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Friday, September 13, 2013

Data: Americans Rejecting Mainstream Media For British Newspaper

The fastest growing “newspaper” in America is based in Manchester, England. The Internet analytics firm Compete.com found that the number of visitors to the website of The Guardian grew by 1111.75% in August and an astounding 671,389.51% over the past year, signifying the desire for Americans to find real information about what’s going on.

The main word that people going to The Guardian were searching for was “Syria,” according to Compete’s blog. That would indicate Americans appreciate The Guardian’s skepticism of President Obama’s plans to attack Syria and its reputation for honest reporting. It also indicates that average Americans no longer trust their own media and are increasingly turning to a foreign news source.

In polls previously reported by Anthony Gucciardi on Storyleak, it was found that the mainstream media has virtually lost all trust from the American people.



  1. well those numbers are for sure fake...

    You don't have facebook.com on there?

    and myspace is? no one uses that nor do they use it for news...

    And you're telling me that NFL is not the top 5? yeah bogus numbers here...

  2. The American MSM has lost all credibility; every thinking person knows they are only lap dogs for Obama and the Democratic Party.

  3. In truth it is because Drudgereport has been referring a lot of the UK newspapers on his website that has generated all this traffic - check it out


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