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Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Mexico Court Rules Non-English Speaking Citizens Can Serve On Juries

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — The New Mexico Supreme Court is cautioning trial courts and lawyers that citizens who don’t speak English have the right to serve on juries.

The court issued the admonition in a ruling that upholds an Albuquerque man’s convictions for murder and other crimes in the bludgeoning death of his girlfriend and a subsequent armed robbery and stabbing.



  1. Yeah. THAT'S what I want -- someone on a jury that doesn't understand my language, deciding if I go to prison or not. A CITIZEN of ANY country should be able to speak the language of the country in which they claim citizenship. At least when they decide the fate of OTHER citizens...

  2. The speed of stupidity in this country have now reached a new level and still accelerating!

  3. 11:33 True that. A one word reason:


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