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Sunday, September 15, 2013

2 Million Bikers Denied Permit To Ride Through DC, Going Anyway

Washington DC has denied a permit request for 2 million Sons of Liberty bikers to ride through DC no-stop on 9/11. So Plan B will go into effect. According to this post from their Facebook page, it will not be a no-stop ride after all. Yes, they are still going, and now it will be an all-day affair.


Washington DC has DENIED our permit for a no-stop ride through Washington DC. We find this regretful for the residents and businesses of that great city, and humbly offer our apologies. What could have been a one or two hour ride through will now likely be an all day event. We will be obeying all laws. We will be stopping at all stoplights, stop signs, and yielding to all pedestrians.


  1. Honestly, those Harleys are the most obnoxious annoying things on the road but good for them for sticking it to DC!

  2. Americans and Veterans are denied a permit to ride through their city, but Muslims are welcomed with open arms by the Kenyan and his DC Cronies.

    God Bless America!

  3. If you were a muslim or if you were a black rider , the permits would be no problem.
    Of course they will have the National guard out to insure order is there.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Honestly, those Harleys are the most obnoxious annoying things on the road but good for them for sticking it to DC!

    September 8, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Why are Harleys obnoxious? What do you drive that isn't so obnoxious?

  5. He Drives a rice burner that sound like a sewing machine going down the road!!!!!

  6. yes; illegals and muslims can congregate in D.C, but not bikers? what's wrong with this picture? I hope this gets spread everywhere and 3 million or more show up...

  7. 7:18 You were close with your description. But those rice burners sound more like a bumble bee trying to have sex with a chain saw.

  8. this makes me want to buy a HD just to stick it to DC.

  9. Go Sons. Ride representing yourself and they can't stop you. Hard to believe all this is happening in our United States.

  10. 5:26pm...well said..we have got to stand up for our rights before the liberals take them all away.

  11. It's great that someone or some organization has the Ba$$s to stand up to this corrupt Obama administration. It's time for Obama to understand that he is not a King, just another elected official that can and should be replaced with a more qualified person.

  12. This is exactly the type of non-conformance that needs to be taking place. And, not just over a denied permit either, over EVERYTHING that is wrong with our gov't. The American people need to band together and demand change.

  13. great morning laugh!

    10:32, so you're saying that no one has been challenging Obama for the last 6 years? lol, I've been listening to you guys and your cheerleaders in the media scream on and on for quite some time now.

    Yes, Harley's are quite loud and obnoxious but hey, let people enjoy them. I just want you to remember the same sentiment should apply when you see/hear the kid with the loud car stereo.

    1. 8:03, I can accept your comment about respecting the kids' stereos like you respect the loud Harleys except for the fact that the Harleys aren't broadcasting profanities when they ride by like many of the kids' stereos are.

  14. Send Dennis Rodman to DC. To settle this dispute.

  15. Since when does anyone need a permit to "ride through" a town? Just because there are going to be A LOT of bikes "riding through" is not cause for a permit. Is there a permit required for Rolling Thunder? This is more bullcrap coming from the OBOZO camp. What's wrong, can't he handle the roar of motorcycles? He should consider the sound people will hear, of Tomahawk missles he wants to lob at the Syrians.

  16. 8:03, you really have a warped sense of reality. Obama does what he dam well pleases, that IS the problem.

    And by the way the permits were not denied because of the noise and has nothing to do with loud car stereos. The Harleys are legal on any road and more power to them for going to Washington.

  17. NO, that would be YOU 503


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