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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Looks Like Crime Is Down In Salisbury

Crime must be really be down in Salisbury.  It seems there has only been one burglary and several shoplifting arrests in the town in 3 weeks.
  • 08/12/13 Press Release - Shoplifting Arrests
  • 08/05/13 Press Release - Shoplifting Arrests
  • 08/02/13 Press Release - Burglary Suspects
  • 08/02/13 Press Release - Giant Shoplifting
  • 07/29/13 Press Release - Shoplifting Arrests


  1. Mommy + Daddy pay for my deviant behaviorAugust 19, 2013 at 12:35 PM

    The College Brats are returning...it will pick up very fast now...

  2. This is the problem when you reduce your staff down, I am sure Scott is backed up with cases and has no time to write up PR. Getting someone else qualified to do it would mean more $$ for staffing.

    Which do you want?

  3. I guess they didn't see the report that puts Salisbury as #39 on the list of most dangerous places in the U.S.

  4. dont have to commit crimes when your apartment and all your food is paid for by the government plus you get a check in the mail

  5. don't believe this report...

  6. 1235-It's not the college kids committing the majority of crimes. It's the low-life residents.

  7. This report is BS. We have been busy going from one "call for service" to antother, non stop. I do not know where our so called leadership gets these numbers from, but it sure as hell is not from us who work the streets. Myself along with 4/5 other police officers are actively looking for different departments to work for. Simply put, like so many before us we are going to leave for better pay, better working hours and conditions and of course less work load.

    Wake up SPD

  8. This press release for shoplifters is a tactic apparently, because when I worked the road 20 years ago with SPD, we used to get 5-10 a day from Boscov's, Sears and Walmart alone. They must be trying to intimidate the would be thieves from coming to Salisbury.

  9. Who chooses what to put in the press release??

  10. Jim Ireton dressed in his police hat and leather chaps must have scared them crooks straight with his baton!

  11. So wait, a store ups its security measures and catches shoplifters, cops arrest them, and that means crime in salisbury? Every store in America falls victim to shoplifting and theft. Not "buying" this one Joe!

  12. 603, Heroin is all over the place in this town. The cops are working their arses off busting this up, shootings, beatings, you think there's no domestics happening 5 times a night? REALLY?

    I'm not a cop, but I've read enough crime reports to see there's a LOT missing from this list!

    I think it's Joe's thoughts and articles showing that all the $ going to the Fire Dept, and NONE to pay cops for all their calls they have to cover is behind these bogus reports.

  13. I know they have been to my neighbors on E Church St SEVERAL times and it wasn't for shoplifting. Such a pitiful scam. I am so sick of the dishonesty.

  14. Hmmm... I just got this report off the internet from another site. Someone is lying and Jim Ireton is trying to make it look like the only crime in Salisbury is shop lifting.

    Crime Date Address Link
    A Arrest 08/14/13 10:40 PM 1100 BLOCK OF E MAIN ST Details
    B Other 08/14/13 11:38 PM 900 BLOCK OF MT HERMON RD Details
    C Vandalism 08/13/13 03:10 AM 1100 BLOCK OF E CHURCH ST Details
    D Other 08/13/13 03:01 AM 1100 BLOCK OF E MAIN ST Details
    E Other 08/14/13 08:33 AM 800 BLOCK OF ALVIN AV Details
    F Other 08/13/13 09:54 PM NAYLOR ST AND BENNY ST Details
    G Other 08/14/13 11:27 AM TILGHMAN ST AND E CHURCH ST Details
    H Other 08/14/13 08:44 PM DOVER ST AND JOHNSON ST Details
    I Other 08/14/13 10:54 AM 600 BLOCK OF E CHURCH ST Details
    J Other 08/13/13 06:22 PM 600 BLOCK OF TRUITT ST Details
    K Other 08/13/13 12:37 AM 200 BLOCK OF TILGHMAN ST Details
    L Other 08/14/13 12:14 PM 200 BLOCK OF TILGHMAN ST Details
    M Theft 08/13/13 11:10 AM 400 BLOCK OF MOSS HILL LN Details
    N Other 08/13/13 08:11 PM 1000 BLOCK OF N SALISBURY BV Details
    O Theft 08/13/13 07:27 PM 1500 BLOCK OF N SALISBURY BV Details
    P Theft 08/13/13 02:51 PM 900 BLOCK OF N SALISBURY BV Details
    Q Other 08/13/13 01:32 PM 400 BLOCK OF E CHURCH ST Details
    R Theft 08/13/13 03:44 AM E VINE ST AND FRANKLIN AV Details
    S Arrest 08/13/13 10:19 AM 200 BLOCK OF BROAD ST Details
    T Theft 08/13/13 10:28 AM 200 BLOCK OF E MAIN ST Details
    U Arrest 08/14/13 09:33 AM 200 BLOCK OF BAPTIST ST Details
    V Assault 08/14/13 08:33 AM 200 BLOCK OF BAPTIST ST Details
    W Arrest 08/14/13 12:39 AM 200 BLOCK OF E VINE ST Details
    X Burglary 08/13/13 04:45 PM 400 BLOCK OF PARK AV Details
    Y Burglary 08/14/13 08:04 PM 700 BLOCK OF ROGER ST Details
    Z Arrest 08/13/13 11:02 AM 700 BLOCK OF ROGER ST Details
    Other 08/13/13 09:12 PM 100 BLOCK OF E CARROLL ST Details
    Other 08/14/13 01:53 AM 100 BLOCK OF E CARROLL ST Details
    Arrest 08/13/13 08:24 PM 100 BLOCK OF E CARROLL ST Details
    Assault 08/13/13 11:26 PM 500 BLOCK OF S SALISBURY BV Details
    Other 08/13/13 08:37 PM 500 BLOCK OF S SALISBURY BV Details
    Theft 08/13/13 06:50 PM 100 BLOCK OF TIMES SQ Details
    Theft 08/13/13 04:44 PM S DIVISION ST AND TIMES SQ Details
    Theft 08/13/13 07:39 AM 1900 BLOCK OF NORTHWOOD DR Details
    Arrest 08/13/13 11:32 AM 600 BLOCK OF S DIVISION ST Details
    Theft 08/13/13 11:57 AM 600 BLOCK OF S SALISBURY BV Details
    Theft 08/14/13 01:41 PM 100 BLOCK OF VAN BUREN AV Details
    Other 08/13/13 10:31 PM 400 BLOCK OF LAKE ST Details
    Other 08/13/13 09:52 PM GORDON ST AND WALKER ST Details
    Theft 08/14/13 02:26 PM 200 BLOCK OF MARYLAND AV Details
    Assault 08/14/13 01:53 PM 600 BLOCK OF S SALISBURY BV Details
    Arrest 08/13/13 01:44 AM 700 BLOCK OF S SALISBURY BV Details
    Other 08/14/13 02:27 PM W ISABELLA ST AND CYPRESS ST Details
    Other 08/13/13 03:42 PM 500 BLOCK OF DELAWARE AV Details
    Theft 08/14/13 02:10 PM 1000 BLOCK OF GRANITE CT Details
    Other 08/14/13 04:05 PM 500 BLOCK OF BURTON ST Details
    Other 08/14/13 05:39 PM 500 BLOCK OF W MAIN ST Details
    Other 08/13/13 07:44 PM W SALISBURY PKWY AND CYPRESS ST Details
    Other 08/14/13 08:17 PM S SALISBURY BV AND SOUTH BV Details
    Other 08/14/13 04:40 AM 300 BLOCK OF MARYLAND AV Details

  15. Amen Anon 9:43
    Thank you

    Like I said before we are busy as hell and seems the only way to fix our situation is to remove ourselves from the problem and get employed with another agency. Sorry to all my friends at SPD, but this place is a pit.

    Good Luck

  16. They really should just tell the truth. No one knows what they are up against if they just portray that shoplifting is the big problem here.

    They should be notifying all that heroin is out of control. It's not low life's using it, but middle and upper class as well. It's come in and grabbed all the addicts up like the flu.

    All the kids are flocking to it like it's weed. It's cheaper than weed. We have an giant deadly mess on our hands and there really isn't a whole hell of a lot we can do about it. Sad.


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