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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Lawmaker Calls For Changes After Disabled Man Dies

A Maryland lawmaker is calling for statewide standards relating to approaching the disabled, after a man with Down syndrome died when police tried to remove him from a movie theater.

Delegate Heather Mizeur asked Governor Martin O'Malley in a letter Tuesday to launch an investigation under the state's health department.

Mizeur, a Montgomery County Democrat who is running for governor, requested a commission be formed to design statewide standards for workforce training. 



  1. The Grand Jury has spoken, but that is not good enough for these liberals. If there was evidence they would have been charged. Evidently the individual knew how to get to the theater, how to pay for the ticket, but lacked the capacity to leave after the movie. I think not.

  2. His caregiver was with him, Ron, and was trying to please the movie manager as well. That's when the knuckleheads barged in.

    Hey, guess what, Maryland Democrats? I don't go around forcibly suffocating the down syndrom people, and I really avoid doing so with .....

    wait for it...


    Cool, aren't I?

  3. the caregiver left him alone and went outside the theater to get a vehicle. Never mentioned that a special needs person was left there to the manager or anyone else until after the problems had already begun.

  4. Sorry, 502, she was back and warned the thugs about physical confrontation.

    You lose, read again.

  5. More news like this will be a regular occurance with our newly formed post 911gestopo police forces natione wide..refunded equiped and full of eager trigger happy nazis...as we tax payers suffer.but i dont think this is what we asked for...but hey acheiving communism is a hard fight you either bend or it will break you...

  6. Another investigation? In the future just don't call the police,since everything they do is wrong.

  7. August 7, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Are you weird or what?

  8. This Down Syndrome person was an adult and very violent. There are a lot of them around her so don't ever turn your back on them. I have seen them attack and bite large chunks of flesh off of people. Ask their care givers what they are capable of doing. They aren't the cute teddy bears you cop haters are making them out to be.


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