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Monday, August 12, 2013

Seventy Vineyard Rooms Booked For Secret Service

In a sign of the expense taxpayers incur treating President Obama to a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, the Secret Service has had to book 70 rooms at a single hotel on the island at a cost of at least $175,000.

It’s just a small portion of the costs assumed by the public for a president who takes major vacations at least twice a year. Other costs add much more to the total, including the tab for flying Air Force One at about $180,000 per hour roundtrip to Cape Cod, where Obama will land before choppering onto the island, as well as separate military cargo planes.

There are also many additional rooms required for staff and countless other logistical needs. According to the Vineyard Gazette, which reported the Secret Service rooms:


1 comment:

  1. And it's never said how much cost and disruption is laid on the cities and towns he visits. Overtime for everybody, courtesy of local taxpayers!


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