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Monday, August 12, 2013

First Dog Bo Is Airlifted To Obama Holiday Home

When President Barack Obama goes on holiday to the seaside things can get complicated.Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.
Arriving in the idyllic coastal retreat of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, Mr Obama left behind him in Washington DC high profile debates over the budget, government surveillance and his health care reforms. Instead, he will spend the next eight days playing golf, going to the beach, and buying books from the Bunch of Grapes bookstore.
In the air he swapped his suit and tie for khakis and a blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, while Mrs Obama wore a yellow-and-white summer dress.



  1. Unreal...this is just flipping the bird at the taxpayers. I hope the dog bites his socialist butt! Then again, that would be cruelty to animals...

  2. How much money is this costing the taxpayers?

    The country is going down the $4!tter and they're spending money on vacations like they won the lottery the other day!

  3. He travelled with white house staff. The dog did not get his own personal aircraft.

  4. This proves he's a Muslim. Muslims are forbidden to travel with their pets. Research it, its true. This guy is the biggest lying scumbag liberal Muslim the ignorant Democrats could have elected.

  5. Yes 12:05 is right. They are not permitted to travel with women either-hence the separate planes for he and moochel.


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