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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

USPS Saturday Beer & Wine Deliveries

You might have to say goodbye to Saturday mail drops but hello to beer and wine deliveries. Both would be possible under a Senate bill to help the Postal Service cut costs. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper and Ranking Member Tom Coburn introduced the package. If it becomes a law, the Postal Service would have one more year to deliberate ending Saturday mail delivery. It would not be able to close mail processing plants for another two years. But it could save money from changes in how pensions and retirees health care costs are calculated.


  1. cut Obama's golf course outings too please!

  2. It's a fair trade!

  3. Yeah, kick that can down past the next election!

    It's what we do.

    For shame. When this keg explodes....

  4. Cut the usps, including all pensions, etc. Allow it to go in the private sector, where previous emplyoyees must apply to, and earn their job/salary. Make it competitive, and maybe it would have a chance.


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