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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 9-18-13

FIVE YEARS ago it took less than five days for Somerset County Officials and the Sheriff's Office to hold a "special meeting" and decide to unlawfully suspend Deputy James "Troy" Durham and have none other than Sheriff Jones investigate the grievance that he himself was named in after Durham filed a legitimate grievance with Somerset County detailing the unlawful incidents with documented evidence of abuse of power and cover-up that had occurred in the Somerset County Sheriff's Office on August 29, 2008. Durham's suspension and the "investigation" by the Somerset County Sheriff's Office led to Durham's unlawful termination by Sheriff Jones on September 17, 2009.
(see attached letter/evidence -- public information)

The Courts ruled that Durham's termination was "unlawful, unconstitutional, arbitrary and capricious" and based upon the facts, documentation and evidence, it was proven that Durham did the right thing by reporting "serious police misconduct and breach of the public trust to the government and to the PRESS"

Today, September 17, 2013 marks ONE YEAR since Deputy James "Troy" Durham's court-ordered return to the Somerset County Sheriff's Office.

Despite court orders, Somerset County and the Sheriff's Department have continued to withhold Durham's back pay and benefits for the length of time he was unlawfully terminated (Sept 17, 2009- Sept 17,2012).

Three of the five named in Durham's grievance are still working at the Somerset County Sheriff's Office and have received promotions : SGT Les Tyler, Detective George Nelson and Detective "Renny" Miles;
Sheriff Robert "Bobby" Jones is still the elected Sheriff of Somerset County, and one person named in the grievance chose an early retirement.

There are pending lawsuits filed by Durham's Attorney, Howard Hoffman including but not limited to a $5 million Federal lawsuit (1: 2010 CV 02757 WMN) against Somerset County Sheriff Robert "Bobby" Jones (in his official capacity); the Somerset County Government and Commissioners; and any others to be named in future depositions for collaborating and conspiring to unlawfully terminate Durham and for the continuing retaliation.


  1. And if Durham was black he would've had the money by now!

  2. How is it the retired deputy is not part of the lawsuit? Can he be be excluded by retiring? I don't think so. He maybe the most important one the action.

  3. @10:17 AM -- I think you're right and I betcha that's why the attorney for Troy left the lawsuit "open" to add more people! Who do you think all them good ol' boys are gonna be pointing at?
    Each other! Time for the whole county to own up, back down, pay up and get out!

  4. 12:37, That's a fact for sure!

  5. There is not one official down there that even tried to do the right thing for this deputy and this will cost the county taxpayers dearly in payments and soaring insurance costs (LGIT). It's just not a lack of accountability, it's also a lack of decency and common sense. Let's face it, one family dominates the politics in this county and can anyone please demonstrate or illustrate any good or progress for this county that was a direct result of this family's strong arm domination??? The sheriff makes a mockery of the rule of law but then again one wonders why a sheriff such as this was allowed to continue to serve in light of known personal problems that seriously impaired his ability to serve? Just when is there an end to inter-agency professional courtesy?

  6. Don't know any of those involved, but clearly the elected and appointed leaders are in contempt of court and subject to an array of penalties.

    Hope his lawyer seeks to attach the pensions of those responsible as well as their personal property.

  7. Thank you to whoever wrote this, and thank you Joe for posting it!
    All those"officials" who think they're all high and mighty and above the law (cuz they have been for generations) better stop and realize that us everyday folks are smarter than we used to be and we know when it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quack likes a duck it ain't nothing else but...
    So how come that Sheriff Jones is still allowed to be there anyway?
    And God bless that deputy he should run for sheriff next election


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