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Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Kiss That's Going Viral


  1. Is that Hugo Chavez?

  2. He usually gets what he wants. He has the authority to shut down the internet now so don't be surprised if he does.

    He sure looks like he's enjoying the kiss.

    How did this even happen to America?

  3. gmwas...sick...timetogo.

  4. lol it was photo shopped from him kissing mochelle.

  5. Jimbo is waiting his turn. Either one will do.

  6. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 19, 2013 at 11:21 PM

    OBAMA: Dear Fellow Americans Let's give a WARM WELCOME to El Presidente of Socialist Republic of Venezuela and My Personal Friend Comrade Hugo Chavez.
    REPORTER: Mr. President, how would you describe this moment?
    OBAMA: Uhmmm, you have to ask Hugo about that.
    REPORTER: Sir, Hugo Chavez is dead.
    OBAMA: Uhmmm, well, my lips are sealed. Uhmmm, can we talk about Trayvon now?

  7. Our president has a right to do anything he decides is good and just. Gays now are being given equal rights. This is good and will help to reduce our out-of-control world population growth. Our most honorable Obama is leading the way for all true Americans to accept the gay society and hopefully become a member. Love is to be shared and has no gender. Let's allow America to show the world that we love all people regardless of gender, color ,religion, etc. Criticism only divides us as a nation.

  8. ARGH! They closed their eyes.

  9. Why didn't they just go get a room somewhere.

  10. 3:03 you are a gay democratic nut. Nobody has accepted this crap!

  11. Is that Jim Ireton 3:03 ?

    Wow, really in the end we will see what we see

  12. 9:27 Wish we could do away with your type. We need REAL AMERICANS, ones who stand up for their country... a country that was BUILT on acceptance. Instead, you homophobic, pansy, a$$holes have bred. You are worse than a terrorist.

  13. Somebody photoshopped a picture of me with a shovel in my hand,actually working.Everyone got a kick out of it.

  14. Too bad we can't see the bottom half of this photo.I'll bet there's some ass grabbing goin on.


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