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Monday, August 12, 2013

Thousands Of Marylanders Are Losing Homes In Second Wave Of Foreclosures

Maryland is getting a second dose of the housing crisis — a sequel that foreclosure experts and state officials knew was coming but no one wanted to see.

Between January and June, Maryland went from having one of the lowest foreclosure rates in the nation to the third highest as banks worked their way through a backlog of delinquent loans, created in part by the state’s long foreclosure process.

In the first three months of the year, there were 9,339 foreclosure filings in Maryland, more than twice the total of a year earlier but still far below the peak of 16,788 during the last three months of 2009, state data shows. That year, there were about 50,000 foreclosure filings. 



  1. what do you want with a 9% unemployment rate and only part time minimum wage jobs.

  2. The real estate market is rebounding! I can feel it!

  3. There's a commercial on tv saying that properties for sale are in shortage and buyers are in abundance. Can anyone say "Exact Opposite"?

    Good God, with all the foreclosures in the last 5 years, and now today's news of the second wave of the same, can even a 5th grader figure this out?

    There's so much out there, 50g should get you a place!


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