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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wicomico County Is No. 1 In Real Estate Foreclosures

We've been warning you for YEARS now. All of a sudden the Daily Times, (Jeremy Cox) finally produced an article that follows all of our red flags on unemployment and foreclosures.

Here's what bothers me though. Why does the main stream media wait until it's too late?

For many months now we have been sharing, (specifically Wicomico County) unemployment rates while the MSM simply publishes press releases from the County saying how great things are here. 

During my campaign, I tried like there's no tomorrow sharing just how desperate things are here. More importantly I shared how to resolve the problem. Jim Ireton put in a kiosk in the foyer of the GOB implying how the City was going to make the process of opening a business easier. Well, where's the follow up article? Is the kiosk still there and is someone manning it?

I feel the responsibility of a newspaper, (of which YOU pay good money for) is here to inform you. They are to keep you ahead of such downfalls and or call it out for what it is and NOT wait for a local Blog to push the issue so far that they finally feel compelled to expose it.  

The story they provided HERE is just ONE example of thousands in Wicomico County. Your Mayor and County Executive are NOT mentioned in this article and I believe Mr. Cox failed you by not including them. Their opinion and explanation and vision of how to resolve an issue they have so desperately attempted to hide is irresponsible. 

The answer to this massive problem is JOBS! How do you create jobs, well, you don't sit on your rear end waiting for business opportunities to fall into your lap. You take the time to pressure your Governor, Congressmen, Senators, Delegates to encourage the Eastern Shore as a great destination to open or relocate a business. You take the time to go to other communities with a packet showing the advantages of relocating here to Wicomico County. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, this is one of the most serious issues that has ever hit our communities. Your leadership is NOT pro active. They cannot speak the language because they have NEVER been in the private sector. You mark my words, this is the beginning of the end for the Eastern Shore. Yes, it is that bad. It's time for some new leadership, period. Do NOT wait until it is too late. We have depended on these people for far too long. You have elected a School Teacher with no business background. Council Members who have filed bankruptcy, living off food stamps and basically YOUR tax dollars. Your taxes have gone UP while your property values have come down. ARE YOU STILL ASLEEP or will you finally take the bull by the horns and finally admit you've made some serious mistakes.

We at Salisbury News have done everything in our powers to WAKE YOU UP. 


  1. I am awake and have been, thank you. It is not only jobs but related to that is the fact that we are taxed into poverty. When I moved the last time I made a big mistake, I stayed here!!!!!!!!

  2. What!No,it can't be with all the progress we hear about.

  3. Wicomico County is the armpit of Maryland. Ask how Wicomico County is TRULY viewed in Annapolis. We are the magnet for the thugs and freeloaders. The City is a hub of low rent houses which further attracts these people.

    No decent jobs - including low wages at the PRMC compared to other health care agencies - we are circling the drain. Those who can move out without losing their shirts by selling in this pitiful market - should do it!!!!!

  4. I don't know what I would DO without getting the TRUTH from sbynews. You won that election, JOE. We all KNOW you did.

  5. Living here makes me feel hopeless and unsafe. I recently lost my job. I feel if I stay here I am destined to a life of poverty.

  6. We need to get Joe in there before its to late.

  7. I have lived here all my life and as I watched the McMansions being build all over the county I questioned where all the money was coming from. There were simply not that many high paying jobs locally. I love living here... but I fear what we are coming to. I have lived within my means and am comfortable but see that as all over the country things are falling apart and so is our little hub of the world. It is not the place where you live...it is the peace within you.

  8. With a situation like this and with Wicomico having the highest foreclosure rate what does the Republican majority council do but increase our property taxes by 8%. I struggle to pay our bills every month and now an increase for my property that has decreased in value. Wake up elected officials and just say NO to those who want to continue to raise our taxes.

  9. Once again you've overestimated the local intellect.

  10. Until we put restrictions or requirements on welfare, food stamps, Obama phones, etc., most people do not want to work and contribute to our society. Our elected officials, including our President, play and speak to these people because although they can not work they can VOTE. Our elected official do not care about the working class. As long as they take our taxes and give it to these deadbeats who will keep them in office, the working man is out there alone. God help us!!

  11. Even if you want to get out, you probably can't sell your house. With the bad economy these last few years, a lot of homeowners were not in a position to upgrade or keep their property in tip-top shape. So now if you want to sell it, no one will want to buy it.

  12. Don't buy a house you cant afford. Americans are so stupid.

  13. The people who are awake are the slum lords, most of those who rent & anyone else whose main reason for voting is self interest. What will it take for those who can really make a difference to get off their butts & vote?

  14. I agree with 9:34 AM Posting - I believe the election was rigged. As a frequent writer and contributor for SBYnews I contend the Mayoral election was tainted. There is no way a community would continue to put people in office that reflects an abysmal economic track record as such that is currently being exhibited throughout Wicomico County and Salisbury.

    We are not making this stuff up folks. . . all of the employment data was extracted from the government's own reporting agencies.

  15. Joe - this is one of the best articles you have ever written. I could not agree with you more as I to am a lifelong resident of Wicomico County. We are being overly taxed amid governments ever increased spending and this situation cannot continue.

  16. I also saw the article on today's front page of The Daily Times and thought to myself, DA, SBYnews has been providing comprehensive coverage of the local economic activity like no tomorrow.

    Why is it only now, that The Daily Times decides to grapple with a problem that has been manifesting for over 6 years or at least since the 2008 recession.

  17. Great Reporting. This really hits close to home because my 3 kids are all having to live with me despite one of them just turning 30.

  18. 10:25 Beezer. How dare you accuse the Election Office of rigging an election without any proof of it. These are fine people who work there and they are upstanding citizens. Show me the proof and not your own opinion on this. If not, then just shut your mouth about the election being rigged.

  19. What is so compelling is that even the DT is now reporting disheartening information on our local economy. What gives? Talk about a horse of a different color, the DT is starting to report the most obvious news or observations surrounding our local economy. Even they recognize a coming change of guard.

  20. The wicomico local income tax rate was recently raised to 3.1% the maximum allowed per state law. This is not a laughing matter.

  21. I wasn't that impressed by the article. It was short on details. The example that was provided (a couple who lost their home because the husband became ill and could not work) did not support the premise that the foreclosures were occurring due to a bad economy/lack of decent jobs. Finally, the headline says "Repossessions soar in Maryland," which made it sound as if people couldn't make their car payments. i don't think that word catches the eye the way "foreclosure" does.

    I'm glad that the article was published, but it mostly restates information that the national media put out earlier in the week.

    oh yeah...and who did the developers think was going to buy a bunch of $250,000 houses around here where the average person makes $10-12 an hour? I wondered about that myself.

  22. Nice written article. I just hope our some of our elected officials are reading this nice publishing piece.

  23. 11:07am And your point is???

  24. 9:53 must be living in one of those posh neighborhoods. Or they are naïve. Come stay at my place on the edge of the ghetto and lets see how much peace is inside you.

  25. ref. 11:24 - OVERTAXED - get it

  26. 11:29am How do you know if you are overtaxed or not.? Just cause you say you are dose not mean you are.

  27. Daily Slime put a BIG front page article about home sales being up 10%.

    Then they do this foreclosure piece with a tiny space on the front page.

    Still biased media.

  28. It is not just a problem for Salisbury, but the entire Eastern Shore. There are no decent paying Jobs and few full time jobs.
    According to a nation survey, the two top employers in the nation are Walmart and Besttemps! It's not just the Shore, Western Maryland is also suffering just like us! Maryland government also looks down on them! Delmarva is it's own region and we need to separate from Maryland. Same for Western MD. They need either join with West Virginia or Virgina. Neither region is helped by being connected with Maryland State Government! Personally I feel we would be better off and our tax base would also improve!

  29. 12:09
    I think we should leave Eastern and Western Maryland alone. Let DC take on the few counties in Maryland that seem to vote the same way DC does.

  30. We are a low income housing nation.
    We are now totally dependent on government assistance. It's way too late.
    Obama has succeeded in his quest to make this a muslim , communist and socialist nation.
    He is satan and has many followers including most of the city council and county council. He knows that money can sway peoples minds.
    Good luck people , you voted these idiots in , now live with it. I will survive , I have all the means to do it , if I need anything I will get it.
    It's called survival of the fittest .

  31. Scott, I am not sure where you're get your data from. I attended an employment seminar and was told that West MD was doing fine. Us not so much. Besttemps a top employer nationally? what are you smoking? they are a small regional temp agency.
    Delmarva is made up of 3 states honey, I don't think VA, DE and WVA want us. but basically you are saying we should abolish the state? Put the drugs down and back away from the net before you hurt yourself.

  32. Ireton is just doing another political chest puffing.

    He's up against a free speech issue.

    I actually agree with his stance on this. That sign is yet another contribution to Salisbury's seediness. But a guy with a reputation like his of having sex on a public beach and exposing himself to women in a restaurant bathroom screams hypocrisy. The gayness is not the issue. Those actions are bad behavior in the straight world, too.

  33. 11:26... No I don't live in an upscale neighborhood.. I live within my means. I am very content with where I am and it is paid in full. That is peace!

  34. We need some serious business minded people in our local city and county governments. Liberal Democratic leadership will take us down the same path as Detroit. Our local area with all of its problems still has a few nice attributes compared to other places. Apathy has been the biggest problem for SBY and the surrounding area for a while now. The last election for mayor was an example. I know every home owner was not there, they would have never voted for a tax and spend liberal that will only suck more taxes out of them to give to his low information live-off-the system voter base.

  35. I see we can add Chesapeake Truss to the list of closed businesses.

  36. 9:23 - No decent jobs...especially when you factor in the recent decline @ Perdue too!

    They had a couple of layoffs within the past two years and have not recovered!

  37. My house was worth $265.000 now its worth $199.000 this COUNTY Fn SUX.

  38. Remember only four members of the Wicomico County Council voted for the 8% tax increase, Matt Hollaway, Stevie Prettyman, Sherre Sample- Hughes and John Hall. Bob Culver, Joe Hollaway and Gail Barkovitch voted no. Send the three Rinos packing next year.

  39. The Eastern Shore has been known as a conservative area forever. My question is why would the taxpayers keep electing liberals like Pollitt and Ireton. It is time for change people and we need to start with the Republicans who are running this show. WE need electable Republicans to lead this county in a more conservative way. That's all.

  40. The eastern shore is a mess that has been in the making for decades. The lack of real progress has really now come to light. There are a lot of issues at the heart of the problem. The decent jobs that left, the lack of new companies that create good paying jobs,and the lack of people. The eastern shore has depended on tourism and farming to keep it afloat. Farming has long been in s decline and everyone knows you don't get rich by doing it. Tourism has declined as the area doesn't offer anything new and what is here is looking tired. I have just recently moved away and it was just in time. Joe Albero may be a decent person but he isn't going to save the eastern shore from itself.

  41. Debbie Campbell was talking about this and trying to get the Mayor and as log back as Mike Dun and Louise Smith to work with her. They are petty and hated her more than they could embrace someone who is a smart as she is about these things. Now, years later , here we are.

  42. Isn't jobs the reason we elected Andy Harris?

  43. dittos 1:51. we must replace the rinos. they are useless. they continue to damage and destroy our county. what good have they done???? nothing but raise our taxes and fees (another word for taxes) and make more choking, killing, smothering regulations.

    really???? stop this horrible nightmare. get rid of these people who are so blind and clueless.

  44. Responding 2:30 Posting

    And thanks to SBYnews for making the local job conditions come to light. It is high time for the people to get involved and try to improve the economic mess. First order of business is to remove some of the obstructionist and replace them based on their record. Now that a light has been shined on these conditions - it should be an opportune time to showcase some new talent.

  45. There is some really good commentary here. This is one of the primary reasons I always go to Salisbury News.

    Great coverage, I hope that all of Salisbury and Wicomico are chiming-in as this is the most extensive local media coverage that I have seen to date.

  46. Most of Wicomico residents, and Worcester are now reliant on social programs in order to exist. This is not good for any economy and it will eventualy fail. You are witnessing it first hand with the high foreclosure rate, and, exodus of businesses. About the only thing left to do is put your hand out and hope for more assistance out of Annapolis and Washington. I have been seeing more curbside panhandlers than ever before and it looks to be getting worse.

  47. "There is no way a community would continue to put people in office that reflects an abysmal economic track record "

    Beezer! Of course they will. Where were you during the last presidential election?

  48. 1:51pm You are entirely wrong. The 8% tax increase was approved by all seven members of the council. Check it out for yourself. I was at that meeting and yes, all seven voted to increase the taxes. I think you are confusing the passage of the budget with raising of the taxes. So, I say, let's throw all of them out.

  49. The economic mess on the shore is going to be hard to fix. The farms don't create good paying jobs. Companies look for several things that the eastern shore just doesn't have. Were you have lots of people you generally have good jobs, schools,ect. There are more farms than people here. The beaches could attract more people but they have to be clean,fresh, and affordable. There is a lot of competition from surrounding area beaches so OC can no longer rely on just the fact it's there. It's up to those business owners to make that difference and for now they aren't . OCs reputation isn't great anymore and if it doesn't change soon it will be too late. I moved to the eastern shore in 2005 after living here briefly before thinking it would be a great place for our family. We just recently moved away for good realizing the area is truly failing. We do miss the area but we will never return.

  50. Those commenting on Council are so right...Prettyman and Hall are puppets of the Executive. Hall can't think without out asking Gary Mackes what to do...Prettyman is easily managed by letting her think she is important. It is all about stroking her ego. it is hilarious to watch Strasberg and Mackes work the two of them. Matt Holloway has come under their spell too. He is a disappointment. Whoever posted they need to go is correct. Bob and Joe can be obnoxious, but at least they have a backbone and recently have been making a lot of good decisions and really looking out for the county. Gail thinks things through and doesn't seem to be caught up in the games...good for her.

  51. It could be better here.I was down in Newberry,SC 2 weeks ago and for 10,000 population they have 15 factories like Cat,Komatsu,Kis tire,etc so what are they doing right?

  52. When will the peasants have had enough? When the revenue stops flowing in my situation will be nothing to do but steal from the rich. Look out you noble elitists.

  53. take a look at drudgereport.com today and see all the cities who are having trouble with the citizens regarding poor living conditions and not enough money to make ends meet. if you think for one minute we are exempt, you are sadly mistaken.

    unfortunately, with the leadership we have had and currently have (i'm speaking of the liberals and the rinos) we will see this in our area very soon. i'm also speaking of the unrest and increasing crime coming our way because of their lack of understanding how economics truly works.

    does the word Detroit, Oakland, Chicago, Baltimore and many others ring a bell. laugh if you may, but this could happen here as well. just sayin'.

  54. Re: 4:04

    There is simply not much opportunity here. If it wasn't for the enormous rainfall this summer, I doubt I could make it in the grass cutting business. Even the grass industry is effected as my prices I charge for cutting grass are less this year although my expenses are more.

    Many of my friends suggest for me to apply for the bright orange card and forget the grass business. But something in me tells me otherwise and I'm trying to stick it out hoping something better will come about. It really is frustrating in an environment like wicomico where so many are on the public dole.

  55. To 7:29 - Regarding prices - there is alot of cut-throating going on in this county. Even in the red light district prices are being slashed.

  56. Holloway, Hall and Prettyman are an embarrassment and disappointment to the Republican voters of Wicomico County. They continue to contribute to a depressed county economy by participating in and approving of an expanding local government that is becoming more costly and burdensome to the County taxpayer each year.
    The only saving grace is the Revenue Cap, however, they continue to push it to max.
    These RINOS must go folks!

  57. Worcester County plus Sussex County are filled with glee as Wicomico implodes into a black hole!

  58. This place is dying. Good paying jobs are all gone. There are more restaurants in this area then people who can afford to eat there. There are more criminal elements in this area due to detention center, state jails and juvenile facilities. Drug infestation. Young folks go to school in this after. But after graduation, they leave and stay away. And, you people keep electing the same political folks who care nothing about this community. It's the resident faults. You people saw this coming and did nothing. You people we're warned about this people and did nothing. The PEOPLE F'ed up. Now you all deal with the mess you created. I'm so out of this area. I truly can't wait to leave this Eastern Shore or good. Good luck to you PEOPLE. You all our gonna need it. Go play in O.C. Soon you might be able to afford to go to O.C.

  59. I agree with 10:06. There is no coming back from this.

  60. From visiting other areas around the country it seems to me there is powerful people standing in the way of progress here.Maybe they want it to stay the way it is.

  61. This is so funny. Republicans bashing Republicans. Go Democrats!!!!! And, the election is right away the corner. Out with the Republicans.Thanks for the help.

  62. Yeah! Number 1 baby!!! Woohoo... take that world!!!


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