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Sunday, August 11, 2013


Talk about a load of crap. 

Wicomico County has made a joke out of the above title. Last year the cameras raised some $49,000.00. Sheriff Lewis, Rick Pollitt and John Fredericksen sold the package on the County Council it was "for the kids".

Well, let's take a look now at just where that $49,000.00 went. The funding went to new computers for the Sheriff's Office vehicles. It went towards a K-9 and of all things it went to purchase new uniforms for the Police.

Nothing, not one penny went to the Board of Education. I guess like the Fire Department, "Big Toys For Big Boys" is now the Sheriff's Office motto.

We were sold a bill of goods, just like Keno, Lottery and Gambling money was to go to education. How's it working for you Wicomico County!


  1. This is outrageous! When is enough enough? And this is coming from someone who slows down at these lights and has never been ticketed. This money should and needs to go to the Board of Education. I think Lewis has overstayed his welcome. Thanks for bringing it to our attention again Joe.

  2. I'm ok with the cameras within the school zone but I would fight having them expand it outside of the area. It has made me slow down in those areas which is a good thing.

  3. It's for the speed camera vendors (huge lobby) and for omalley to create more state jobs.
    Doesn't surprise me some of the Wic Co Council fell for it. It's apparent to outsides most of them are far from being "rocket scientists." Very far.

  4. Add Fruitland in there too! # million Dollar Police Station for the Nina Lane Gang!

  5. I, for one, welcome our taxing overlords.

    All governments operate this way. 1. Tax to gain funds for a new initiative.
    2. Create a controversy, somehow, to take the watching eyes off the "fund"
    3. Slide that money to something less important, or pressing, than the original intent.

    Viola... government scum.

  6. The state speed camera statute says that any extra money collected by speed cameras over and above what's necessary to operate them can only be used for "public safety purposes." That means it can't go to the Board of Education; it has to be used by the sheriff's office.

    I oppose speed cameras and I wish the council would never have authorized them. But you can't blame Lewis for keeping the money and not giving it to the BOE when the law doesn't allow him to do that.

  7. This is why I'm voting for Ernie Leatherbury in the next election.
    Mike can go back to being a Narc for patrolman's salary.

  8. Does anybody know how the camera contractor gets paid? A lot of communities have gotten in trouble when the contractor gets a percentage of the fines. The courts have determined that their compensation cannot be tied to the number of violations that are sent out.

    Otherwise, I'm still not sure how you can "face your accuser" like you are allowed within the constitution. Your accuser is just a machine and it can't testify.

    If you really want to throw a wrench in the system, request a jury trial since the matter is over $20. The courts will spend a lot more than the ticket price to prosecute you. They might give you a better deal to drop the matter.

  9. I can see "For The Kids" meaning the hiring of MORE Crossing Guards and even uniforms for them.

    The IMPRESSION for the funding was NOT marketed to purchase ANY of the items mentioned in my article.

    The public has been under the impression it was for education.

  10. Who cares. Speeding is out of control. People are only mad because EVERYONE speeds and they are eventually going to get caught.

  11. Mike Lewis cannot be trusted. I bet if O'Malley called him up and told him to confiscate every AR15 in the county, he and his goons would be knocking on doors by 2PM this afternoon.

  12. Florida, Florida and a Federal Court outlawed traffic cameras. Maryland Courts outlawed speed cameras. The City of Salisbury and the State of Maryland can change the law to a civil violation, however it circumvents the right to confront witnesses. A major constitutional issue. In the case of traffic cameras there are no witnesses who can testify as to the identity of the driver. This in an of itself destroys the right to innocence before proven guilty.

  13. I guess I get to say yet again:

    I TOLD YOU ALL SO... man I love it when I am right...

    What can I say, you people are the most stupidest people I have ever come across...

    In the regard of intelligence, I hold dirt higher up on the scale than you all... you all are pathetic...

    But hey, you wanted this, so now you got it... SO basically STFU and go on with your lives... You didn't care then, why start now?

  14. Feel better now 12:26 Yeah I remember ANONYMOUS warning us. Full of yourself.

  15. Some day the citizens of Wicomico County will see Lewis' true colors. He is nothing but a liar and thief. He and his admin have been stealing from this county since he has been in office. Joe you forgot about the new IPhones he wanted even though the county can get other phones for FREE but they were what the detectives were getting and not good enough for him. I could go on and on but save the best for later. Wake up people Lewis is a joke!!!

  16. Bombard the council with calls that you don't want more speed cameras = heard Lewis wants more area covered. This needs to be contained before it is out of control.

  17. For the kids does not mean for education. It means to that they will be safer if people actually slow down when going by the school. Why all the bellyaching? Don't speed and you won't get a ticket. I'm all for collecting money from speeders. I'm 74 and have never had a ticket in my life.

  18. If it was for the kids, the cameras would only be in operation during school hours only - what do you not get about that 2:45 PM?

  19. I have always suspected any new money generator..proposed by any government is a scam..the funds are not used to reduce or maintain funding levels but to further expand funding requirements and deliver reduced or crappy services... these new revenue streams benefits the system only to enrich the coffers for more waste and even more whines of how they have no money.. I will start by attending fruitland meetings to either yell for use of the funds to reduce our crappy education system burden on us or REMOVE THEM....you do not deserve to build a police palace.. hire more cops .cameras then increase city water county and state taxes What are you doing with our money???..you politicans and your greedy friends need to get a clue..YOU ALREADY GET ENOUGH MONEY..its the libtard policies you support like illegal imigration.drug wars..re education camps you call schools .fatherless generations of useless wefare leeches..useless health care proposals that only beneifit the privilaged few and insurance companies..that have caused this fiscal mess...you broke so suck it up start elimanting useless programs and start reducing your cost to us..hey look i dont have an issue with speed cameras per say they can make our roads safer ..but the dollars generared is not a green lite to increase any spending....REDUCE REDUCE REDUCE YOUR COST TO US its your job...

  20. We all knew this was the sales pitch to get us to swallow the bitter pill..its always for the kiddies our furture little communists

  21. I see more of these things all the time, now there is one in front of the college apartments on South Division Street. More revenue for Jim. Maybe we can have a brandy new bathhouse built DOWNTOWN to go with those bike racks.

  22. 4:17, I get it just fine. If people get in the habit of slowing down by the school all the time, the kids will be safer when they are there. Also, lots of kids use the schools after hours for sports, band, etc. What don't YOU get about that?

  23. There will be more cameras coming and they willbe tracking where everybody is going already one installed in wicomico county you just don't know it

  24. If you went to any council meetings it was clearly explained that the funds raised went toward public safety. It was never stated that the funds went toward education. Who searches a school for bombs and drugs...a K9. Computers help deputies fight crime and that benefits all of us. Criminals have the latest technology. Law enforcement needs to at least try and keep up to do their job. Uniforms are expensive but necessary. That is money saved by regular taxpayers. This new stuff is funded by people breaking the law. Sounds good to me. IF you don't want to fund the stuff, don't speed.

  25. anonymous 7:53, Is that all you've got?

    I already suggested the funding be used to hire crossing guards as well as their uniforms.

    Keep in mind, (again) not a penny went to the BOE. The cameras require not one Officer to be on location.

    If the citizens and council truly knew nothing would go back to the BOE they would have shot it down. This is a money making scheme, always has been and always will be.

    Sheriff Lewis already gets to keep most of the money seized in drug deals. It's all about "Big Boys With Big Toys". Nothing ever seems to be good enough.

  26. I don't understand why no one is vandalizing these cameras, the ones by the schools are a nice low to the ground target. Where are the troubled teens when you need them!!

  27. what a bunch of freaking idiots, it's all about taking money from people and using whatever methods needed to do this. Hell next they'll find some way to fine people for not stopping to let geese and squirrels cross the road. anything to take money from the masses and reallocate as desired! but don't worry it's always for a good cause! f em all!

  28. Folks, Folks, Folks hold on here! You are wrong it is about the kids. Did you not read that the kids money is sending School Ed Kingpin Rickie to Taiwan? Keep the fines going, not enough money to meet the budget yet.

  29. "you people are the most stupidest people I have ever come across"

    And you am not too brite either...

  30. A number of posters have admitted that they slow down in the areas where these cameras are in place. And, if it keeps the rednecks, the tourists, the New Jersey/urban transplants, and the cellphone idiots from speeding in front of the schools than, yes, it could very well be considered 'for the kids'.

  31. 1:23 yeah and your right cause we all know dem kiddies need protecting by dem mean ol drivers speeding by at 7:30 pm during the summer months! How dare they do such a horrible thing. meanwhile most of these future felons are in more danger at home then at school! but never let common sense interfere with your warped liberal f... up mind!

  32. Also keeps the King Of Fruitland going to buy more stuff for Nina Lane!


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