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Sunday, August 11, 2013


A cafe owner was just dealt a heapin’ helpin’ of social media wrath because of the following photo she posted on Facebook:

Seems Lorraine MacDuff, owner of Rainy Days Caffe in Lake Stevens, Wash., didn’t like that two customers failed to clean up after their kids, according to KOMO-TV, and so she posted the photo on her Facebook page that called out the customers.

MacDuff told KOMO that she asked the messy party to leave because one child was screaming and yelling, although they could return without their kids, she added.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At your house, that's your job. The mess was a small part of the problem. The real problem was a brat that wanted to scream and be a pain to everyone else that may wish to enjoy themselves. I know what we faced if we did that in a restaurant growing up. And my boys did too. I have been taking my boys out to eat since they were very little and they knew how to act or what punishment was in order if they didn't.

  3. control your kids. teach them some manors. teach them to pick up their OWN mess. if you cant, dont take them in!

  4. 9:23, do you know how much business you lost because of your comments?

  5. I'll go eat there as long as there are no screaming out of control heathens there!

  6. 9:23, do you know how much business you gained because of your comments?

  7. This type of thing happened to me and my family in a restaurant in Salisbury. A child was screaming and the mother and her friends were encouraging her behavior. We looked at moving but there was no table available for a party of 8. As they were leaving I thanked them for removing the child and now maybe we could have a peaceful family dinner. They then began playing the race game. One woman left and came back inside and got in my face. Other customers, who were also disturbed by the lady returning went and got the manager. My issue here is that the management knew the child was being disruptive to the other customers because the wait staff had alerted them. They did nothing about the situation because the rowdy group was black. This child was actually throwing food. Needless to say we will never eat there again.

  8. My parents didn't take us out to eat (except for the occasional fast food and Howard Johnson's while traveling) until we were able to behave reasonably well in a restaurant. So many people can't cook or just don't want to these days. If that's the case, get takeout and wait until the kids can handle stuff like waiting for the order to be ready, or stick to McDonalds.

  9. Loud, obnoxious children have no place in restaurants where people are trying to enjoy their meals. Parents who bring them and extremely rude.

  10. hate eating with parents that can't and won't make their children behave.

    I've seen great kids(parents) and rotten kids(parents) so I know parents can train their children properly.

    we Never allowed our children and grandchildren to misbehave in any public establishment. why; because they were never allowed to misbehave at home.

    hmmmmm. common sense to me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. There is a special place in hell for people who allow their children to act like animals at restaurants.

    Restaurants owners/employees are NOT payed to be parents/maids/child care workers. They are there to serve food and provide a nice atmosphere...NOT to clean up after your little monsters.

    These butt hurt parents should stop acting so entitled and take responsibility for this.

  13. Noting like saving for "date night" at an expensive place and then having the whole meal ruined by a spoiled brat! or worse yet...the parent of said brat!

  14. The parents who dine with rude kids and may be rude themselves, are used to it at home and just turn it off. Since good patrons pay usually a good price for their meal, and want to enjoy, I think restaurants should post signs parents are responsible for their children and this establishment, wants a fine dining experience for everyone and has the right to have those that break it leave the premises. It is their establishment after all.

  15. 10:54 what was the name of the place - more of us need to 'not go there' any more....for a couple of reasons.....the apathetic management and the other race-baiting customers.....let them have each other - they deserve each other!

    I want to go to places where civility is practiced by the customers and incivility is not tolerated by the management - or other customers.

    Kudos to you for saying something to them in the first place - damnation to them for making it a race issue...you didn't - they did!


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