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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Any Questions?


  1. What will the Blue state gay people do when Sharia comes to America.

  2. Oh stop it...we like to hug each other, and ooooh ooooh ooooh

  3. Obama, O'Malley and O'Ireton = Blue state.

  4. our mayor never looked so good in green.

  5. We knew eventully Mayor Ireton would show his pansy ways!

  6. This is exactly what is wrong with this divided country. Each side considers themselves so pristine in their morals and values. This is just plain ignorance.

  7. Look at education The top 10 states in education are Blue... The bottom 10 states in education are RED.. Just the facts.. Check it out

  8. 12:21
    You are wrong. Even saying the top 10 states that educated people live would be pushing it. As far as states that have the best schools you are wayyyyyyyy off.

  9. 12:35, I would like to respond, but since you can't express yourself clearly, I don't really know if I am addressing the points you are trying to make.

  10. What kind of education are you receiving in blue states? Government school propaganda? What difference does it make if you're a well educated FOOL. For instance who picked the color red for consevatives and blue for liberals? Answer: The same Dewey inspired socialists that are brainwashing our kids. Red was always associated with socialism, communism, Marxism. Check out the flag of the largest communist nation on earth. The liberals are always twisting truth to confuse and mislead the "educated" sheeple.

  11. The picture says it all. Red state Americans understand the responsibility of freedom and shoulder the load. Blue state americans roll around in freedom like a pig in sh@t. Semper Fi. May all you lazy, entitlement liberals burn. I carried the load for your sorry asses.


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