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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Welcome To Third World America: Camden, New Jersey’s Tent City

Those of you who didn’t sleep completely through American history class probably recall the phenomenon of Hoovervilles throughout the U.S. in the early years of the Great Depression. These were shantytowns that sprung up all across the nation and were named after Herbert Hoover, who was President at the onset of the Depression and blamed for their occurrence. Here’s a photo:


  1. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 6, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    There are new ones springing accross the country - some called Barrack-ville. The only difference is when these start growing in size, government comes and "moves" these folks into "Affordable" Free Housing into some Apartment Complex.

    1. You prefer this type of existence to affordable, stable, safe housing? Check your reality.

  2. It looks better than now, after Obama came into office if you factor in the how the average house looked back then.

  3. I wouldn't go to Camden NJ in a fully armed tank!

  4. Something this country has gotten away from. If you purchase something use cash. If you live in a house...no matter how small...own it outright! If you drive a car....no matter how old...don't have payments. Don't buy it unless you can own it outright. It can be done. The generations of entitled Americans have no idea that they are responsible for their own fate. There are tent cities everywhere..even in Salisbury. Wake up!


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