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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Crystal Morris Godwin Update: GUILTY

Uniforms Unlimited will celebrate its 20 year Anniversary in 2014. Out of those 20 years, Crystal worked here for 12 ½ years. Her theft was uncovered on Good Friday, April 6, 2012. She was terminated on April 9, 2012. The investigation took a year to complete and involved hours of video from a 37 day period. The Wicomico County Grand Jury indicted her on June 3, 2013 charging her with

Theft Scheme: $1000 to under $10,000 from 02/10/12 – 04/07/12

Theft Scheme: $1000 to under $10,000 from 07/21/08 – 07/29/10

Embezzle Misappropriate 07/21/08 – 04/07/12

She was taken into custody on June 11, 2013 and released on June 13, 2013 after posting a $25,000 property bond.

On August 27, 2013 she pleaded guilty to the felony charge of Theft-Scheme: $1000 to Under $10,000

In the agreement, the state Nolle Prosequi the other 2 charges

She was sentenced to 12 months in jail, with 12 months suspended

24 months supervised probation

$500.00 fine

$145.00 court cost

$4,977.52 paid restitution


  1. That's it? Why the Nolle Pros? No REAL
    jail time? WTF? The teacher in Worcester Co. that was repaying the money she took (gambling problem) got more time in jail. And THEY didn't even want to prosecute. These judges suck!

  2. I disagree with Anon 7:21. In my opinion justice was served as this person repaid what she stoled. If this was her first offense I agree with the judge in this case. That being said I was not in the court room but knowing Jimmy Dashiell this was fair judgement.

    1. The teacher was a first-time offender, also paying every penny back... but she's in JAIL! This woman needs to serve time especially for the Mental Anguish & Screwing Up of this business! Hey, let someone steal from your home, drain your bank account so you can't pay your bills & in a decade or so, they'll give it all back so you can shake their hand and say, "All is forgiven- go have a nice life."

  3. Her daddy knows somebody LOL!!!
    I hope she never gets another job.

  4. There is WAY more to this story.

  5. Please enlighten us 8:00am. She stole money, got caught and is paying the price.

  6. Its not the judges a lot of these are plea bargains with the State's Attorney Office!! They are always afraid they will lose in court so they try to work out plea bargains.

  7. The owners had the best of the SPD and one of the best of the prosecutors office bolt this case together. It took more time than you can imagine. She stole a little each day for days. Cops and prosecutor took days watching videos and matching her actions up with tape from the register. When others would have punted law enforcement put its nose down in this so that she would not escape a felony conviction. Cops prosecutor and judge all did their job. Hunches and innuendo don't win trials--SPD put the work in to give the prosecutor something to work with. The business trusted her and she was good at covering her tracks.. This was the best result under the circumstances.

  8. Um they only had her for a short period of time that they installed cameras. The key is she worked there 12 years. So how much over that period of time was missing?

  9. Sure blame the State's Attorney. It has nothing at all to do with the evidence right? Oh wait I read that there was all this evidence on a blog. Guess they are lazy and don't want to win trials. That must be it.

  10. 8:37 The same "lazy" prosecutor trhat handled this case took a case to trial a week before. Defendant was on the Top 25 list of violent repeat offenders. Verdict was guilty and sentence was 28 years in DOC. Darn lazy prosecutors.

  11. First time offender status is when you steal once and get caught. This was not the case here. She stole many times in many years. Shame on her!

  12. The owners said the money she stole $5000 caused then to have to refinance the business. That really stinks.

  13. Too bad she didn't steal from the taxpayers... she would have got paid leave.

  14. Y is she still at the Old West Steak House.

  15. I am sure she is stealing at old west to then. Why anyone would still allow her to have a job after that is crazy. She must be doing something for someone. Suprise surprise.

  16. Joe: reads like someone from the State's Attorney office is reading your blog! Good for you! But Salisbury is still one of the most dangerous cities in the country and we need stronger sentences for criminals not plea deals from the States Attorney Office!

  17. It's truly sad how bitter and angry most of the people are who are posting on here. The person went through the legal system and justice was served, yet some of you feel there should be more? Thank the lord none of you are in positions of power in the world...go back to your angry little worlds and keep shaking your fist at your computer screens

  18. ANON 3:38 Most dangerous cities in the country? Seriously, you need to travel more.

  19. Anon 511 clearly you don't read Joe's blog. Salisbury is always ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in America. Check out some of Joes's past posts he always covers that ranking. I guess you work in the Mayor's office!

  20. Anonymous said...
    It's truly sad how bitter and angry most of the people are who are posting on here. The person went through the legal system and justice was served, yet some of you feel there should be more? Thank the lord none of you are in positions of power in the world...go back to your angry little worlds and keep shaking your fist at your computer screens

    August 29, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    A liberal Kook who must be related to that tramp!

  21. she didnt have to worry about stealing from her last job Angels network. they are just about broke, cant keep clients nor employees. the office manager is a control freak and a nightmare to work for.


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