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Sunday, August 25, 2013

MD Among States With Highest Cases Of Lyme Disease

Health officials say a new study reveals Lyme disease is about 10 times more common than previously reported, and Maryland is one of the leading states with the highest cases of the disease.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Monday that as many as 300,000 Americans are actually diagnosed with Lyme disease each year.

Usually, only 20,000 to 30,000 illnesses are reported each year. For many years, CDC officials have known that many doctors don't report every case and that the true count was probably much higher.



  1. the doctors in our area are NOT up on this, for the most part. it's a real shame for those who continue to suffer and don't even know they have this disease...

  2. there is a whole other subculture of illness that comes from these insects that the government (CDC) will not acknowledge and the patients are miss diagnosed or just kicked out of doctors offices because they don't fit all the guidelines set up by the CDC.

  3. The doctor down here, don't want to deal with this at all, not sure why, but they don't.

  4. 131-You realize Lyme disease was created by our gov't, right?

  5. 2:47 You are correct. It was created by our Government as germ warfare in 1943 on Plumb Island off of New York. They actually imported Lone Star ticks from Texas. Pryor to that, Lone Star ticks had never been reported north of Oklahoma. Lyme is the name of the town in Connecticut where doctors finally figured out what was going on. We have Lone Star ticks on Delmarva. They are tiny, about the size if a pin head, are black, and have a white spot on their back. you will need a magnifying glass to see them.

  6. 5:57 You are also right. But they also were a part of lab experiments at Ft. Detrick Md. If you are bitten by a insect and you develop a red bulls eye around it, that's a common sign of Lyme disease. From first hand experience, you will need 6 weeks of antibiotics to kill it.

  7. The swelling and infection does not have to have a bulls eye to be Lymes but 6:44 is correct. Don't wait... run to Immediate Med Center.

  8. Most doctors on the Eastern Shore throw a 30 day supply of Doxy at it and say your cured, which is not true. Wonder if the CDC will now recognize the remaining 12 bands of tick borne illnesses that come with Lyme!

  9. Previously Lyme disease was thought of as "deer tick" disease. Deer only carry this disease because it was transferred from mice or rats. Thus mice and rats were used by our government for experimental purposes. When it gets cold, and deer bed down at night, the mice and rats snuggle up to get warm. So the government calls it "deer tick" when, in fact, they created it in the mice and rats. This is true. I have documentation.

  10. nah! we don't have it here...tell that to my nephew.

  11. 9:02. There lies the problem. If you have a bite and run to the Med Center they will give you 2 weeks of antibiotics because that's what it says in Medical Journal. They may give you a blood test called Western Block, but they should look at CD 57, which pertains to your immune system. I'm not a doctor, but have had the disease. Once you've contracted it, it's like cancer. It may go into remission, but, you will always have it.


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