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Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Big Dig @ PRMC

How many workers are needed 

to dig a hole at PRMC?


  1. So are you blaming PRMC and Peggy for this also? Why didn't you go down and ask the guys instead of persons reading a blog.

  2. Its only one person digging! So I'd say ONE.

  3. learn how to read idiots.
    I am 100% certain this is a contractor
    it said AT PRMC
    it did not say PRMC employees

  4. It takes Man Power to do construction! Complain about Obama!

  5. Probably a Nurse took the picture while she was eating a donut! How many of them do we really need to complain about $45 per hour

  6. Looks like a normal Delmarva Power operation to me. Each piece of equipment used by one worker always requires at least three other vehicles, one or two immediate supervisors and two or three supervisor supervisors whose primary job is to confer with each other and point at something.

  7. I that where they are burying the raises for the "REGULAR JOE"

  8. 937 is that u Peggy???

  9. Ummm digging around all those electric lines and junction boxes . If I was running the backhoe I would want as many eyes as I could get on the hole. If was running the job I would want an electrition ,inspector,,Forman and at least a laborer or two

  10. Not Delmarva Power!!! These men are trained electricians from local union 24 . And each one is doing their job!!! Unlike the person behind the camera!!! GET A LIFE!!

  11. 72,000 volts will explode your body, not just "kill" you. I'd never attempt it without all the help and expertise I could find!

  12. That's decent, considering WHERE they're digging. Now, the 8 man WI county team, putting out shovel fulls of asphalt, one shovel at a time is another story.

  13. 3:53
    Union workers you say?? Well that explains it all!

  14. Probably something for the Methadone Clinic that PRMC tries to hide from the public. A bunch of thugs wasting tax money.

  15. 4:55
    If you actually understood what a union represents you wouldn't make your uneducated little dig.But feel free to hate on unionized labor we'll enjoy our pension and annuity so we can retire while you get canned and replaced by a younger cheaper employee.

  16. If was running the job I would want an electrition ,inspector,,Forman and at least a laborer or two

    August 12, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    With your display of your education level, you will never run a job.

  17. .But feel free to hate on unionized labor we'll enjoy our pension and annuity so we can retire while you get canned and replaced by a younger cheaper employee.

    August 12, 2013 at 11:49 PM

    Unions are good in theory and at the start of their forming.

    But after a while, all of them turn corrupt. They have ties to criminals, politicians, (which also could be in the criminal group), they extort money from the companies they are involved with making many of them go broke and forced to cease operations.

    While you guys walk around working at your own pace, filing grievances against fellow employees and the company itself. Doing as little as possible until you get more money. Always more money. More money, more money.

    Then after you do your time you can sit on your fat ass and get a check each month while you sit in your recliner drinking your beer and watching tv.

    Go to Detroit. I hear they need some workers. But I think a union has already beat you to it. You probably couldn't even get a job flipping burgers in that 'UNION' town.

    But you got yours so you don't care.

  18. This is your union workers , stand around and look.

  19. The methadone clinic is actually the wicomico county health department. Prmc is contracted to house and run it .


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