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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Benghazi Was About 400 Surface-To-Air-Missiles Stolen By 'Some Very Ugly People,' DiGenova Says

(CNSNews.com) - Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova, who now represents one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told a Washington radio station Monday that the real scandal in Benghazi is the theft of 400 surface-to-air missiles by some "very ugly people." The Obama administration fears those missiles will be used to shoot down an airplane or blow up one of our embassies, he said.

Speaking to WMAL on Monday morning, DiGenova blasted President Obama for revealing, at his Friday news conference, the existence of a sealed indictment against a Benghazi suspect or suspects.

Then DiGenova added this bombshell:


1 comment:

  1. anyone care to explain how someone "steals" missiles. the entire world knows we are war mongers. short story - we sold em.


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