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Monday, August 12, 2013

Lollar To Announce Run For Md. Governor

ANNAPOLIS — Charles Lollar, a Charles County businessman who described himself as tea party candidate when he ran for Congress in 2010, is planning to seek the Republican nomination for governor in Maryland.

Lollar announced his intentions in an email to supporters Thursday night. The Newburg resident has scheduled an official announcement to kick off his campaign Sept. 3 at St. Mary’s College.

Lollar, 42, cited a variety of tax increases that have been backed by Gov. Martin O’Malley and passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature in recent years as one of the main reasons he is running.



  1. I've heard this man speak. A winner to be sure.

    So far there have been a couple of good Republican candidates out there.

    Finally, choices. Amen to that.

  2. He is so awesome--a crying shame he doesn't have a chance in Democrat controlled Maryland.

  3. So true. Shhhhh, he is a conservative black man. A true enemy of the left.

  4. I hope he can win, we certainly need him badly!

  5. When I saw the photo I thought Darius Rucker was running for something.

  6. If I had a decent candidate to vote for this next election I am hoping he or she is green. I'm partial to green.


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