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Sunday, September 29, 2013


The Baltimore County State’s Attorney is reportedly dropping all charges against Robert Small, the Maryland parent who was arrested after speaking out against Common Core at a public meeting last week.

Small was forcibly removed from the public forum in Towson, Md., and charged with second degree assault of a police officer and disturbing a school operation. If convicted, he faced more than 10 years in jail.

State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger told WBAL Radio that it was “clear that Mr. Small violated the rules of the meeting and disrupted the meeting.” Further, Shellenberger defended the arrest and resulting charges.



  1. The police officer should be federally charged and arrested for violating Mr. Small's civil rights as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Have we had enough yet?????

  2. It's clear they didn't want to get in to a "First Amendment" fight!

  3. Yes! NOW, charges MUST be brought on the moonlighting mercenary!
    Aggravated Assault, kidnapping, illegal detention as well as a plethora of civil rights violations.

  4. bla..bla..blaa, the guy was acting like a petulant child. Should have given him a good spanking instead.

  5. 12:21 you are a sheep...baa, baa, baa!

  6. I saw in the paper the OC council had a lady removed from a meeting by a cop because she dared to clap after a citizen spoke.

  7. Wow 12:21 have they ever succeeded in pulling the wool over your eyes so to speak. You need to wake up!
    This meeting was of the kind where audience participation consisted of writing questions down and submitting them to the officials.
    All that accomplishes is the officials having a chance to pick and choose questions they feel like answering or having time to think up a lie or an excuse in response.
    This shows a father who truly cares about his children and isn't just going through the motions like 99.9% of parents. He wasn't going to let his concerns get buried away for the sake of so called "decorum" like the rest of you sheep who follow along so blindly.

  8. Hmmm. Like always, it just isn't the police hammering the citizens. The judges and States Attorneys are right there with them. "...it was clear he violated the rules...", huh? You mean the one that said our public SERVANTS get to tell us what questions they will be kind enough to answer? They forget their place. But like cops who clear all dissenters and citizens who question them with charges of "obstruction" or "hindering" or "failure to comply" (KNOWING the charge is BS, but you still get taken away), the net effect is no one gets to challenge authority. The charge gets dropped. Suppression of dissent (and our RIGHT to question public MASTERS) is still accomplished. ALL of these Nazi wanna-be's have forgotten their place. If they ever even KNEW their place....

  9. Mr Small should be in jail after apologizing to the police for acting like a fool.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mr Small should be in jail after apologizing to the police for acting like a fool.

    September 24, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    If people were sent to jail for acting like a fool, YOU would get life.

  11. 12:48, that nearly happened in Salisbury years ago for the same reason. Mike Dunn was going to throw people out for clapping. When Terry Cohen was president and didn't do that to people, who stood up to lead everyone in a standing ovation for the Grandstanding Mitchell Woman? The Hypo-Crite Dunn, of course!

  12. Further evidence that law enforcement is going to bring this once great nation down.

  13. Anonymous ginn said...
    Further evidence that law enforcement is going to bring this once great nation down.

    September 24, 2013 at 9:46 PM

    They don't have the intelligence or the power to do that alone.

    BUT, they certainly are helping bring it down.

    There has been one explosion at a police station in Columbus Ohio tonight.

    May many more follow.


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