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Sunday, August 11, 2013

News Around Salisbury Today

Oh, your going to LOVE what I'm about to tell you.

OK, the top Executives at PRMC have been in a corporate meeting all morning to discussing the "warning signs" and possibility of employees joining a Union. 

Many have asked why the article never made it in the Daily Times. I was told PRMC allegedly asked them to remove it because they simply want the topic to die. I'm sure they were afraid the DT's might actually break a record and get more than 12 comments on the subject. 

OK, on to another topic. Remember the 8.5% pay increase study we published about. Wait til you hear this. 

The STUDY compared areas like this: City wise, WILMINGTON, ANNAPOLIS. County Wise, BALTIMORE, ANNE ARUNDEL, HOWARD, MONTGOMERY. Heck, most of those Counties are in the top 5 income level in the entire State. 

Oh, I loved this. They compared Zoo salaries as well, even though the Zoo Staff got a massive pay increase as well as a major STEP increase, they compared us to the NATIONAL ZOO, BALTIMORE ZOO AND PHILADELPHIA ZOO. 

Mind you, NONE of the actual figures were provided in this study, so it's more like one of those, YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO TRUST US ON WHAT WE DELIVERED YOU. 



  1. joe, I appreciate you keeping us up to date, focused and on track. this info is invaluable and helps us to really see the truth regarding our pols, liberals and the good ole' boys network.

    let the past election go. it can't be changed. many of us couldn't vote in the city election and I know most on here are disappointed in the results. again; please move on. FIDO...Forget It and Drive On.

  2. I for one don;t suport unions. But when employs are being taking advantage of its time to set up shop and have a voice. The CEO's are living large on the working people's backs.

    1. I don't really support unions either, but when I have been given 1% raises for years now, and the queen and her court have given themselves OVER 50%, something has to give. We can"t even get a full paycheck, we are being sent home early on a weekly basis, we have used up our PTO from them doing this to us, and now we have 2 days less PTO. I can barely make ends meet, something has to give. Hey Peggy, how's that steak tasting? All I can afford is Walmart chicken.

  3. Re: Wage Survey Results

    Most government units tend to use a limited number of consulting firms for these surveys, which always generate self-serving results.

    They outline their 'concerns' at the time they contract for the study, and the vendor knows how to construct the survey to generate the desired result.

    From prior work for other government units the vendor already has a database and can just plug in the info from the client jobs under review. Each study lays the groundwork for contacting other agencies to propose a survey for them.

    Since the survey was conducted by a nominally independent 'expert' the local leaders can claim they're reacting to impartial 'facts'.

    You've pretty much hit the nail on the head in describing the poorly chosen 'comparables' used as the basis for this shoddy exercise.

    Shameful! Bend over peasants!

  4. 1:41 is correct. Mayor and Council are being taken as fools and have been sold a crock of nonsense. Easiest 'study' the company's probably ever done. Likely just googled government salaries.

    I know a bit about these surveys. We (upper and lower management and HR did for support staff) had to do our own in a very large international corporation that makes products everyone uses everyday.
    Zoo should have been compared to other zoos with similar revenue sources. If the National Zoo and the Philly Zoo receive the same or nearly the same percentage of donations, government funding, gift shop revenue, etc then they are comparables.
    This would be the method used since zoos can be considered nonessentials. Non profits use this formula also.
    As far as other government positions in Sby, it seems whomever did the study just pulled counties and cities out of the sky and used them without them really being an accurate commensurable in any area such as population, the sizes of the departments (such as how many police officers, public works employees.) Extremely important is how much of a demand is there for a specific job and employment alternatives such as in the private sector.

  5. Management and Board..union is coming! Hold on!

  6. Oh and Peggy parties in OC too, at the OC Golf Club, according to The Metropolitan Magazine. How many of you peasants get to party in OC at the Golf Club???

  7. Shameful. They were supposed to compare to other like jobs locally and factor in any differential for benefits that would mitigate pay discrepancies. Shame on Jim Ireton and his staff.

    1. So what did the local market comparison show?

  8. "1:41 is correct. Mayor and Council are being taken as fools and have been sold a crock of nonsense. "

    That's not a hard thing to do. They are clueless on how to run a city... aka ANYTHING

  9. Its unbelievable how many people say they don't support unions, and then go on detail the exact reasons why we need unions. If CEOs and management all acted in good faith we wouldn't union is the first place. Just like if there were no bad actors in foreign policy we wouldn't need an army. You people are so dumb.

  10. On the topic of PRMC....first of all..Unions are NOT going to solve the problems. Look at Crown and Dresser Wayne (now defunct). Unions are NOT a solution. There are very real problems at PRMC that go way beyond the line of BS spewed by Peggy and her team of storm troopers. The arrogance and incompetence at the executive level is ridiculous. The VP's are running in 47 directions and dumping on all the mid level managers. The senior leadership of PRMC is NOT respected because they have NOT earned respect. The Board of Trustees is supposed to act on behalf of the community. If they are negligent in their actions, the community has the right to demand their replacement. The good 'ol boy country club of Marty and Monty needs to go. We need people on the board that will consider what is best for the hospital as a hole. Not this blue blood B.S.

  11. What did this pay study cost tax payers? Remember the Hendricks study and another one they had done years ago and did nothing with the results?

  12. "I do not support unions"

    Unions should be illegal! Nothing more than strongarm robbery and extortion.

  13. People didn't elect Joe, so this is what they get. Please Joe, run again and give them another chance now they know the consequences of there mistakes.

  14. 6:16 PM

    OK, make exploiting and abusing employees illegal, guarantee health care coverage for all workers, mandate hour/overtime limits/vacation and raise the minimum wage to a level where you can actually live on it working 40 hours a week without resorting to subsidized housing or food stamps and I'll happily join your campaign to outlaw unions.

  15. Run Joe Run.

    Move back to Salisbury and run for something anything.

    You have my vote!

  16. This study the city had done cost the taxpayers about $42,000. Almost 150% what Ireton gets paid a year.

  17. no unions. just keep getting the truth out to the public...

  18. PRMC, just withhold the "check off" and the union reps will leave. All they want is the money too. Start wages at minimum wage and negotiate from there. Eliminate extra jobs. Play hardball. The street goes two ways people. PRMC has been picketed before. This would be the last thing the people would want IF it takes place. Watch and see!

  19. 10:45. Sounds like a Manager/Director from PRMC to me!

  20. If you peoples had voted for JOE ALBERO none of this mess would be happeneing.

  21. 44 k NOT well spent. that would have paid for some well deserved times off.

  22. All of these non union comments are pretty much coming from managers and exec. cause if there is union activity the managers can't participate and they actually have to work. I say go for it it can't be any worse than it is now......think about it!

    I was never for unions either but have never seen a place that needed one worse than PRMC. They have used and abused the staff at all levels for many years. At least you will have a voice which you sure do not have now!!!!!!

  23. unions have a time and place. Both are at PRMC. The employees need representation. They will continue to be crapped on otherwise.

  24. I was not aware the employees at PRMC were being held in chains in involuntary servitude and being forced to work for low wages. Nursing is a marketable skill; if they don't like the wages or working conditions they are free to go elsewhere or even change careers.

    1. Get a clue, there is nowhere else to go, they are the only game in town. So yes, without a union to force them to do the right thing, we are held captive by the need to feed our families.

  25. That Monty guy is a total creeper.
    Abandoned his wife and shacked up with a married woman. An Eastern Shore D-bag!

  26. Anyone who hates unions is most certainly ignorant to the positive influence they can have. Having moved here from a heavy Union presence area I can tell you that even non union employers had to compete with the union jobs. THIS RAISES THE STANDARD FOR THOSE JOBS AND THE EMPLOYEES. Get a clue ppl. I dont work at PRMC but I work locally and the good ol boy network is rampant on the shore. Ive never seen so much inner corruption with friends and family. Its no wonder wages here are so low and everyone is pi$$ed off. Not to mention that unless you are a local you are constantly blamed for things just because you are from insert any place other than the shore.

  27. 9:25 said just like the upper management around here. How bout you walk in someone elses shoes first.

  28. Trust me, after the BS I have listened to and put up with today, we need a union!!!! I've had enough of management at this place!

  29. 10:05 preach it!! Most people around here believe the things they do about unions because it's what their feudal overlords tell them.

  30. 10:05am, your remarks are completely devoid of data. Unions do not add value to either side of the equation. They take dues from those they represent and in exchange those represented get less benefits and similar wages. Take the time to do the research and you will see this is true. Either way, it no longer matters. The senior leadership AND board have screwed this place up so badly, a take over is inevitable.

  31. Ok Joe which cities would you compare us to?

  32. 5:57 when every other outfit in town pays $25.00 an hour, has great benefits and an agreeable attitude about work and you happen to be the only guy paying less with no benefits, where would you want to work? I'd be willing to bet you have either never been in a union or even worked in an area where unions are strong. I lived in the union capital for almost 25 years and saw it daily. Wages for non union jobs were higher and benefits packages had to be competitive. I dont have data (aka numbers) to back it up but your opinion is likely based on general internet reading and typical one sided ideals. Im a conservative BTW but believe in the right to a liveable wage and equal treatment. The shore is rampant with favoritism. Most ppl here spell TEAM with an "I".

  33. I'm so upset with management I would vote for a union just for spite! All I want are my 2 days vacation back, better nurse-patient ratios and to be able to use my sick time when I'm sick. I don't think that's too much to ask..it would make me happy!

  34. 1:53. I totally agree!!! And I would also like to have a break from taking so much call! 10 days/nights a month is getting pretty tiresome. Doesn't leave much time for family. Remember, happy employees = happy patients:)

  35. Man. I actually voted for you Joe. But now I am questioning that decision as I see you support unions and give entitled whiners an outlet for their complaints. As I understand it, the PRMC CEO started out as a nurse. So to my mind the nurses at PRMC should be thrilled she gets highly paid Commit to a career, put in the drive, education etc., and maybe they could achieve something similar. But no they'd rather cry and demand a union. This is not a conservative probusiness outlook. PRMC may be a nonprofit but there are certain business principles you have to stick to to be successful. That may be what's happening at the zoo too. Anyway, Joe, what is happening. You need to go back to your roots and stick up for smart conservative principles.

  36. It is a sad state. The only thing left for salisbury is the hospital and the university. If either were close to the old downtown district, the city would look like chicago. If this hospital is in the top 5%, I suggest we are way pass the emergency switch!

  37. Peggy Naleppa may have started out as a nurse, but I think she has forgotten that. She must show respect in order to receive it.

  38. For the edification of the newcomers, anyone who has lived in this area very long remembers what the union did to Dresser Industries. Hence the hesitancy to trust unions.


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