker read, "Will the last American to leave Miami please bring the flag?".

  23. You better kearn spanish if you are moving to florida


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