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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Pampered, Good Life Of Fort Hood Shooter

Nearly four years after Islamist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is greater!”) and brutally murdered 14 people (including an unborn baby) and injured 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas, he now receives free helicopter rides from the local jail nearly every day, lives in a private room built to accommodate his medical needs, wears a beard against Army regulations, travels with his own security detail, has received numerous trial delays and collects a full salary of about $80,000 a year – all while many of his victims say they’ve been forgotten.

According to KXAS-TV, the NBC News affiliate in Dallas, the Army psychiatrist has been paid more than $278,000 since the Nov. 5, 2009, shooting because the military has said it cannot suspend his pay without a conviction.

Hasan, 42, is facing 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder as his trial begins Tuesday. The New York Times reported the Army has spent more than $5 million on Hasan’s case and secured the courthouse with massive sand-packed barriers to protect him from explosions.

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  1. WHY. Because he is being protected by Obama. Just take the SOB out and shoot him. If he is still in the army then shave him. Oh, I know, Muslims in the army have their own rules because of Obama. The problem is at the top of this food chain.

  2. You can thank Obama and the libtards for this atrocity!!

  3. We're tired of hearing of this asshat! He should have been executed by now, but hasn't even been tried because of his beliefs. He's in the army, took an oath (supposedly)SHAVE HIM as regs require & get on with it! I don't want to hear anything more except that his execution has taken place!

  4. There must be external muslim sources governing how this is handled.I've never seen our country running as scared as it is now.There are players involved who the general public know nothing about,and our government would not dare tell us.Acknowledging to the world that we have knuckled under to terrorist threats on American soil would be viewed as a further sign of weakness.His being handled with kid gloves is very telling.


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