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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DEVELOPING: U.N. Cancels Mtg After Russia Withdraws Request; Obama Tells Congress to Delay Syria Vote

United Nations Security Council has canceled its 4p meeting after Russia withdrew its request for consultation on the issue of the country getting Syria to surrender chemical weapons.

President and Australian Ambassador to the UN Gary Quinlan tweeted the following after news broke: "Following the withdrawal of the request for consultations, Security Council meeting for4pm will not proceed."

To compound the situation, however, United States President Barack Obama has nonetheless asked Congress to delay votes that would authorize military strikes against Syria, in order to "give Russia time to get Syria to surrender any [weapons] it possesses," Reuters reported Tuesday afternoon.


1 comment:

  1. This is going to be good. Putin's playing Obama. When the stuff hits the fan can't wait to rub it in to the half wits who support Obama. Pelosi's beside herself. Happy as hell the Russians have stepped in "to help." What a fool!


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