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Sunday, September 08, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Major Police Activity On Onley Rd

State Police are assisting Salisbury Police. We're told two people have allegedly been shot. Witnesses say it is in the "Zoo" Onley Rd. area. More to come...

UPDATE: Sources have informed Salisbury News TWO students are dead, (one victim, one shooter, both males) and ONE female victim was also shot and is in surgery at PRMC. 

Original Post went up at 6:42 PM.


  1. 1 Dead 2 Hurt real bad.

  2. Reported 1 dead and 2 seriously wounded.

  3. No college/Zoo residents involved 2 most likely deceased one @ house one @ PRMC.

  4. That's horrible. Feel bad for the su students who really think su is worth attending. Salisbury is the worst city to move to

  5. TOP 100 communities....for drugs/thugs.

    great job Mayor.

  6. Why are students still in class? This is outrageous, send everyone home. & let people know what the hell is going on.

  7. Thank E C I prison, someone gets incarcerated there the family moves here to be close for visits, then the inmate gets released and they all stay here. Most of the problems here on the shore come from the eastern shore and never go back.

  8. I am a Salisbury student. I take extreme offense to this. Every college town is dangerous.....there was a shooting there is only so much they can say without starting rumors

  9. 804 a bunch of us at the college are relocating next spring, the crime in this town is atrocious and if my parents would have done some better research I would never have come, but i guess when its so cheap you get what you pay for.

    1. "If my parents would have done better research"?? Aren't you a grown up you can't blame your parents you could have researched also. And there is danger everywhere I've lived here my whole life and there are plenty of good gigs about the area. Yes this was tragic but that's not all salisbury is.

  10. 8:04 I GUESS you must live in a bubble, I to am out of here Next Semester.

  11. I know it is really hard for readers here to not spread rumors and speculate but please lets let the facts be released before we start making crap up.

  12. Well, you're an adult...you should do your own research. Good luck finding another college town that doesn't have crime

  13. Welp see ya later.....

  14. This mayor,police chief,and council are a Joke, Thanks for keeping us safe at SU, Not.

  15. 819 is that u Mayor?

  16. 8:21 you have absolutely no idea what happened. So shut up.

  17. It might be a crime infested town, but Jim Ireton is:

    ← Keeping The River Clean, One Catch Basin At a Time

    Orange Route Unveiled From SU to Downtown Salisbury

    Posted on September 3, 2013

    Salisbury Mayor, James Ireton, Jr., and Salisbury University President, Janet Dudley-Eshbach, are pleased to announce the opening of the Orange Route bike lane from SU campus to Downtown Salisbury. A Press Conference will be held on September 5, 2013 at 3:00pm at the Center for International Education, located at the corner of Camden Avenue and College Avenue.

    “This year Salisbury University’s Sea Gull Century holds its 25th ride. As the host of one of the most popular cycling events in the Mid-Atlantic, we are delighted that the City and others are recognizing what visitors have been telling us for some time: This is a great area for biking. We hope these new lanes connecting the University, Peninsula Regional Medical Center and downtown eventually will continue out to other parts of the community, helping to bring us even closer together in a sustainable and healthy way,” said Salisbury University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach.

    In cooperation with SU and Bike-SBY, the City has worked diligently to make Salisbury a bike-friendly town for SU students and the citizens of Salisbury. The recent installation of ‘bury bike racks has welcomed cyclists to the downtown area. With the completion of the Orange Route, Salisbury will become more manageable, therefore allowing cyclists to maneuver through town with greater ease and public awareness. The Orange Route is just one of the proposed bicycle routes for Salisbury. The phasing map can be seen at http://bit.ly/15ck8Ca

    “I am excited to, yet again, unveil another example of the strong partnership between the City of Salisbury, Salisbury University, and the surrounding community. We are also deeply appreciative for the work of Bike-SBY and their commitment to sustainable living and transportation. The bike lanes not only are an example of a unified effort to further solidify the link between the University and the downtown core, but truly a sign of our joint desire to move Salisbury forward. We are especially thankful to Mayor Jim Ireton and Council President Day for their leadership, energy, and vision that have made this project possible,” said Robby Sheehan, Deputy Chief of Staff at Salisbury University.

    “The opening of this bike route represents an important moment for the City of Salisbury. This route will provide a vital transportation link, connecting our most important institutions and showing to our community that we are committed to sustainability. Just as important, this route also shows that private citizens and government can work together cooperatively to bring positive change. This 2-mile route represents the start of a future, integrated bike lane network for Salisbury. We look forward to a day when facilities like this are available throughout our community. We also look forward to a day when Salisbury is recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community. Becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community not only is important for our current citizens, but will help differentiate Salisbury in the eyes of newcomers, attracting more visitors, bringing new people to live here, and further stimulate and strengthen our economy,” said Matt Drew with Bike-SBY.

  18. Some logic finally!! No one knows. How can you point your finger to who is to blame? NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED.

  19. Every other day SOMETHING happens in this town when is the mayor and council going to take responsibility for this? let me guess when something happens in there Back Yard, keep raising taxes and NONE of it goes to policing and watch homeowners start moving OUT then you will just have the college , Nasty Purdue and the slums Keep up the SH/T work mayor.


  21. 8:19-Say whatever makes YOU feel good but everyone else knows the reality. For a city it's size Salisbury has a crime rate that is through the roof.
    Just off the top of my head Frostburg came to mind-a college town and low crime.

  22. All were students. Two males dead one female @ PRMC.

    Yet another reason you don't speculate before you know the facts.

    I really hope some of you folks rot in hell.

  23. The Homo Mayor is a joke the city council is a joke and the city of Salisbury is a joke. Most of the students that go to SU is because the school is a great overall but you have a do nothing mayor that lets all the bums and crazy people run the streets. Painting some damn signs on a dangerous highway is not my idea of a bike route. Who the heck in their right mind wants to ride on Rt13. Who wants to travel downtown nothing down there but a court house and lawyers offices. If you had the right leadership in this town Salisbury,Md would be a great place. The mayor must have had to lick alot of boots to win that all American award 2010. This town has really gone down hill over the years and will continue to get worse.

  24. 843 Mayor? whats your issue Crime is STILL a major issue in Salisbury, maybe you don't live in Slumsberry, worry about your own crib>

  25. has anyone here taken a second to think about the victims here and their poor familes? and take a minute to thank your lucky ass it wasnt you. it could have been any of us, at any place in the world. so take this opportunity to be thankful for every breath you take because two students wont be doing that ever again. lets just pray that the victim in surgery pulls through. prayers for the families.

  26. YUP Every year between 20/30 of us get Robbed in Salisbury by the college.....look it up.

  27. does anyone have REAL news? I live in the area and know NOTHING!

  28. I'm locked and laoded!

  29. does anyone know if suspect(s) are still at large? do neighbors need to have fear? should anyone be 'roaming' the local streets?

  30. I bet they got the gun from one of our local GANGS?

  31. While I am no fan of the mayor or the current admin and I think they are the epitome of incompetent, this crime doesn't appear to be random so they can not be blamed.

  32. i have lived here for over 10 years and it has steadly gone downhill big time. The amount of vagrants, homeless, unemployed--people just walking around looking for trouble has dramatically increased.

    Salisbury city is deteriorating and basically nothing can be done to stop it. 50% of the High School classes want nothing to do with Education..no activities, no sports... nothing

  33. blame it on the career firemen.

  34. I heard murder/suicide. Anyone else hear that?

  35. The mayor has nothing to do with some student who decides to shoot another male student and a female student. These comments are so over the top about who is responsible. The mayor can not stop this type of crime. Sounds like a love triangle! Guess we all will know soon enough.

  36. The first thing that Janet - Dudley Eshbach should do is remove those Leyland Cypress trees from the edge of the fence facing South Division Street. She should know that the darkness and cover invite crime. It is what is referred to in college as a no-brainer.

    Then - Salisbury/Wicomico has got to bring in some LEGITIMATE businesses as the only thing that is fueling things around Salisbury is the drug trade. Plain and simple - it is the economy folks!!!

  37. Typical dumbass college students. You take a horrible event and find a.way to make it all about you. Boo hoo life isnt fair. Boo hoo everybody owes me something.

  38. Rapes and robberies in that area - that is the MO of Onley Road. This is not the first occurence.

  39. kill over some chick?

  40. I swear, I have never witnessed as many homeless people in this vicinity and I have lived here all of my life.

    Drugs, crime, and prostitution is running rhampant throughout Salisbury and it has infected virtually every neighborhood and street.

  41. All I'm seeing is fools foaming at the mouth and talking alot but not really saying anything.

    2 Confirmed dead, not University Students, third, a female and student, injured.

  42. If it is a murder suicide then there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it. It sucks but the only 2 things that prevent crime are fear of incarceration or death. If you are going to kill yourself then there is nothing preventing you from committing any crime you want

  43. Anonymous said...
    blame it on the career firemen.

    September 3, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    We need more paramedics not paid firemen. What can "career firemen" do for gunshot victims? Nothing.

  44. As a mother my heart goes out to the parents of the dead. Pray that you will never get the call that they will tonight!

    1. Finally someone with a heart! I feel the same.We should be praying for those families involved, not playing politics.

  45. yeah i heard 1 male dead. Male shooter killed himself. Female just was transported to baltimore from prmc.

  46. It is a murder suicide. Shooter and 1 victim both males and both deceased. 2nd victim female fighting for her life. This is NOT the typical street crime. It IS a tragedy caused by a selfish individual. Get over the blame game and let's all pray hard for the young lady.

  47. Update: No Continuing Threat to Campus Community in Onley Road Investigation

    8:10 p.m.

    Update: The investigation thus far reveals that no continuing threat exists to the campus community. Authorities still ask that the Onley Road area be avoided as the investigation continues.

    7:45 p.m.

    Special Bulletin: Police are investigating a shooting in the area of Onley Road. Authorities ask that the area be avoided as the investigation continues. There is no further information to report at this time.

  48. Gangs, Drug king pins, prostitution, panhandlers, I have never seen Salisbury/Wicomico in such bad shape. Foreclosures everywhere, and copper getting ripped off so bad that even the heat pumps have to be chained down.

  49. Response to 9:13 - I agree, those trees need to come down and the sooner the better. They are actually growing through the chain link fence. And I ask myself, would I want my daughter walking home after dark down that sidewalk? Heck no - they need to come down as that invites crime.

  50. FUTURE REPUBLICAN MAYOR.September 3, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    It may be a love triangle, but the areas Around the college at night are Dangerous and our local THUGS feed on this and the MAYOR DOES NOTHING to keep and INCREASE the police presence and tenure.


  51. here, watch the press conference and everyone stop talking as if you know what happened or could have done something to stop it. two people DIED tonight. one of which is from this area and friends with close friends of mine and the female is a student here at SU. and even the shooter lost his life tonight. think about those familes who are never going to see their loved ones again and stop gossiping on here like immature idiots.

  52. Anonymous enough said...
    YUP Every year between 20/30 of us get Robbed in Salisbury by the college.....look it up.

    September 3, 2013 at 8:50 PM


  53. 909, Are you really that ignorant to say we need more paramedics? The "I know how to run a fire department mentality," Why don't you get the facts on the Salisbury FD. ALL career FIREMAN are a minimum of EMT's with others being certified to the Paramedic level. With the Fire Department running more and more medical calls allows a FIRE CHIEF to determine that we hire the minimum of a Firefighter EMT to run both fire and medical calls, a pretty crazy concept huh? Guess thats why we have professinals making the decisions and not the I know it all idiots like yourself!

  54. After reading these comments, this lifelong-Salisbury resident can see we have as much of an ignorance problem as a crime problem.

    1. Couldnt have said it any better myself....

    2. Ditto! The two go hand in hand.

  55. Daily Times is already doing damage control for the mayor! They mention in the article this is OUTSIDE city limits, so I'm sure he will be quick to do the same! Onley road and Halsey Dr are rough neighborhoods, in fact Salisbury is becoming one big Thug haven! Can't wait for those on the Left side of the aisle to scream more about gun control!

  56. Injured person is not at PRMC. She's been flown to Baltimore.

  57. 1007 why don't u leave ur door unlocked ....hypocrite.

  58. Onley rd may not be in the city but SU is and the police PRESENCE AROUND THE whole college iis a Joke...Thanx mayor

  59. it's all about the money

  60. Most all of the comments on here sicken me. I know one of the victims personally and none of the families involved need to see this kind of senseless talk from members of their own community. Have some common courtesy for the situation at hand. Not one person on here knows all of the facts, so can it and allow these people to mourn their loved ones.

  61. Where did he get the gun, from the Westside i bet.

    this town SUX thanX Democrats.

  62. The police are here to help and assist the general public with the after affects of bad decisions. Police do not raise your children/grandchildren, that is done at home. Everyone needs to do their due diligence to raise your own children to do the right things and know there are consequences when the rules are broken. I give credit to every man and woman who chooses to be in law enforcement. Your job is important yet thankless. Prayers to all involved...the families, community, university and law enforcement.

  63. Where was WBOC and the other station?This should have been breaking news!

  64. Another example of guns being too available to people who shouldn't have them.

  65. Yeah law enforcement is a thankless job, especially when it comes to the officers at and around SU. Thanks for nothing! Lot of good a MOU for patrolling the Only Rd area does!

  66. When is our sheriff going to take responsiblility.for Lack of patrols in the Area.

  67. Crime, foreclosures, homelessness and unemployment is a nation wide problem, Salisbury is just catching up. Welcome to the new world order.

  68. All these senseless comments make me sick! GET THE FACTS before FLAPPING YOUR LIPS/Punching keys on your keyboard! I know one of the victims and he was very kind and always lending a helping hand. He was only trying to help the girl and got shot! Why turn such a sad and tragic situation into a rumor mill? Why not pray for the family and friends of these victims and the shooters family. His actions do not represent that his family did not raise him properly; people make their own decisions to do whats right or wrong!

  69. Anonymous said...
    While I am no fan of the mayor or the current admin and I think they are the epitome of incompetent, this crime doesn't appear to be random so they can not be blamed.

    September 3, 2013 at 9:06 PM

    They are to blame. Four unrelated people lived in that house and the mayor is in the pockets of the slum lords. He is helping them by promoting a rental industry in this area.

  70. Anonymous said...
    The first thing that Janet - Dudley Eshbach should do is remove those Leyland Cypress trees from the edge of the fence facing South Division Street. She should know that the darkness and cover invite crime. It is what is referred to in college as a no-brainer.

    Then - Salisbury/Wicomico has got to bring in some LEGITIMATE businesses as the only thing that is fueling things around Salisbury is the drug trade. Plain and simple - it is the economy folks!!!

    September 3, 2013 at 9:13 PM

    I agree. Those trees are overgrown and there is no need for them to be there. They do nothing but invite crime.

  71. 10:05 PM in case you didn't know it there is a big difference in a paramedic and an EMT. Would you want a doctor operating on you or a tech?

  72. Anonymous said...
    Where did he get the gun, from the Westside i bet.

    this town SUX thanX Democrats.

    September 4, 2013 at 7:23 AM

    Who cares where he got the gun from. It's not against the law to own a gun and hopefully it never will be. I have owned guns all my life and I have never shot anyone.

  73. There is a BIGGER ISSUE here the LACK of police presence. Would it have mattered probably not BUT ANY KIND OF DETERANT could have slowed this down. Stopped it.BUT our lack of leadership in this town when it comes to business and safety IS ATROCIOUS and the mayor and sheriff and our council president DAY need to be called on the carpet for it.

  74. 921- Here we go with the PARAGOD crap- So they can push a few more drugs, wow- Last time I checked bleeding control, CPR and defibrillation with an AED is a basic skill and saves lives. Didn't know we did surgery in the field. I guess Salisbury needs to put doctors on the trucks next, maybe a mobile operating room...

  75. I heard that 4 were shot.Possibly the other one was not badly hurt and did not want further involvement?

  76. Easy the worst comments on sbynews to date.

  77. Why am i seeing the Sheriff on the front page of the Paper, Hey sheriff where are your patrols around SU.

  78. 10:02-It's early yet.

  79. While there should be an increased police presence, it would not have made a difference in this case. it was a domestic issue rather than a random crime. Shooter knew the victim(s) and was intent on doing harm.

  80. I am so ashamed of you some of you people. As a community we should be mourning the loss of 2 young lives and one that is forever changed.

    One of the dead is one of our own. Maybe you folks not born and raised here can't understand what that means.
    The other had some serious mental or anger issues that were not ever properly addressed.

    You all sit here all day bitching and complaining about everything that is wrong and do nothing but gripe about it. You do nothing to change it. If you are not working toward a change, you are part of the problem.

    You all should really be ashamed of yourselves and you make me sick. Go back to the "wonderful perfect place" you moved here from.

  81. now THE SADE DINER WAS ROBBED TOO ON SUNDAY what the hell is wrong with this mayor he needs to resign.

  82. I came here to attend Salisbury and graduated in May of 2012. I earned a degree in business management and I now live here and have a full time job at a well known business. I have some very successful, hard working relatives who live here and have met so many kind-hearted people from here, yet I am constantly having to defend my decision to stay in Salisbury to live and work because of the reputation this city has. It truly pisses me off when I get on this website and see some of these COMPLETELY IGNORANT comments. It makes me second guess my decision of attempting to make this place my home.

    You people are the reason that so many young professionals like myself come here to attend Salisbury and end up running away screaming for our lives and careers because we're surrounded by idiots. You wanna bitch and moan about how Salisbury is going downhill? About how it's the police's fault? This was a tragic situation that occurred behind closed doors and no amount of police activity could have prevented it. CJ Abbott is a mutual friend of mine and he died trying to save that girl's life and will be an absolute hero if she lives. Let's focus on the lives of the friends and loved ones that will forever be affected by this heinous act of violence and stupidity.

    I agree, Salisbury has some shitty leadership running this town and the decisions being made at the top do not reflect the wants and needs of those at the bottom. But please, you're making yourself look horrible with the comments on here. I really wish I could look on here and see more posts about uplifting the city of Salisbury (Joe I think you do a great job), but more than half the time, it's just empty complaints from people who have nothing better to do. If the comments on this website reflect the morals of the people in this city, do I really want to live here and pay taxes that contribute to you scumbags? Nah, I'll take my knowledge and money elsewhere when the opportunity arises.

  83. Anonymous said...
    Another example of guns being too available to people who shouldn't have them.

    September 4, 2013 at 8:28 AM

    Cars are available to people who shouldn't have them.

    Knives are available to people who shouldn't have them.

    Hammers are available to people who shouldn't have them.

    Pencils are available to people who shouldn't have them.

    Computers are available to people who shouldn't have them.

  84. Was Salisbury State College Security anywhere around? Don't those security guards have guns and police cars?

  85. 1147 go back in your Oscama Cave.

  86. 11:17 don't forget KIDS lol


  87. They are to blame. Four unrelated people lived in that house and the mayor is in the pockets of the slum lords. He is helping them by promoting a rental industry in this area.

    September 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM
    This a stupid unrelated statement. The shooter and one of the victims were not residents of the house. The student and shooter were from Stevensville so he probably got the gun there.

  88. we live in a count development where there are 2 homes in the county, rented by slum lords. they put ssu students in them. last year, the four girls next to us, hated each other by years end, and were stuck in the lease, but fighting constantly, and were gone a week before graduation. they hated each other, and the neighborhood was fed up with them.
    this year it's already the same in one of the two houses. and they have till next May, to fight it out between them.
    blame the slum lords for doing this, and the county council for no regulation.
    4 people who do not know each other, in 3 bedroom, 2 bath houses, and the den as the 4th bedroom. it just makes for trouble.
    not only do they end up fighting between themselves, but the neighborhood does everything possible to make them miserable as possible. they do not belong. they have no respect. you can't put a bunch of beer drinking college students, that can't get along with each other, in a family neighborhood.
    expect this all to get worse.

  89. Even though this has been up for a few days, I felt compelled to post a comment. This was not a random act of violence. This was domestic violence in which Kristen Loetz was being stalked. This was also not a "love triangle." C. J. was good friends with Kristen and stepped in to protect her when her ex boyfriend broke into her home. Both of my sons were friends with C. J. and he was a kind hearted, hard working individual who gave his life to protect a friend. C. J. is a true hero. My heart breaks for his family, his friends,and everyone who knew C. J. Please, instead of posting negative comments, take a minute and think about how this community would be if we had more kids like C. J. and Kristen. Also, if anyone prays, please pray for the families of C. J. and Kristen, as well as the family of Ryan Shallue. They are devastated as well.

  90. Can we not post old items for everyone to get angry about? there should be a time limit on this type of news. thank you

  91. If Joe was elected MAYOR, this crime would STOP.

  92. Gay dem mayor ...Isn't that Special.

  93. 12:45 PM you can't get anyone is Salisbury to vote, to busy bitching on the blogs.

  94. Responding To 12:01 PM Comment -
    Can we not post old items for everyone to get anry about?

    Response - not until such time as those leyland cyress trees are removed from the streetline on S Division street so as to help diminish the crime wave that has swept over that area. Darkness, obstructed views, are not a deterent for the crime wave that has plagued this area. We need people to come forward and demand that this area be cleaned up.

  95. Tired of hitting my brakesSeptember 8, 2013 at 5:23 PM

    They need to Close up Salisbury GEESE University; where kiddies walk out in front of moving traffic like GEESE do.

  96. Joe I just did a property search on this house and it shows the owner to be John Thompson is the property owner and this is his principal residence. Sounds to me like he hasn't registered this house as a rental property and is renting it out to 4 college students. I wonder if this is legal?

    Owner Information

    Owner Name: THOMPSON JOHN
    Principal Residence: RESIDENTIAL
    Mailing Address: 139 ONLEY RD
    SALISBURY MD 21804- Deed Reference: 1) /03351/ 00384

  97. Ray Wisniewski said...
    Can we not post old items for everyone to get angry about? there should be a time limit on this type of news. thank you

    September 8, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    If you don't like how Mr. Albero runs his blog I suggest you don't read it. What business is it of yours anyway!

  98. 10:29, That was a lovely post. I do not know the families, but they will all be in my prayers. We do need more kids like CJ in Salisbury from what you and others who knew this young man have said.


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