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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Obama Holding Press Conference Now

To view the press conference click HERE


  1. He has lost all credibility in my eyes with persistent lies, etc.
    I will not watch.

  2. I guess that's why the stock market is down again. Whenever he opens him mouth.......

  3. Is he lying??? His lips are moving! 'nuff said...

  4. Waste of good electricity!

  5. I just don't watch him anymore. He is a disgusting excuse for a president.

  6. A real embarrassment to the United States of America.

    Congress is just as bad for not initiating impeachment proceedings against him.

  7. never listen to this phony, fake, Liar! No person running for President has covered up his past achievements or failures, anyone who does as he has so much to hide as to prove his whole life is one big lie and fake!

  8. When asked if the USA was going to boycott the Olympics he said If Russia doesn't have gays or lesbian it will probably make them weaker.
    I thought they were suppose to be equal. Is he now saying they are better than others?

  9. I don't mind post like this , but please don't post his picture. I have to vomit when I see him. A true inspiration of satan.

  10. Anonymous said...
    He has lost all credibility in my eyes with persistent lies, etc.
    I will not watch.

    August 9, 2013 at 3:19 PM

    I always knew he never had any credibility? You should pay attention more often.

  11. Anonymous said...
    When asked if the USA was going to boycott the Olympics he said If Russia doesn't have gays or lesbian it will probably make them weaker.
    I thought they were suppose to be equal. Is he now saying they are better than others?

    August 9, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    Can you imagine what would happen to this country if everyone became gay and believed in homosexual marriage? How long do you think it would take before this country became extinct? What about the human race? Their is nothing positive about homosexuality and the perversion that exists with it.

  12. Lol.. You are all haters,.. This website is hilarious

  13. Dang Joe I didn't think Obammie would read your blog but it seems he does and posted a comment!
    Anonymous posted at 6:05pm had to be Obammie himself because the only one still believing his lies!
    But then to call all of us here haters is just wrong!


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