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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wicomico County Board Of Education GONE WILD!!!

Yesterday's article about not allowing certain children into the Pre-K Program into Schools is just the tip of the iceberg.

Were you aware that Wicomico County donated $600,000.00 of your taxes ABOVE AND BEYOND  the maintenance of effort this year?

Do you know what the Wicomico County Board of Education did with those funds ALREADY?

They have gone into the School Bus business. They purchased five brand new buses and I'm sure you'll agree with me, this is just the beginning of the end for independent bus owners/drivers. 

Now the Board claims they bought them to take on some of the routes the current contractors claim they can't make any money on. Yet we've seen them cut back on these contractors for years now and get this, the BOE has opened a new position and they have hired a new Manager to handle these bus routes. 

Why can't they rearrange each route to make it affordable for the independent contractors to make a few bucks, because they want to ultimately eliminate them.

On another story, are you familiar with the food program where underprivileged children get free or reduced meals in the County. Well get this. This year they have added what they call the "2nd Language Student Program". If english is your second language, you get free or reduced meals no matter your income.

So let's say Dr. Onfelie Bonebelly has a child attending school in Wicomico County and he makes a million dollars a year. His child immediately falls into the 2nd Language Program and gets free or reduced meals. Talk about LIBERALS completely screwing with YOUR tax dollars!

As if it isn't bad enough that WE tax abiding citizens are discriminated against in which our children are not allowed to attend Pre-K because those NON TAX paying citizens on welfare, food stamps and affordable housing, (as if we don't provide enough already) are getting more advantages than those of us who DO pay. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, IT IS TIME YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE! It's time you get rid of the leadership in Salisbury and Wicomico County. Enough is Enough!


  1. Dr. Onfelie Bonebelly would send his children to a private school and not expose them to what our public school system has very sadly become.

  2. Where are you Dr. Frederickson? You got some splainin' to do!!!! ( in the voice of Ricky Ricardo)

  3. I appreciate this website.I personally would not have known of this issue if I had not read it here.

  4. How's that integration experiment thing working out?

  5. The people have said continually that we want an elected school board but Ricky and Norm say NO. When the council wanted it to be put on the ballot they wouldn't even allow that because they know how the vote would come down. When will we get sick a tired of being told NO to our wishes? It is time for a real upset in the election. 2014 can't come fast enough.

  6. Its not the Board of ED decision for this to happen, is part of the Obama sequestering, it is national. Head Start is cut all over the USA.

  7. I overheard a conversation talking about the "manager" the BOE hired. I heard a man say the person they hired "wasn't even near qualified". The man said "she couldn't pass the pretrip inspection on the same buses she is managing".

  8. Cut the whole program if every kid can't participate.

  9. From my understanding the Board in Wicomico is not elected, but appointed, so voting won't do jack, sadly.

  10. If you had won that election, JOE would have STOPPED this.

  11. Do away with busing altogether. This is 2013, not 1930 and we are a much more mobile society. Why does a Jr. High student off of Civic Ave need to take a bus to school. How many families have two cars. How many families are leaving the neighborhood and driving right past the school.

  12. The central office will always say they've cut positions. Somebody needs to ask for a list of the ones they've added and/renamed in the past six years.

    1. Or they run the employees out with threats or false pretenses. Such a joke.

  13. 3:09pm Sorry Charlie. If Joe had won the election, Joe would not have a say in the Public School System.

  14. I haven't seen any ads for drivers and I check their openings every day.

  15. Keep electing OMalley's Obama's and OPollitt's and see what you get.

  16. Is it me or are Police Officers writing more tickets with fines, along with the cameras raking in the money, the Wicomico County should be fine. All of this extra money will pay for these items.
    "Our fine system at work"

  17. Those of us who supported the budget did not understand we were getting money for buses and another position at the central office. Fooled us again.

  18. I had a high ranking BOE official tell me that at Prince Street school a large majority of children being educated were hispanic and their parents were illegals. He informed me that if the public really knew the numbers of illegal aliens that were being educated on the taxpayers dime here in Wicomico county that they would flip their lid.

    I say let the cat out of the bag - and expose this fraud for what it is - flat out fraud.

  19. Maybe put that money into cleaner, healthier school conditions. This county is ridiculous and the board needs so serious reworking. Tired of their bullying ways and pole up thier butt attitudes. Some great teachers and students suffer bc of how careless and cockey they are.

  20. It is just as bad in Delaware.
    Georgetown, Seaford, Laurel, Delmar
    they are all full of illegals on our dime. Wake up !!

  21. Gotta leave this place of greedy idiots running this state.. county.n city..they are morons ...top heavy orgs that do nothing but suck up funds for illegal welfare generations of useless leeches... screw the chumps who struggle to survive

  22. 2:16 the board is appointed but the council asked the legislators for legislation to put it on the ballot for the people to decide if it should continue as an appointed board or elected. Ricky would not give his nod and it went no where. That's one reason why Ricky needs to go home in 2014. He plays politics all the time.

  23. I attended many budget meetings. Did I miss the part about buying buses and hiring yet another employee for the central office? Elementary reading and math intervention teachers' positions were reduced but buses were bought? Isn't there a portable at the BOE being converted to a conference center when there are elementary schools where music is taught on the stage due to lack of space?

  24. Lets put it out there! How many people anonymous or not are willing to say on this blog that them and their families will attend the next County Council meeting? Because you can bet on this......... Many if not all of our county leaders are reading these comments and when that council meeting night comes and no one shows up, they will say " see, those people who were complaining didn't even care enough to show up to a free meeting". Then we will be laughed at and yes I said laughed at by our leaders and I couldn't blam them. I hope you bloggers prove me wrong.

  25. Education ...social secuity..welfare..medicare all government run scams.. a better racket going then the sopranos..in constant need of funding infusions...all on the verge of collaspe..due to abuse and theft from political PIGS from all parties...illegal offspring..welfare queens thier 20 illegitimate offspring...leeches and a whole slew of undeserving slugs...who have not contributed one dime...our illegal government supports and encourages this behavior.they abuse thier power and suck the working middle class dry..Why do i have to work everyday abide by the laws and get screwed when my kids my family just on the edge of poverty suffer and criminals.illegals..lazy welfare moms get help..just simply amazing how screwed up these politicans are ..this grand libtard experiment has failed the policies have resulted in our current mess..no money to help the americans who work hard and do right..we are the ones getting screwed...i will vote every bum out...i want to see SCHOOL VOUCHERS on the ballot along with an elected school board to gain control of our money back ....were do i sign the petition!!!!!

  26. I know parents that let there kids get on the bus when they live ACROSS the street from the School? lazy ASS Parents.

  27. Its only going to get WORSE until we get JOE in there.

  28. Why does a 4 year old need to be in school anyway? Pre K is just a baby sitting service for those that don't want to be bothered raising their own kids. Shut the whole damned thing down and send all the kids home where they belong. If parents want day care, let them pay for it instead of saddling a school system with their untrained offspring.

  29. Right now there getting your Pre-K. Just wait until they start giving them your 401K! It's going to happen! It's not fair you have money and they don't.

  30. The problem with the bus routes is that the supervisor of transportation wants "his" fleet to look good. Does not want bus contractors to purchase/use older buses on their routes. Therefore he took it upon himself to make a new rule that every newly awarded bus contract must purchase a NEW school bus. The cost of a new bus is $100,000 plus. These routes do not produce enough income to make the monthly payment, pay a driver, taxes, fuel, insurance AND have some money left over to call profit. The WCBOE should have made Me. Reeve rescind that new bus requirement and there would have been no need for the BOE to go into the bus business.

  31. I'm sick to death listening to all the school teachers stand up every year and moan and groan about needing money for the children, for lesson materials, to keep qualified teachers in the classrooms. Year after year it's the same tired speech by the same people. Oh it's so easy to want all this with someone else's dime. We middle class people trying to work, pay taxes, fees, and every other thing that comes to mind by every politician thinking with their aXX and not their brains simply can't be maintained. IT IS BEYOND TIME FOR THE BOE AND THE TEACHERS TO LEARN TO LIVE WITHIN THEIR MEANS AND PUT THEIR INTELLECT TOGETHER TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO MORE WITH LESS.


    1. Teachers are middle class too, bud.

  32. Trust me, Mr. Reeve may be taking the heat, but Mr. Reeve does not have the power to set these requirements. Who does have the power and manages to avoid accountability?

  33. @ 7:01 Broseph, I think your caps lock might be stuck. Please be careful with sticky substances near the keyboard area!

  34. All of you guys who are anti-medicare and anti-social security will be glad you have it when you are old.

  35. Congratulations Wicomico County Council. You thought you were so generous in giving the BOE an extra 600K. Now you have raised the MOE minimum for next year to include your extra 600K. We don't need to change anyone on this council because the Democrats already have a majority.

  36. Many people don't know that Tri-County operates a bus fleet on the Shore. They are generally filthy and unmaintained (looking) in that the back of these buses look like they were driven through a coal mine septic tank. Many of their riders aren't from there so why doesn't the (Government run) management make an effort to improve its appearance? Some Ocean City buses look like rust buckets due to their lack of maintenance but Shore Transit buses are simply dirty.

  37. The parents of these "illegals", as you numbskulls call them, may not be here legally, but if their children were born here, the children are legal citizens and have the same rights as your children. Get over it.

  38. Really? Kids deserve an education regardless of their circumstance, parents income, place of residence, etc! Kids do not ask to be brought into the world! Volunteer in a school one day for 45 minutes and you will see that the teachers earn their pay!! They ARE teachers, parents and babysitters to many kids that get NOTHING from their home environment. YOUR tax dollars are being used in ways that you don't agree with but before you go blowing up a blog site think about how you would feel if you stood in a classroom with 25 children and you know half of them came to school hungry, with little to no sleep because of the drama at home, dirty clothes and school is the only place safe! I volunteered at a low income school his year and that's exactly what I saw! And by the way, it's my taxes too!

  39. 8:43 I'm sick of hearing that argument its fruit from the the poison tree..you should have never been here in the first place to have a child..why didnt you have one in your own country??is it because you get free benefits? that's really cool? So in fact you've lowered the bar for everybody because you leach!! I'll never get over it...so quit sucking up my tax dollars so my kid suffers..typical libtard

  40. all cuts need to start at the top..start now with that crook Fredrickson..teachers are the reason we have schools..not administrator.. idiots with Phd s that couldnt manage a fruitstand. not politicians or bus drivers..education is why we need school vouchers now it will and en power us to direct funding too institutions of Education who do what they charge us for..I will be at the next county council meeting to bring this subject up it needs to be addressed the fiscal management of the education system is abysmal. do I hear a chorus of I second the motion????

  41. Wonder what the County Council thinks of the new buses instead of spending the money for children. If the buses conform to state law regarding age, why try to put contractors out of business? Could it be they showed too much spunk over the GPS issue?

  42. Don't blame Dave Reeve. It's not that Mr. Reeve and lots of other folks are overstepping their authority. That would not be allowed for one second. How long before we hold the right person accountable?

  43. Beaver Run has a SERIOUS mold problem and school starts in less than a week!

  44. Richard Holloway won't stand for the County taking his bus routes away. It will put him out of business. I heard that immigrants who drove buses in Mexico could certainly drive in the USA with nice roads. These former bus drivers from Mexico need employment. They will work for low pay and take jobs away from skilled drivers.

  45. The primary school students that live in Pemberton Apartments (next to the school) get not one but two bus loads every morning and afternoon to Pemberton Elem. Cut their bus stop and make them walk to school, since it is next door. My children walk a longer distance from my house to their bus stop. That bus stop needs to go NOW!

  46. 9:37 am I applaud your intentions to stop this nonsense with the BOE, but they are misguided. You need to show up at the BOE meeting and demand they take responsibility. I plan on going to their next meeting and find out which members of the BOE approved this move. The county council has no say in this matter. You are beating a dead horse there. It's the BOE members who can change this action.

  47. It's the old bait and switch. Parents help the BOE get more money to spend on students and then the money is spent on other things. Central office needs are put before those of the schools. 7:21, good for you. Ask for a list of central office positions created in the past six years. It's public information but good luck getting it.

  48. I am friends with quite a few teachers and many of them said they came back last week to find mold and mildew issues in their classrooms...hmmm health concern?

  49. You can't be happy with the masses remaining ignorant can you? How are we supposed to get over with you out there enlightening folks to what we are doing?Public ignorance was a very valuable commodity until you came along and ruined everything.Gee thanks.

  50. for the person who spoke of the "lazy ass parents" that live across the street from school but put their kids on the bus anyway:
    i would be willing to bet my house that the kids don't go to the school across the street from their house. if they did, there would be no bus. kids are made to walks several blocks to get to school. when we tried to register our child for kindergarten we were informed that although there was a school within a quarter mile from our house, our child would be attending a school all the way on the other side of town. a 20 to 25 minute car ride in traffic. the bus ride for the kids in my neighborhood is an hour or more each way. the board could save money by allowing kids to go to school in their own neighborhoods instead of across town. it's ridiculous for them to spend that much time on a school bus each day.

  51. 12:34, the paired schools are for a reason. See if you can figure it out:
    Beaver Run and East Salisbury, West Salisbury and North Salisbury, Chipman and Glen Avenue.

    1. I don't get it 1:55. Please explain.

  52. Hey Joe....not sure if you know but today and tomorrow, 2 former BOE employees from HR are involved in a lawsuit trial against the former president of the teachers association, Dave White. Heard that over 20 BOE employees got a summons to appear. Rumor is that the next court case is against Fredericksen due to then being fired. Look up Stephanie Moses and Stacy Messick in the court briefs to verify.

  53. Other schools in Maryland have reduced their transportation budget by taking over the shorter bus routes, such as those within city limits. Even with the additional salary expense, it is cheaper for the BOE to run certain bus routes than it is to pay bus contractors to run them.

  54. 7:28, If the rule about new buses applies to all contractors, how can the takeover be limited to shorter routes? To be fair, wouldn't it have to apply to any contractor seeking to renew?

  55. 9:22. Jury found in favor of Mr. White. Looks like the wrongful termination and other accusations against WCEA and the BOE were all BS. At least it saved us all a lot of money in a settlement.

  56. It's widely known that "other accusations" have been made by many, many more than just these two ladies. It's not over by a long shot.

  57. 2:27 ethnic demographics

  58. Pre k is not a baby sitting service my son was learning to read, write, and add in pre k. how ever i did not put him in public school for pre k we had him a private school. Every child should have the option of attending pre k it is very important in their education. As for the bus situation. some parents have to be to work before the bus even arives. i agree if its in walking distance and the child is old enough let them walk it will do them good. however not every child lives in town just blocks from a school. It is ashame what salisbury is turning into.


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