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Sunday, August 11, 2013

House Of Delegates Car On N Division


  1. the guy is a piece of you know what. At least this pic is out where everyone can see it. Wonder if he is still parked there and how long

  2. I would probably ignore traffic control systems too if I knew I wouldn't get a ticket (or could get it fixed !)

  3. That's Norman, and that doesn't look like a restaurant. What's up?

  4. Conway going to church??? I wonder??

  5. So is this a complaint, or breaking news of a conspiracy or impeachable offense. Or is it more likely Norm out with constituents. It is Sunday morning, maybe a church appearance and an after service get together. Not sure, what's the big deal. Or is this merely a parking complaint? I can't tell if the curb is yellow, his tires are definitely on the sidewalk, I'm just not really sure of what the big deal is!

  6. Parking rules are for the pheasants, not the ruling class. Silly Albero..... how dare you question.....

  7. Shopping for some prostitutes.


  9. Norm is a Democrat. Democrats are exempt from laws for parking on the sidewalk.

  10. This is illegal and what if a handicapped person needed to use that side walk. Norman Conway has done some stupid things before and this has got to be tops. He obviously doesn't care for the people.

  11. Do as I say, not as I do Peasants! I'm at church, and with my people, the parking job is of no interests to you people.

  12. I am surprised this shot wasn't taken in Laurel Del where Norm goes to collect rent. That's right Norm owns rentals in Delaware but keeps raising our taxes in Md and feeding at the public trough. Maybe you should take a drivers test Norman.

  13. It's a wonder his fat lazy butt didn't drive right up to the door and park on the grass. He eats so much he looks like an obese Fred Flintstone.

  14. Mayor would void his ticket.

  15. The mayor doesn't have the ability to void tickets.

  16. This shows extreme lack of good breeding. I know he is a grown man but this reflects on terrible parenting.
    If everyone parked like this imagine how damaged the sidewalks would be. You just don't do this no matter who you are unless you weren't raised properly.

  17. Norm needs to retire. Hopefully, we'll have someone to oppose him this time that has a pulse.

    1. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone actually represent us? Otto does good by his district, McDermott has done good by his district - now he faces Mathias who IMHO has done well by us along with Colburn. We just need a fresh start in our district.

  18. When the sidewalk needs repair send him a bill. He probably can't walk from the parking lot to the church.

  19. Comments on here are just awful about the man. What is wrong with you people? And, Joe, what is wrong with you to allow these nasty comments?

    I'm not liking Conway for his political views, but to run a person into the ground like some of these comments do , is just plain wrong. Bet most of these comments wouldn't be here if your name had to be attached to them.

  20. 5:15 This mayor does whatever he damn pleases. The chief of police works for him because he is the God of Salisbury. This is how the Democrats work.

  21. To 4:17 - I wonder if he has any gastrointestinal issues. You know like illnesses manifested by cramps, gas, bloating, and alternate bowel constipation and diarrhea.

    You know a person's health is reflected by ones eating habits.

  22. Wow. Everybody just pile on. Looks to me like he was trying to leave room so traffic could get past easily. Also left plenty of room on the sidewalk. Lighten up folks.

  23. This vehicle is known for its spacious interior. One look at the owner and you will understand why it's needed.

  24. Used to be, in a REAL city, you could park on the sidewalk as long as two wheels were on the road.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Comments on here are just awful about the man. What is wrong with you people? And, Joe, what is wrong with you to allow these nasty comments?

    I'm not liking Conway for his political views, but to run a person into the ground like some of these comments do , is just plain wrong. Bet most of these comments wouldn't be here if your name had to be attached to them.

    August 4, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    Norman Conway has broken the law and you soft hearted liberals are to stupid to understand and care.

    He brought it on his own and I notice you didn't sign your name.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Wow. Everybody just pile on. Looks to me like he was trying to leave room so traffic could get past easily. Also left plenty of room on the sidewalk. Lighten up folks.

    August 4, 2013 at 9:24 PM

    He was trying to leave room for traffic? If he was trying to leave room then it's obvious he was parking in a no parking zone. He didn't leave enough room on the sidewalk. When did you become an expert on the law. He broke the law get over yourselves.

    1. He could have parked anywhere else but I guess his fat *ss didn't feel like walking.

  27. There's No Way, Like The CON Way!

  28. Isn't that a yellow (means no parking) curb?

  29. Norman Conway has done more for this area than many of you will ever realize. It is a shame how we bash our local officials at any level of government. Many of which don't do it for anything other than the fact that they care. I would like to see some of you put some of that energy from you big mouths into volunteering....oh that right....that is for "other" people to do so that you can complain about them.

    1. Ha! Being in elected office over 40 years I'd hope he's done something for the area's he's represented. Please name just 1 thing accomplished let alone spearheaded for "all of us" in the area's he's represented. (Please note the "all of us")

  30. He, like politicians and cops, don't think law is made for them. And it's not --- just for us, the serfs. And they truly don't give a rats ace what the serf's think about it. You think the plantation owner worried about what the field hands thought about his actions or behavior? History continues to repeat itself. And 40 YEARS of "service"? TRULY a pig at the trough...

  31. *:38 <THIS! He hasn't done anything. And regardless, no one is above law, period!

  32. People do not blame this Norman servant to the people. He has a driver, a third class citizen, and he is the one who must be criticized. Probably also has the car running which requires fine of carbon gas emmission. Probably smokes in the car. Probably talks on the cell while driving (oh, we don't fine those who talk and drive in MD).

  33. There are so many negative people out there. Some are jealous of his leadership ability. Others are too uninformed as to all Mr. Conway has done for the Eastern Shore. You know how it is. You can do 100 good deeds and one mistake nullifies the good. Isn't it funny how some brains work.You all who dwell in the basement need to rise up and see some sunshine. Be positive. Negativeness drags you down and lowers your self-worth.


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