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Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Wicomico County Board Of Education Pre-K

Mr. Albero,

It has come to my attention, that many children from hard working families in the Pittsville, Willards, Powellville, and Parsonsburg area will not or have not been accepted into Pre-K this year at Willards Elementary School. The reason these children will not be accepted into Pre-K this year is because we have a law on the books that states that children (also called automatic's) that are from low income families must and will be accepted into Pre-k first. Now, I understand and accept that children from economically challenged homes are at a disadvantage; however, why have we accepted in our society that it is more important for children to be accepted into Pre-k because they are from a poor family than for a child with other more important problems like disabilities or health problems or IEP'S etc.

People, or at least the people with whom I associate, are tired of being discriminated against for being successful, married, paying taxes and having good morals and values. I have also been informed that the Board Of Education has not been provided with enough funding for an additional teacher/classroom for the Pre-k grade at Willards School even though they have the space. It has been explained that since there is no funding to accommodate the children who did not get accepted and the fact that Pre-K is not required, those children are at a loss or disadvantage.

I am asking for our representatives (County Council, County Executive, Board Of Ed,) to stand for what's right! Don't allow children to be discriminated against because they aren't poor. Find the ''MONEY" and accommodate these children so they can have the same start as any other child in our community.

I am aware that many in this area are questioning where their impact fee money ($5000.00 plus) went for building new homes in the area. My understanding was that this money went straight to the Board of Ed. Many are questioning where their taxes are going. I have never been one to complain; however, when it affects our children, someone has to fight the good fight. I hope that this just doesn't fall to the side. I hope and pray that many pull together as one and force this issue to be fixed so no parent in the future has to worry about their child being at a disadvantage when he or she starts kindergarten.

It's still early. Some children may get in and some may not. Those parents whose children do get accepted, please do not forget the frustration and anger you felt before you found out your child was accepted. Let's pull together and stay together as we have done in years past and support each other until the end. The Eastside has always been a strong community. Let's fight the good fight together. There is a great saying, "United we stand, but divided we fall."


  1. Fine example of reverse discrimination!

  2. The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! Very frustrating to hear this as a parent, and a taxpayer. I'll support you! This needs to go viral!

  3. More reverse discimination brought to you by the liberals. Their kids get in while our property tax dollars fund the school.

  4. so what the board of ed is saying is that the blacks,illegals and mexicans come first.

  5. Someone please provide the names and contact information for the "officials" we need to pressure to do this.

  6. I get tired of hearing my child didnt get in my family makes to much money. Be happy you make money be happy your child is healthy.If you've got a good daycare provider your child wont need pre k the child will learn the same at daycare .

  7. What happened to the "Americans with disabilities Act"? Isn't it still in force?

  8. So, now, you only "qualify" if you are poor?

    That is discrimination!


  9. We actually wanted to apply a few years back, but was told from the school office, not to bother, we will not qualify due to income. It saddened us because like you, we wanted the same opportunities for our children as others have. It is such a shame that this program imho has become an extension of the Head Start program.

    Last year at our school, there was a fee (1k, I think)you could pay if there was room and your child did not qualify. I am not sure how this worked out with parents since I didn't hear much about it, once my friends were denied.

    I am sorry for parents out there who are facing this bureaucratic bs with this program, it is just not fair.

  10. What happened to preparing your kids at home to get ready for kindergarten?

  11. I wonder how many of these economically challenged families are so because of poor choices made? I will never ever understand the stupidity of people who haven't a pot to take a leak in pre-children then go ahead and make babies or more babies.
    They ought to be ashamed of themselves and us who are responsible need to get off the PC BS and let them know they are below us. It's the only way and it's the way it used to be and the country was much better off.
    People need to start shunning these sponges. Don't let your child associate with their children, etc.

  12. Contact the Board of Ed. members. I believe there are six or seven of them. Joe, could you post their names and telephone numbers?

    This is not right. It has to stop.

  13. Let's face it, most of the kids who are "low income" have parents who are semi-literate and semi-attentive. People who don't fall into the low income category are more likely to teach their children basic stuff at home, read to their kids, and/or send them to private preschools that do a good job.

    you could argue that most of the low-income kids are more likely to turn out semi-literate even if they go to pre-k (look for any study on how long the effects of Head Start last), and that this is a waste of money, but that's a political third rail that no one wants to touch.

    also, I doubt very much that all of the "low income" kids are racial minorities. There are plenty of immature, stupid white people who breed irresponsibly. Just look around you. Not that this makes it okay. The trend is very disturbing.

  14. If you do your research, you will see that all the money pumped into "head start" programs have been wasted. They make no difference overall in student performance. Yet, the Libs double down on it. All that money could have been used to really improve the schools--charter schools, magnet schools, whatever you want to call them...the schools that REALLY do improve student performance.

  15. It use to be that success was the goal in this country , now it is how do we get on the dole.

  16. do you really want your child in with the dregs of society? do you really think your child will learn anything? other than how to be a bigger dummy and play the system?
    The BOE might actually be doing you a favor!

  17. Go viral with this. Tweet the link to foxnews, CNN. Share this website URL on their Facebook pages. To keep yourself anonymous, create a false twitter name. This is plain ridiculous.

  18. It was the same when my daughter went to pre-k and has been for years. Pre-k in public school is nothing more than glorified babysitting and it is not required. Quit complaining about not getting something for free and send your child to a good daycare or private pre-k. How can one person complain about not being accepted into a program and complain about wasted funds in the same letter? Pre-k is all wasted funds, let everyone find their own daycare.

  19. How's that integration thing working for you all?

  20. This goes on at EVERY Wicomico County Primary School...and has been for YEARS. My son has learning and speech disabilities and still did not 'qualify' because I make "$2700 too much money per year", as a single parent working 2+ jobs to make ends meet. It makes no sense to me...

  21. reverse discrimination is the NORMAL in all Wico Cty Schools

  22. "The reason these children will not be accepted into Pre-K this year is because we have a law on the books that states that children (also called automatic's) that are from low income families must and will be accepted into Pre-k first."

    I have a serious problem paying for the entitlement crowd to keep sponging off society. Going viral and tweeting will have no affect. It's a done deal unless you stand up and fight for yourself. Quit hiding behind a keyboard and hoping someone will fight the fight for you.

  23. Millions of dollars are spent on at risk kids but just try suggesting a tiny amount for kids who behave and learn. You will be told no because they have to think about "all" of the children. Your only job is to pay taxes and not complain when your child's reading group sits there doing seat work while the teacher spends all her time with those who misbehave.

  24. Been this way forever! Teach your own kids until they are old enough for kindergarten! Pre K has just become a CHEAP babysitter on the taxpayer dime! This is for sure not new news by ant stretch!

  25. Do you remember when there were free breakfast's for the low income children at school? Well guess what now all children can go and get fed at home and at school. Change it back so that only those low income are fed and let the rest feed their own children! Rediculous!!! The other alternative is private school which is what we do....and we aren't rich, we just sacrafice so our children can learn in an excellent environment!

  26. I agree with Cathy's (7:53 comment). They should be prepared for kindergarten by their parents. It is not the counties responsibility to get your kids ready for school. Parents need to stop whining and do their job for their children. It is not only the low income who get into that program, you need to educate yourselves on this matter. If you want your children into a preschool program there are plenty of private ones. My grown children were never in a county paid preschool and they grew up fine. It is a new school year it would be nice to start with a positive attitude toward the teachers and the Board of Education.

  27. I think pre-k should be mandatory like in most states. If your child didn't qualify based on income there is a test that your child can take to test out of pre-k and go straight to kindergarten.

  28. I think the point is 9:39-the unfairness of it all and the fact that the irresponsible are being constantly rewarded instead of ever having to show responsibility for all the bad choices they make.

  29. I registered my child for Pre K back in the spring, and I still have not received anything letting me now if she did or did not get in. I have made numerous calls, and even went to the Board of Education, and still no answer. At this point I am assuming that she did not get in. Maybe because I am white, work and pay taxes ????

  30. More asinine democratic policy. Countries that are and continue to be prosperous reward responsibility and give whomever chooses reduced types of government day care. This in turn gives parents more disposable income which stimulates the economy and is job producing. Parents can then afford better to hire someone to paint or clean or do yard work for them and to buy more things. The churches and charity groups take children of the poverty sponges and they aren't starving and are taught the same as in a government institution. US is so backwards anymore.

    It's really a no brainer unless you are a democrat who intelligence and thinking has been bred out of them.
    It's unbelievable how dumbed down the US democratic party is.

  31. With the number of employees who work full time in central enrollment at the board, you should be able to get an answer, 12:00 PM.

  32. The person who wrote this letter has received a blessing and doesn't even realize it.

    There's no way that your child would learn more by receiving 1/20th of a teacher's attention for half a day than if the child stayed home with you.

    Meet those kids before the school year, and then before Kindergarten. You'll realize this, too.

  33. Jump to the other side of the county... were full day pre k has been cut to half days....my kids went to willards elm for pre k. While the teachers are awesome my child didn't start to excell until she started full days at north western in Mardela.now it's time for youngest.she has a learning disability and will need those full days.by the time kids get to school on a half day settle down have recess and eat the day is over hardley any learning accomplished.but with the full days complete opposite. I'm poor and white.I work two jobs and ny wife works as well.

  34. First off its not just your little area that this is happing to. The last time I check Pre K is a PRIVILEGE not mandatory like k-12. I understand your family has a great income and can provide daycare for your children which the daycare provider should be teaching your children almost everything they would be learning in Pre K. Once you become a parent your world has changed and sacrifices SHOULD be made such as being your children first teacher in life. You teach your children to eat, sleep, potty train, talking etc…. RIGHT????? So why cant you spend a little time each night or morning teaching them the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, writing there name, cut and paste pictures, reading to them, singing to them, making wonderful memories of them making crafts for you. I FORGOT PARENTS DON’T WANT TO BE PARNETS ANYMORE. I would be thanking GOD you are able to have healthy children, nice home, and able to have the finer things in life unlike others who cant find a good paying job because they weren’t able to pay for collage to better them self or even find a job because they cant afford a car to get back and forth to work. Also its not only income that they look at but the premature babies also who have health problems get in first which if your child was like that I sure you wouldn’t be acting like this but since you have a healthy child your want to complain.

    1. Nicely said. I am grateful for all I have and that's enough for me.

  35. First off its not just your little area that this is happing to. The last time I check Pre K is a PRIVILEGE not mandatory like k-12. I understand your family has a great income and can provide daycare for your children which the daycare provider should be teaching your children almost everything they would be learning in Pre K. Once you become a parent your world has changed and sacrifices SHOULD be made such as being your children first teacher in life. You teach your children to eat, sleep, potty train, talking etc…. RIGHT????? So why cant you spend a little time each night or morning teaching them the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, writing there name, cut and paste pictures, reading to them, singing to them, making wonderful memories of them making crafts for you. I FORGOT PARENTS DON’T WANT TO BE PARNETS ANYMORE. I would be thanking GOD you are able to have healthy children, nice home, and able to have the finer things in life unlike others who cant find a good paying job because they weren’t able to pay for collage to better them self or even find a job because they cant afford a car to get back and forth to work. Also its not only income that they look at but the premature babies also who have health problems get in first which if your child was like that I sure you wouldn’t be acting like this but since you have a healthy child your want to complain.

  36. Don't breed'em if you can't feed 'em!

  37. It's dawning on many in power that these programs are not leading to higher achievement for at risk children so guess who's being blamed. Parents? No. Students who don't work or behave? No Answer: Teachers and Principals. If people would stop having children with no means to support them, taxpayers might get their money's worth in education for all children.

  38. With the grammar being presented in some of these comments, it's easy to see whose kids need to be in Pre K. Wow!

  39. 2:24
    They must have had teachers like you!

  40. Privileged or not, required or not. The bottom line is that people that have good morale character, work hard, pay taxes promote good community & family values are now vilified by our current government, both nationally & local. Anyone who complains is labeled a racist and bigot. It's painfully obvious that the great social experiment of the last 50 or so years has failed. Decency, morals, common sense, family values, intelligence, etc. cannot be legislated to help those from corrupt cultures that want to blame everyone else for their moral deficiencies. For the most part, White America is under attack and has been for the last 50or so years because of possessing a strong moral compass that other cultures just don't want to try to understand. And no, I'm not a racist or bigot, I'm just a proud American who is watching his once prosperous country fracture from the inside out in order to accommodate those who want to destroy the fiber and peace of this country. It's very sad we never learn from our mistakes and don't practice the rule of common sense. Very sad.

  41. 2:24. I am not a teacher. Touché:)

  42. This is why we need an elected school board. There is little the County Council can do except be a loud voice against discrimination and for fiscal responsibility. Hopefully some courageous candidates will come forth in the 2014 elections and talk about these issues.

  43. Thank Rick Pollit, Rudy Cane And Norman Conway While most members of the County Council moved to have an elected school board these three bums killed it. Vote those three in again fools.

  44. 2:48. Well said. Thank you!

  45. You are being punished for your privileged lifestyle.Extra points against you if you are a white Republican.It's not "cool vibrant or diverse" to get married before you have kids and be a normal family anymore. You get even more "cool" points if one of you has just gotten out of jail and wear pajamas in public.That is the world now.Normal is abnormal.

  46. it has been that way for years. Good luck getting them to accept you.

  47. I said it before and I'll say it again-The only way to go is to start putting these sponges in their place. If nothing else do it for your own children who are going to pick up undesirable habits from the spawn of sponges. Decent people need to and have to start looking down their noses at sponge 'families' and shun them.
    Now before anyone starts with the Christian blah blah shunning is very Christian and lots of verses can be found on the subject of shunning the wayward, bad influences and undesirables.

  48. I would not let my child go to this free "day care". I have seen what they are like, and I value my children. But then I work for a living and don't ask for welfare.

  49. Schools have become an arm of social services. If you are getting by or doing well, schools are not obligated to do anything for you.

  50. Anyone who has commented on this subject and who voted democratic, and don't agree with the pre-k rules of entry, sorry, you did it to yourself. If you finally wake up and vote the liberal Democrats out, then there's a good chance that all children will be treated equally.

  51. It's called sequester. You wanted it....you got it.

  52. 2:50 may not be a teacher but likes French! Liberal!!!!! Touch Say ! Pre K really raise your own kids! What in the hell would an elected school board do for this? Kids start school when they are 5 and that costs us Gazillions of dollars! If they started at 4 the County would be broke!


  54. WOW!I AM THE AUTHOR OF THIS LETTER TO THE EDITOR!Due to my family's current position in life, I choose to remain anonymous. It depresses me to read that people are so blind to see that this letter was not about the children that are going to get into pre-k by law(low income) but about the children who come from economically well off families (says the government) that are being discriminated against because of their successful parents. If this was any other group of people, what would this be called? How upset do minority groups get when they see something that they feel is discriminating against them? To those of you that implied my spouse and I are not interested in teaching our child to prepare them for school, that's terrible. We are great parents and take interest in all parts of their lives. Like this life lesson that I'm trying to teach my children. STAND UP FOR WHAT'S RIGHT! Don't allow yourself to be discriminated against. I feel that the gov't expects more and more from the middle class worker. It's going to come a point that we have no more to give. When the middle class gets to the point where it's not worth working because of the amount of taxes that are coming out of our paychecks to pay for social programs, (LIKE PRE-K THATS NOT AVAILABLE TO ALL) what then? Who is going to support us? Quick you working middle class citizen, look behind you. Who do you see? No one. That's who is going to support you! I have children and make no mistake about it, if you think I will sit on my a.. and wait for someone to spoon feed me and my kids (like the gov't)you are sadly mistaken. I pay taxes towards pre-k, I live in that school district. I support any extra fund raisers that the school has. I have even donated money towards children who could not afford field trips. Why again shouldn't Wicomico County provide pre-k to my child? Oh that's right. Because I can afford to pay extra and go to a private pre-k school.

    1. I do belive you are a good family. The way I look at it is like a handicap parking spot . I'm just grateful I Don't need it.

  55. Some children from lower class homes need social skills that your children have already learned. These children need the extra so they don't monopolize the teachers whole day with bathroom problems once they reach K. It is sad that money must be spent to teach social skills that children should already know but at least it makes it easier on the children with decent parents in the long run. It isn't right... but then having your K student sit next to a child who bites is not acceptable. Give them a year to become socially acceptable.

  56. A year to become socially acceptable? Have you visited one of our middle or high schools?

  57. I will never understand why bleeding heart liberal's accept these people sucking of society like leeches. There will come a time even when liberal's have had enough. By then I fear it will be to late. Sooner than later our founding fathers followers will all have to make a decision. Make a stand or roll over and surrender. Nobody is going to push baby in the corner!

  58. 5:52. Thank you so much for exposing this, and to you also Joe for posting it. I am in the district also, but my child did not get in as well.

  59. Somehow before the next county council meeting someone needs to get a hold of the list of children who were denied or at least the number of children and present it to the council. Anyone out there have that info ? I heard it was a lot of kids. lets hope all of this talk will allow all children to attend pre-k. I also heard some of our representatives are already looking into this for us.

  60. 5:09 They are already staring at age 4!!!

  61. I'm with 5:26 here. Vouchers would solve all this, and are totally the fairest thing to do. The only thing stopping a voucher program is the total realization by both the public and private schools here is that all the public schools would become abandoned buildings, the BOE would have to be abolished except for a precious few to teach the 5 students still there, and the private schools would be overcome and be forced to buy out the public school buildings.

    Tell me I'm wrong! I dare you!

    1. Your wrong.... Just kidding your right.

  62. Sorry folks. This is not a local issue. The Maryland Bridge to Excellence Act mandates that economically disadvantaged kids be enrolled as a priority and after that only those showing intellectual immaturity. This is from the Maryland State Board of Ed website:

    "Who is eligible for prekindergarten?
    A child admitted to the prekindergarten program in the public schools must be four years-old or older on September 1 of the school year in which the child applies for entrance.
    Eligibility for enrollment is extended to four-year-old children who come from families with economically disadvantaged backgrounds or who are homeless. The Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act requires local school systems to enroll all income eligible four-year-old children whose parents or guardians seek to enroll them. After the initial enrollment of these children, local school systems may fill any remaining vacancies by enrolling children who exhibit a lack of readiness in personal and social development, language and literacy, mathematical thinking, scientific thinking, social studies, the arts, or physical development and health."

  63. It's proven that these programs make no long term difference at all. Why continue them?

  64. This is not new... I had to wait for others to be enrolled before I could place my child in Beaver Run 13 years ago...

  65. Amnesty at its finest ... its only just begun. Go vote for another libtard.

  66. I'm thinking the reason you are so appalled by this, is because you are mad you will have to pay for another year of child care. Yes I agree it's wrong to discriminate, but teach your child the things he or she needs to know and get over it already. Stop trying to have someone else do your job. You can be a much better teacher to your child at this age, instead of them being in a room with 20 or more kids having to share a teacher and an assistant.By the way this happens at ALL Wicomico County elementary schools. Not just Willards.

  67. Anonymous said...
    I get tired of hearing my child didnt get in my family makes to much money. Be happy you make money be happy your child is healthy.If you've got a good daycare provider your child wont need pre k the child will learn the same at daycare .

    August 19, 2013 at 7:37 AM

    Another idiot Democrat with poor grammar.

  68. Anonymous said...
    Some children from lower class homes need social skills that your children have already learned. These children need the extra so they don't monopolize the teachers whole day with bathroom problems once they reach K. It is sad that money must be spent to teach social skills that children should already know but at least it makes it easier on the children with decent parents in the long run. It isn't right... but then having your K student sit next to a child who bites is not acceptable. Give them a year to become socially acceptable.

    August 19, 2013 at 6:03 PM

    Who is the liberal BOZO who wrote this comment? You obviously don't get the point of the letter and many of the comments. It's sad that you are allowed to vote.

  69. Dr. James P. BaileyAugust 20, 2013 at 2:50 AM

    It is quite obvious that the white people are raising the roof because blacks, undocumented immigrants and other minorities are getting a little extra attention. White people want to keep their superior status. Racist leadership supports this agenda. Many of you light -skinned Americans are afraid that they will soon be the minority. President Obama will ensure that our children receive the education and the perks that the vocal groups are trying to deny us. Our NAACP will be called to investigate any radical changes. I am a senior deacon from Philadelphia with many friends and ties to the Eastern shore. Comments made by us are not printed so that our cry is silent. Praise God and help us keep our movement growing. We will not be held in chains any longer. This is a new day and a glowing world of opportunity.

  70. Dana, I think you totally missed the writer's point. It's the principle of the matter. Has nothing to do with paying for child care, because Pre K is only 1/2 day, so child care would still be needed!

  71. This is a nation wide problem. Due to the sequester, funding has been cut from Head Start. More low income and disadvantaged children will now be in Public Schools. Of course we all know Sequester cuts are only in programs that will induce public ire. It is great that Congress and the President are not effected by Sequester, only the children and veterans/troops face cuts. The local school system does not deserve the blame for this problem.

  72. Dr. Bailey, you sound like a racist to me!

  73. I agree with your every word it is unfair that certain kids get more chances. though not all, a lot of these parents choose not to work so they can reap the benefits of the government. how about the families who work hard, sacrafice family time so they can put a roof over their families head and food on the table. should they be pushed aside because they refuse to let the government carry them. its time the government stops rewarding those who dont and start rewarding those who do. they might find them selves in a better financle way. all kids deserve a fair shot and trust me no government would make those choices for my childs education as i have shown them in the past. fight for what you believe in.

  74. I think its time we lawyer up and take this one all the way! Thats the only thing they understand best is lawsuits!!

  75. You all ain't write. My kids getting schooling eerly since i can't be getting no job around hear. even if I getz a job they aint payin nutting more then poverties wages.

  76. It is amazing that folks who produce lots of kids on government assistance complain that not enough is being done to help them succeed. Stop having so many kids. It isn't the fault of the schools that they can't keep up. Almost all money goes to at risk kids and it's making no difference.

  77. Dr. Bailey,
    How about you worry about teaching your dark skinned counter-parts to behave properly by not acting like animals and raise children to be able to enter kindergarten with the level of skill the "white" kids have. You don't have to be financially well off to raise kids to learn and be independent instead of helping them to dependent on the white man's taxes FOREVER! Stop pushing your racist propaganda. What would Jesus do? lol

  78. Willards and Pittsville have good schools. However, I wonder how many kids go there and don't live in that district by using a relatives address that lives in that area? It's happened for year, even in other school districts....if you want your kid to go to a certain school, move to that district!!!!


    Unless, your White....

  80. Some of these comments are ridiculous!! So, people should be responsible and educate their own children until kindergarten... that is, unless you make below a certain amount of money per year (i.e. don't work), and then you are entitled to an education for your children without any responsibility??? That is the definition of a double standard!!! Private preschools are expensive, as is daycare folks. Nevermind the fact that part of our paychecks ALREADY pay for these types of programs for others to partake of (the same ones that we DON'T QUALIFY FOR!!) Add health care on top of it (paying for low income people to have it, while we CAN'T afford it). Working people are continually beaten down by this system. How long before we break????

  81. It's why the US is backwards and getting more behind. The government needs to concentrate on the smart promising children in order to compete economically. Let charities concentrate on those children not so fortunate. Common sense dictates that not all children can nor have the desire to excel. Time for everyone to figure that out. If it is because of familiar backgrounds then too bad. People need to get off their guilt and not worry about other people's children because all they are doing is a disservice to their own children.
    All the US programs have been utter failures because the reality No Child is Left Behind because they just keep on lowering the standards.

  82. Oh please Dr Baily! You lost credibility as soon as you mentioned Obama. Obama whose own Chicago is a cess pool of crime and poverty.
    Yeah he's so wonderful! Well it's no damm wonder black neighborhoods are so gross-overflowing with crime and poverty.
    The people you all think of as "leaders" have done nothing positive ever. If they had your own neighborhoods would be livable and blacks wouldn't be killing each other in record numbers.
    It's time for you people to wise up and get off the democrat plantation. A huge number of you all are nothing but slaves still, dependent on the government in record numbers. All these modern day slaves, corralled in the cess pools.
    But keep on listening to and idolizing losers like Obama.
    I doubt you all will ever be the majority the way you keep on killing each other off.
    Your head ought to be hanging in shame for what the black race has become! Blacks are known for excelling nor do they. They are know for their crime and poverty. And it's because of you who instead of being a real man, uses every excuse such as racism to blame a problem on.

  83. Dr Baily but your race is in chains and the chains are getting tighter. obama is the house slave and you all are the cotton pickers. The slave masters are the large corporations that Obama bows down to and kisses and does whatever they order him to do.
    All these "perks" aren't for you. They are for the corp masters. Obama's throwing all you slave peons a pittance and the masters are getting billions in government contracts.
    Example is every person on a welfare program could get nearly $60,000/yr for what the government is paying out in contracts such as to the banks that process the cards. Obama wants blacks to commit crimes and go to prison so his masters with prison contracts like food services continue to make money. It's the democratic way. Democrats are weak and fall slave to corporate America.
    Blacks are being used and they don't seem to see it. They have been beaten down to think they are victims of racism. Strong people refuse to believe they are a victim of anything else but their own choices.

  84. Ok... it's time to be labeled a RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN ! Which I am proud of by the way. This problem is not going to change without drastic measures. Has anyone ever heard the words used? Tyrannical Government, suppression, discriminating against people who have, redistribution of wealth. Our founding fathers thought this could happen and set fourth in the US Constitution a way to stop the country from destroying itself. A well regulated militia composed of the people. You ask yourself, what does this have to do with pre-k? This is just one example of many how the workers (these parents)of this country are being discriminated against. You ask yourself, ok well how do we get a militia together and stop the destruction of this country? You don't! You can't! Here is why. Those of use who work hard for what we have also don't want to loose what we have. We are selfish. For this country to change, the working men and women would have to be willing to take incredible losses. We all talk a big game but when it comes down to the brass tax, maybe 1% of people are willing to do this. The government is aware of this and has us right where they want us. But, just to be on the safe side, they will continue to disarm us. When we have been striped of the things that we deserve and loose everything, then, and only then will we come together and fight! As long as we have, we are only willing to stick our neck out so far for fear of loosing what material things we have worked so hard to gain!

  85. Comments such as Dr James P Bailey's are laughable in their naivety. So extremely gullible these people are.
    Obama's really doing it for you-LOL-yeah keep on believing that like blacks have done for a century now. Anyone can see what's that's led to. Neighborhoods in shambles, crime and poverty, sky high illegitimate birth and illiterate rates.
    Yeah-Dr Bailey he's doing it for you!!! Yippee!!!
    Time to get the hell out from under your rock. Education programs such as Obama's Common Core benefit no one except yes large corporations, who yes do lead Obama around by his nose. He is a disgrace to the black race the way he kisses ass. A disgrace! No wonder the black race is a mess. Their standards are so low.
    The money being paid by the feds and local governments to corporations such as Pearson, MacGraw and Apple is astronomical. 30 mill alone from Los Angelos to Apple. These companies are going to get 100's of billions off of CC, money better spent going directly to the school systems.
    But yes keep on believing it's being done for you.

  86. The Board of Education has even dumbed down the requirements for getting into the Magnet Program to allow minorities and children whose primary language is not English to get in! What a disgrace! A non-verbal test? Really???? 3.0 average??? Lets lower the standards even more and see who else we can accommodate. What a disgrace!

  87. To Dr. James P. Bailey. how dare you talk as if you or your family for that matter were ever enslaved. Let this high school graduate school you. Slavery was abolished in 1865/13th amendment. Stop ridding on the coattails of those who were actually enslaved. You have no right to even speak of it. I hate to here anyone of color say I or anyone else owe them! I enslaved no one. I got no free labor out of the deal. I don't no any of my ancestors that owned slaves. Im in my 30's. In my life, I have experienced in many ways like applying for jobs where blacks were given affirmative action and they received jobs over whites. Not because they were better but because of their color. I wonder what a real Dr. like Dr. Martin Luther King would think of you. I bet he would be very disappointed. Dr. King, now that's a Dr. we could learn from. That's a man who worked hard. That's a man who would have laughed in your face if you attempted to give him anything. He choose to earn it!!!

  88. It's very simple. People who get lots of free stuff want it to continue and more free stuff to be added. People who work and pay taxes are tired of supporting those who get everything for free. Which group is really necessary in society?

  89. Dr Bailey is obviously a product of poor parenting. It's apparent his parents were not of the caliber of Dr Ben Carson's mother. She didn't make excuses for the failure of the black communities-she learned lessons from her own life and applied them to her sons who are now both extremely successful. Excuses such as slavery and racism weren't in her dialogue.
    The Dr Bailey's of the country are what is completely wrong and the cause of the terrible conditions within black communities. Only the weak dwell on what was and run around crying victim.
    Strong people don't dwell because they are too busy digging themselves up and out.
    The Dr Bailey's of the country are completely misguided and brainwashed. What every single impoverished black community has in common is generations of democratic rule-every single one. The same policies Obama subscribes to.
    The Dr Bailey's of the country are fooling only themselves if they think Obama is the answer to their troubles. His policies have caused the troubles.
    When and until black people up their standards will anything change.
    The majority voted for Obama because of the color of his skin. That's extremely immature-something a child would do-pick something out just because it's their favorite color and not based on it's usefulness or effectiveness. It's mindboggling how brainwashed the black communities have become-voting for someone just because they are black. I can't fathom who would do that.

  90. Dr James P Bailey says-

    "President Obama will ensure that our children receive the education and the perks that the vocal groups are trying to deny us"

    He's telling you and promising you not a thing new. Democratic black elected officials have been telling you all this over and over for years. When are you going to figure out it a bunch of lies?
    It's one of those wish in one hand crap in the other scenarios and see which one gets filled quicker.
    You all need to stop being so dependent.
    Why do you need Obama to ensure your children are educated? Is the black race so incompetent that they can't trust the child's parents to see that they are educated properly?
    You people really are still chained to the plantation. It's amazing.......you need Obama to ensure.............Unbelievable the dependence displayed.....
    I'm beginning to see why blacks vote overwhelming democratic. They can't do anything on their own and have to be told what to do.

  91. You would really be surprised to find the number of public school teachers, administrators, and supervisors who send their children to private school. They don't even want to send their own children into a system they have created. When you have more employees sending their children to private school then enrolled in public school what does that say!!!!

  92. 8:45 is right. It's like when Obama said that black students should not be punished for what they do in school. Fine from someone who doesn't send his girls to DC public schools.

  93. I received a letter this past Thursday telling me my child is on a waiting list for Pre K. Thanks for the heads up. School starts on the 26th, and I get the letter on the 22nd?? Wow. Just wow!

  94. Hows that hope and change working for you know???? Keep voting the Democrats in to power and you will lose all your freedoms!!!!! Impeach the Democrats and restore freedom and the constitution!!!! All veterans have fought for it once we will fight again!!!!!!

  95. Dr Bailey you are no different than 2:48's racist rhetoric. Judging by your Dr status, you have reached a certain level of affluence. My guess is either a.) you are a college professor who sucks off the middle class dime. Or b.) a master of the non profit hustle who sucks off the middle class dime. Wake up old head it is 2013 and if you haven't noticed Mr Obama is leading the charge with his Goldman Sachs, Banking elite, military industrial complex wrecking crew bent on destroying anyone who isn't in the club. I walk with Jesus, I'm not in the club. It's about have's vs have not's. They want us distracted with race when the globalist's want us all to be slaves. Their is no one group of people more evil then the next. I know just as many crazy white boys as I do black or Latino for that matter. Demons don't discriminate. Their are evil, deranged, lost souls of all races, and you are being deceived by satan if you think otherwise. Satan loves racists of all colors 2:48 and Dr Bailey

  96. Amen to the person who brought up Dr. Ben Carson. If you have not read his book gifted hands, you should. If your child has not read it, they should. If they can't read, read it to them.

    Dr. Carson's journey is amazing. There are many of all colors who make the same journey from overwhelming obstacles. It is possible.

    and Dr. Bailey, I am a white, middle aged woman. My family history involves hard working men and women who worked the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. I do not have any type of special status. I do not begrudge the benefits of hard work to any one of any color.

    However, I do begrudge help to those who won't step up to help themselves. Be they white, black, latino, asian, mix etc... We are all human beings. I think this gets lost.

    We were fortunate enough to be able to budget sending our son to Asbury Child Development Center for pre-school. As an only child and living in the country, it was more of a social/interaction agenda for him.

    Our son was lucky enough to attend Willards and is now at Pittsville (and yes we live in the area).

    It would be nice if everyone could "qualify" for pre-school education. Yes, it is mostly social, but in looking at some at these comments, I think that at an early age, it would behoove our children to have people skills.


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