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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

$250,000 Fine For Using The N-Word

Federal jury rules it's illegal to use the N-word while at work even if you're black

New York City non-profit founder Robert Carmona must pay his former employee and fellow African-American Brandi Johnson $250,000 for using the N-word.



  1. If you read the article, it's clear there's a little bit more to it than the use of the n-word

  2. If this precedent is upheld, watch for millions of frivolous lawsuits. The tv program with George Jackson will be one of the first to get it.

  3. There is no longer any freedom of speech?

  4. how can one word be made illegal? obviouslythe supreme court has nothing to do and allday to do it. thanks sjd

  5. so much for freedom of speech.

  6. Soon it shall be unlawful to speak the truth on any subject. The Government wants you to join them in Political Correctness. A term used by liberals to hide the truth.


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