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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Salisbury Council Vice President On Food Stamps

Its been reported last week Laura Mitchell spent $271.00 (+or-) on groceries at Sam's Club and paid for it with Food Stamps.

I'm sorry Ladies & Gentlemen but as long as I have known Mrs. Mitchell she has not held a full time job and completely depends on her income from the City Council. 

Flip burgers, iron shirts, ANYTHING but be a public figure sucking off the taxpayer dole because your just too lazy or busy to do REAL work. Laura also lives in the subsidized housing section of Moss Hill.

It's been rumored her Husband lost his job at SU for allegedly the same reasons he lost a previous job. 

Come election time we'll be opening up with some major information about Mrs. Mitchell, all of which will end her political career. 

To those liberal readers who want to come back here with comments feeling sorry for Mrs. Mitchell, don't even waste your time. She makes me sick, as an American.


  1. Certainly she should spend time seeking some type of employment instead of spending time in politics. Guess it does not bother her which makes me even madder

  2. She told me that she was disabled and due to a medical condition she was not employable????

  3. Almost everyone is employable. My half brother is mentally challenged and works a 35 hour work week every week.

  4. They're also driving brand new cars.

  5. If she can attend all those meetings in Annapolis, work sessions, ribbon cuttings and council meetings she is certainly employable.

  6. Her medical condition is that she is a free-loader. She is supposed to be because she's a Democrat.

  7. 2/3 of the people in the US are on food stamps, thanks to the dumocraps.
    It won't improve anytime soon!

  8. Anonymous said...
    She told me that she was disabled and due to a medical condition she was not employable????

    August 7, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    Why then did she tell everyone during the election she was going to college working on becoming a CPA! She lied to the voters and her Kampaign Klowns lied for her also. She is a lazy PIG!

  9. The majority of African Americans are receiving entitlements in some shape or form. She married one so what does that tell you No it's not a racist comment it is a fact.

  10. I heard that her husband had to resign from Salisbury University because of sexual harassment charges. If so he is a pig.


  11. Did she attend this flop of her buddy the littler girl mare?

    National Night Out Prayer Service

    Posted on August 6, 2013 by jimiretonformayor


    Last night clergy, from various houses of religion in Salisbury, joined Mayor Ireton at Parkway Church of God to join in song and prayer for our City and our emergency responders. This service is held the night before National Night Out which is a night to bring together citizens of the community and members of the Police and Fire Departments for an evening of fun and safety.

  12. You are a pig Albero, this is none of your or the publics business. Weather she is or is not on public assistance is not relevant. You are pathetic.

    1. No! You are the pathetic free loading trashy pig!!!

  13. why is it ok for Shanie and not Laura?

  14. 10:40 Joe, you caught a fish!

  15. She doesn't pay for services from people here in town either. Credit bureau has a nice file on her.

  16. 10:00, I disagree. If the story is true, how do you justify the rest of us paying for her life style. I know that they have or recently had 2 new cars, I know that she travelsoon"city business" and overspent the travel budget last year. O know that she often takes her husband along. If she can do all of these things, then she should be able to hold a job and she and her husband should be able to support themselves. She is puic official and should be setting a good example. There are plenty of people who ligitimately can't work. Many are too proud to take the benefits. Many are elderly and in poor health. She give needed assistance a bad name and takes something that others need more...shameful.

  17. God praise you Joe for exposing this to our community. If it weren't for you, this household would have no idea what is going on.

  18. Great piece of journalism Joe. Of course we'll never see this in the daily rag. Anyone who votes for her in the future is anti american. She is capable of working and gives a black eye to us hard working americans. She should be impeached.

  19. So we have someone on the council that can't make her own way in life yet has a say in how the city handles things? Isn't that like putting the fox in the hen house?

  20. I am glad Joe bought this to the attention of us readers. I am so sick and tired of these government freeloaders. I feel if you can be on the council you have time to hold down a job. Oh I am just at a lost for words right now.Why is we have to get up each day work 40+ hours just so our tax money can go to them to sit on their ass and wait for a check. She is nothing but a phony and fraud!

  21. 10:17. You are correct except for one thing, she is a Dummycrat. Like Obama said it's just a phony scandal.

  22. It's because of commie libtards like Chuck Cook that we have people like this with their paws on the levers of power.

  23. It's up to you JOE, to prevent Salisbury from becoming DETROIT. Only YOU have the MONEY and business EXPERIENCE to prevent this.

  24. This makes me sick to my stomach. You need to resign Mrs. Mitchell. I will fight tooth and nail to make sure your never elected again. I work three jobs. Oh nevermind. You'd never understand anyway.

  25. I've always wondered why somebody with an MBA and doing Microsoft Excel consulting needed to live in subsidized housing. She seems like a very intelligent woman.

  26. I heard that Obama has promised Chuck a job as head of the local FEMA camp as a reward for his good work for the Regime.

  27. Is there an agency that receives complaints to investigate her receiving handouts that may be unjustified. I feel being on the council is a job which should allow her to work outside of her elected position. Seems obvious she could work.

  28. Why does this not surprise me - loud mouth Mitchell - boy she has nerve to even show up and sit at that table let alone vote on anything. Freeloader, that's all she is a freeloader. And I guess she thinks it's perfectly alright. What a trashy person.

  29. I also question how she gets away with overages in travels to Annapolis etc and we pay for it. Also explain to me her recent picture in the "metropolitan" August issue for Salisbury Zoo's Zoobilation gives her name as Laura Nitche with Miguel Mitchell her husband standing next to her, miss type? I did'nt vote for her and never would .

  30. half the fire department employees are as well as the volunteers. who cares. station 2 has homeless free loaders living there. who cares.

  31. 10:40-It is so the public's business who is on food stamps and other entitlements! You are what is completely wrong with this country and you are responsible for it. You and those of your mindset.
    Time for you to grow a backbone and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong. Stop being nothing more than a slave led around by your nose by political correctness.
    Stop being a follower and such a weak person, too afraid to speak up for what is right.

  32. No one holding public office anywhere should be on government assistance. Oh wait, all politicians are on government assistance, they get paid ridiculous amounts of money to do nothing and help no one but themselves.

  33. LOL-10:40 "it's not relevant"
    How ignorant can one get?
    If one can't run their own affairs in a responsible manner they sure as heck can't run the tax payers.
    You are laughable 10:40-utterly laughable.
    If I remember correctly her family is a shambles also. Obviously her governing skills and decision making is lacking big time.

  34. Do Terry Cohen or Tim Spies have jobs? As far as I know, Jake Day is the only council member who actually works for a living.

  35. anonymous 12:38, Mr Spies honorably served in our Armed Forces until his full retirement. Mrs. Cohen and her Husband have their own business and yes, SHE DOES WORK. So did Debbie Campbell, so take your bullsh!t elsewhere.

  36. 10:40 is that you Laura or one of your free loading business people. You should be reported and I will be happy to do that as soon as I get the address. Anyone know it off hand?

  37. Can't wait for Fatboy to come to her defense on his little poor excuse of a blog. I love how that PIG is laughing at everyone in Salisbury!!! You got to work to pay your bloated tax bill so that PIG can take pictures of food before he sucks it down. Remember when he quit his blog and started up another in his attempt to shakedown local restaurants to give him free food while "reporting" about handicap accessibility? Some workers at Zia's told me about him coming in with Miss Piggy and ordering a two table full of food, and when it came bill time, well Fatty wanted a free meal and threaten the manager with a bad review

  38. Geez, These liberals today...
    This is where public SHAME, humiliation and discrimination are GOOD things. It serves to keep people like this and Cook (also on the assistance dole) out of politics and the public eye.
    They have NO dignity whatsoever.
    And yes, Chuck is a communist.
    Funny how none of them have any self respect... Weiner, Spitzer, Clinton, Sharpton, King, etc...

  39. so...why did Mr Mitchell get fired from SU? If it was sexual harassment, did he get fired from another job for the same reason?

  40. You are all bigots even Joe. All your saying is a person of stature in the community who is trying to help .. getting it done or not.....can't be poor. Gotta be a rich ol boy to be somebody round here spit.

  41. FOOD STAMPS! new cars! Free housing! living the american dream!

  42. All of Laura Mitchell's difficulties show me she is a weak person. Loser husband who can't even put a roof over their heads that's not a rental. She has to rely on the government to eat. Not someone who made very good life decisions. She has at least one son which it's likely she couldn't afford to have.
    These kind of people are easily controlled by others. Not a good quality in a politician.

  43. Well seems we could make this her fan page...IT is people like her that is destroying the USA wif dat Black Panther Obama

  44. 12:38, "as far as I know"

    Shows you know nothing.

  45. Why is it that Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell were living in subsidized housing BEFORE he was canned by the university?
    An assistant professor at SU makes about $64,000 per year. For a family of 2, 3 or even 4 that's WAY above the poverty level.
    Something is fishy.

  46. Not a "bigot" at all 2:12. Just people who have higher standards then you do. Some of us expect our government officials, law and policy makers to show that they are good decision makers, use good judgment, are fiscally responsible. Bottom line when you use poor judgment and have such a mess of a life it's clear your judgment is lacking and you aren't capable of making good sound decisions.

  47. She is a disgrace. How 2-faced to sit on the council getting paid with my taxpayer money and making poor decisions on how to throw more money away. Neither she or Shields should be allowed any decision making and shouldn't be on the council.

    This proves she is in it for all the perks and easy money after all she kisses the xxxxxxx of the mayor.

  48. How come in the Metropolitan Magazine is she going by the name Laura Nitche, is that how she gets her food stamps too?

  49. 2:12
    OK, so this is a person of stature in the community? How do you define stature? My GOD! And we are all bigots (as you say 'your'...that would be you are or you're)

  50. If someone legitimately receives public assistance that would not make me think they are unqualified to hold elected office. However all of Laura's activities to further her ambitions...all those co.mittee meetings, boards and travel illustrate that she could be working enough to support her family without public assistance. Why doesn't her husband get a job too? It is neither fair to those of us who work and pay taxes to fund the assistance that she doesn't deserve nor those who legitimately need the help. Laura should stop to consider that her worst day is better than the best day that many will ever have. She is a user.

  51. Here is why I have a problem with it.

    She cannot support herself, but she votes on a $60 million budget every year. She doesn't have to pay taxes, but she voted to raise the property tax rate from $. 83 to $. 89 per accessed.

    She votes to tax people, but pays zero taxes!?!? How is that ok?

  52. Anonymous said...
    10:40-It is so the public's business who is on food stamps and other entitlements! You are what is completely wrong with this country and you are responsible for it. You and those of your mindset.
    Time for you to grow a backbone and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong. Stop being nothing more than a slave led around by your nose by political correctness.
    Stop being a follower and such a weak person, too afraid to speak up for what is right.

    August 7, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    Wow! That speaks volumes about Democrats!!

  53. Anonymous said...
    Why is it that Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell were living in subsidized housing BEFORE he was canned by the university?
    An assistant professor at SU makes about $64,000 per year. For a family of 2, 3 or even 4 that's WAY above the poverty level.
    Something is fishy.

    August 7, 2013 at 3:59 PM

    He wasn't listed on the lease. That is FRAUD!

  54. Anonymous said...
    You are all bigots even Joe. All your saying is a person of stature in the community who is trying to help .. getting it done or not.....can't be poor. Gotta be a rich ol boy to be somebody round here spit.

    August 7, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    Bigots? Please define? Isn't that like dropping the race card as a last resort!

  55. if she has a buisness.. oh and can afford to go to the democratic convention. she should not get food stamps. got some real winners as council in salisbury. its embarrasing. i have lived around here all my life and most of my adult life all i have seen is shady council people in salisbury. hand out the paper bags....shame

  56. Anonymous said...
    Do Terry Cohen or Tim Spies have jobs? As far as I know, Jake Day is the only council member who actually works for a living.

    August 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM

    If he has a real job how long do you think his employer is going to allow him to continue taking off work for all these work sessions and meetings? Not long, Not long.

  57. Anonymous said...
    If someone legitimately receives public assistance that would not make me think they are unqualified to hold elected office. However all of Laura's activities to further her ambitions...all those co.mittee meetings, boards and travel illustrate that she could be working enough to support her family without public assistance. Why doesn't her husband get a job too? It is neither fair to those of us who work and pay taxes to fund the assistance that she doesn't deserve nor those who legitimately need the help. Laura should stop to consider that her worst day is better than the best day that many will ever have. She is a user.

    August 7, 2013 at 4:43 PM

    You are speaking the truth!

  58. Anonymous said...
    Here is why I have a problem with it.

    She cannot support herself, but she votes on a $60 million budget every year. She doesn't have to pay taxes, but she voted to raise the property tax rate from $. 83 to $. 89 per accessed.

    She votes to tax people, but pays zero taxes!?!? How is that ok?

    August 7, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    Because she is a Democrat and she thinks the rich republicans have to pay. Anyone working is rich to her. She is the queen of entitlements.

  59. Section 8 Apartments in Salisbury, Maryland

    We gather thousands of apartment rentals direct from private landlords, owners, apartment complex managers and management companies We want to make your housing in Salisbury fast and easy.

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  60. You salisbury suckers sure do elect allot of losers....barrie dunn lousie gary ireton day ...you all deserve it ..
    Signed fruitland sucker

  61. I wish I could spend approximately $270 on groceries at Sam's Club. Must be nice. I'm sure she laughs all the way to the bank 'cause she's pulling the wool over their eyes. (the welfare/ food stamp system, that is)

  62. Report food stamp fraud by calling toll-free fraud hotline number check directory, or call any social services department.

  63. 6:25, what fraud do you believe has taken place here?

  64. Yikes, two welfare queens on the Salisbury City Council, plus Fake Day. Glad I got out of the 'bury while I still could.

    Happy in Hebron

  65. What's her husband doing these days -- collecting unemployment $$$ again?

  66. I worry when I spend more than $30.00 at Sams/Grocery Store and when I do, it has to last several days worth of meals/supplies. So, she has $270.00 worth of free grub - wish I would have been standing in the line behind her when she was checking out as she would have loved to hear my comments about people getting free stuff...especially if they are able to work. She came around to my house several years ago when she was looking for voters, and she sure looked fine to me.

  67. And then there was her husband's being "fired" from his position as the president of the Wicomico Democratic Club for doing less than zero, including not doing anything to plan or execute their biggest annual fundraiser last summer.

  68. Mitchell hauls her husband around to events like a cheap tool. "Look at me, look at me! I'm married to a minority member!"

  69. Her son is a low life drug dealer-abuser also living in section 8 housing. The revolution is coming the working class is sick and tired of paying for all the free loaders.Pills,dope that scumbag sells it all just ask active members of SPD they know him for what he is GARBAGE just like his politico mother!

  70. They have both been told by myself to stay away from me and my household. She like the majority of the council is a piece of garbage and if the lap band queen knew how to work for her meal she would possibly be different.

  71. In Salisbury if you make less than me you are shiftless and lazy; if you earn more than me you are a cheat and a crook or a " good ol boy"

  72. If she can serve on the Council - which requires "work" - why can't she get and keep a job? What's that "disability" she says she has?

    Her husband knows how to avoid employment, so maybe he taught her how to game the system since he's a "professor."

  73. politicians just can't stand to work!
    look at weiner, if you'll pardon the expression.

  74. How come no one seemed to know anything about her before the election?

  75. Hey Laura....Royal Farms on Rt 50 is hiring. Why don't you and your husband apply there?

  76. Is it true that she is a relative of the property manager of Moss Hill apartments? If so, add more fish to the stink.

  77. Put this one back at the top, Joe. People have more to say about this entitlement queen.

  78. How to Report Section 8 Fraud

    Reporting Process

    Write a letter detailing information about the suspected Section 8 fraud. Be sure to include the following information:

    - Your full name and address (including a reliable phone number)
    - The name, address and phone number of the person committing the fraud
    - The name of the apartment complex, including the name and contact information of the apartment manager, where the suspected person lives
    - Any relevant details and evidence about the Section 8 fraud you might have

    Make sure you indicate whether you would like to remain anonymous or confidential in the course of the Section 8 fraud investigation.

    Also, you are not required to provide all of the above details in order to report a Section 8 fraud. However, the more information you can provide, the higher the chances that a perpetrator will be caught and prosecuted.

    Mail your letter to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Inspector General at the following address:

    HUD OIG Hotline, GFI
    451 7th St., SW
    Washington, DC 20410

    You also have the option of emailing your letter directly to HUD OIG at the following address: Hotline@hudoig.gov

    You should get written confirmation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Inspector General that your complaint has been received. Confirmation usually arrives within two to three business days upon receipt of your letter.

    Federal workers takes allegations of Section 8 fraud seriously. Therefore, all complaints are seriously considered and investigated.

    Tips & Warnings
    In addition to the option of mailing or emailing a complaint about Section 8 fraud, you also have the option of contacting the the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Inspector general fraud hotline by phone at (800) 347-3735. You can also fax your report to (202) 708-4829.

    Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_5687231_report-section-fraud.html#ixzz2bNtYyrzQ

  79. Ha, her and her husband are crazy like a fox! You watch… Just notice how they’re getting more and more into the “arts thing” , especially at 3rd Fridays. They’re just building a portfolio and waiting for waterfront section-8 housing to open up!!!

  80. 2:12 It is a conflict of interest, so learn what a bigot is.

    How can she make a decision in the best interest of the city, if she benefits from one side or the other.

    It's what wrong with government now, no one wants to vote out entitlement programs. But, they WILL be the cause of the collapse of society, as we know it... or KNEW it.

  81. What I don't understand is how whether they were living in housing set aside for low-income residents when the husband was working at the university. Can anyone comment intelligently on that topic? It would seem wrong. I wonder if anyone has first-hand knowledge.

  82. Conflict of interest doesn't mean squat in politics anymore. They all do it from the top down.
    How do you think all those congressmen turn into millionaires AFTER they are elected.

  83. Anonymous said...
    How come no one seemed to know anything about her before the election?

    August 8, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    Believe me we all did and many of the clown commenters on here admitted voting for her and now they are singing a different tune.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Is it true that she is a relative of the property manager of Moss Hill apartments? If so, add more fish to the stink.

    August 8, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    Yes it is true and Dale Dashiell who owns Milford Twilley Rental Management Company is fully aware of it. He should be reported for fraud as well.

  85. Joe-

    Please look into this and get hard facts about her, the hubby and son -- lets get her off the Council ASAP.

  86. IF she's using food stamps that should be reported and checked out because her activities and life style suggest that she is quite capable of working rather than taking the assistance. IF she was living in subsidized housing while her husband was a college professor, how can that be allowed to happen? All the officials investigating should have to take a look at is how much travel she did and activities she participated in for POLITICAL purposes last year to see right through what's going on. Oh, that's right...the truth might not make her cronies look too good, so will it be investigated at all?

  87. She didn't get my vote and won't in 2015.

  88. Is she claiming assistance for her grandson, the son of her criminal son and jailed daughter-in-law?

  89. Talk about aggressively entitled.

  90. This could be a good thing! We cannot find a politician, any politician who will accept obamacare and denounce using their gold plan, but at least we have a politician willing to use the "free" food stamps! And on the right day, she can drop by the tent on pemberton street to pick up a free obama phone!


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