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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Half Of $1 Trillion In Federal Student Loan Debt Unpaid

About half of the outstanding $1 trillion in federal student loan debt in the U.S. isn’t being repaid. And 1 out of 8 borrowers are defaulting on their loans despite unprecedented federal attempts to help.

An analysis released Monday by the CFPB shows borrowers are struggling to repay their loans and are seemingly unaware of options that could them help avoid default or forbearance.

“That can have serious consequences for their economic future,” said Rohit Chopra, the bureau’s student loan ombudsman. “The troubling part is that many of those defaults could have been avoided if borrowers knew about their options and were able to easily enroll in them.” 



  1. They're practicing being dead beats for when they enter the real world.Certainly some are working and have been for some time,but they knew what they were getting into before they even started college.

  2. Don't you know for the new young socialist idiots, a college education with the accompanying Mc-Diploma is an entitlement in the Obama 2010s. Reality always strikes when they are immediately fired for expecting any company to carry their butts and pay them a 50 to 60 thousand salary for staring at a computer and producing nothing that is valuable to the company. "But that's not what we were told by our Marxist professors! The private sector needs us", NOT!! I know this is not all college students, some do give a damn and work hard to succeed, but not many. (Old timer at a local professional company).
    Send hate mail to Old Timer, SBYNEWS Blog.

  3. Where are the good jobs at?

  4. Most of these Universities are requiring nonsense classes to pump up the tuition costs.
    If you don't think universities are run to maximize income in the form of tuition, then you haven't been to one lately.

  5. Go after them, then jail them. Set the interest at 25% and make them pay it back in a timely manner. Ridiculous.

  6. 11:11, how are they going to pay if they are in jail? how will higher interest help the debt get paid?

  7. 9:18-The order of things always used to be starting at the bottom and working ones way up the ladder.Having to pay back huge college loans no longer allows that.Jobs were never really that good when a person began employment,but after a while when they proved themselves promotions and raises followed.What a shame that template can no longer be followed.


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