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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Donald Trump Gets The Keys To The Old Post Office Building In Downtown Washington

It's a done deal. The General Services Administration has given Donald Trump the keys to the Old Post Office Building in downtown Washington. GSA says it finalized the agreement with Trump's real estate company Monday night at the end of a Congressional review period. Trump is leasing the building for 60 years at a cost of $200 million. He is turning it into a mixed-use development with restaurants, a spa, conference space and a luxury hotel. The hotel is scheduled to open in 2016.


  1. An absolute steal for Trump. 60 year lease for 200M? 3.3M a year for a building 2 blocks from the White House. Guess he's a good ol' boy ;)

  2. 10:42, No, he just has the money to do it and the smarts to see a deal. Wouldn't you if you had the money to do so? I would.map

  3. D.C. is the only place in the entire country that is prosperous--all at the expense of every hardworking American Taxpayer funding the District of Corruption. Trump knows the aristocrats in D.C. will spend lavishly--taxpayer dollars, that is.

  4. 1127-If I had the funds I'd do it in a heartbeat. Not knocking Trump whatsoever. But, I think the GSA did a craptastic job on their part. A building like that could easily rent it for much, much more than 3.3M a year.

  5. Let's see if anybody in 2073 actually remembers to renegotiate the lease.


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