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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Police See Spike In Heroin Deaths

As many people have died from overdosing on heroin in Montgomery County in the last five months as in all of 2010, 2011 and 2012 combined.

Montgomery County police say at least seven people have died from overdoses of the drug since March, and six of those deaths have taken place since the start of June.

The deaths are not confined to a particular part of the county, and the victims range in age from 19 to 45 years old.


  1. Looks like somebody manufactured some "bad" drugs. Quality control is going downhill these days on everything.

  2. Maybe the liberals will pass this as legal so they can safely shoot up with clean needles paid for by tax money.

  3. Probably a batch that hadn't been stomped on much and was of a quality which had the users taking the same amount they had been taking, but this batch must have been stronger. Good way to get rid of some thieving addicts.

  4. Hebron and Delmar are the hubs.

    But, we don't have a crime or drug problem.

  5. But still that's not many deaths compared to the number of drug users. Drugs have a down side. It's like playing roulette with a six shooter. Your only going to hear just so many clicks.

  6. Helllooooo...there have been a number of heroin overdose deaths in and around the Ocean City area...it is not just in Montgomery County..it is hear NOW.


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