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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Driver Says He Did All He Could During Florida School Bus Beating

(CNN) -- The windmilling fists and stomping feet rain down blows on the 13-year-old boy.

Trapped on the floor between the bus seats, he cries out as he receives fierce punch after vicious kick from the three bigger, older youths.

As the relentless assault unfolds, the driver of the Florida school bus alerts the dispatcher, pleading for aid.

But he doesn't physically step in to help.

The bus driver, at least according to his school's policy, did nothing wrong.



  1. Those 3 "students" have nothing to offer society, and should be eliminated with their "parents". The bus driver should do some serious time, as he had opportunity to at least step between the boy and his attackers.

    It's about time we start having REAL penalties for idiots actions.

  2. And if the bus driver "would" have cracked heads, he would have been fired and sued!

  3. The driver is 64 years old....not his job to break up fights among thugs. He job is to drive the bus. What if the driver had been a woman? Should she have been required to intervene?

  4. The bus driver is 64 years old. If he were my husband, I wouldn't want him taking on three thugs who, for all he knew, could have been armed.

  5. Just wondering? What would of happened if it was three whites beating up on a small black boy? Would the bus driver have broken up the fight? Would Sharpton, Jackson, and Owebama started a protest?

  6. The little boy that was beaten up would wait till he's grown up, Pay his attackers a visit one night, They would have forgotten and not expect him. persons that is tied up can take a lot of Paine before they die

  7. wcboe only requires its driver to stop and contact police if a fight breaks out. they are not required to get out of their seat

  8. I'm 59, and would dive in to cover the victim. If that's the way I am to die, well, then that's my day. I could not come out in public the next day unless I had done that.

    But, that's just me.

  9. I am a school bus driver in Wicomico county. If there is a fight on our bus, we are required to call the Board then they call the authorities.We are told to stay out of the fight. If a student comes after us we are only allowed to protect ourselves by blocking them from hitting us.But that doesn't guarantee that we won't get in trouble. Because that would mean we had to put our hands on that child. Which is a no no, even though the kid was at fault.Go figure.

  10. If he physically touches a child he will lose his job and can be sued even when provoked.
    No stand your ground here.Its the law.

  11. Id tell them we are driving to the police station

  12. The school should have prevented this whole situation. It isnt hard to predict the out come here, the boy is a narc. He told the school they tried to sell him drugs. Thug life, they will be in jail in no time

  13. If doing nothing was all he could do then I guess he did...he deserves to be publicly embarrassed...


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