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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Equality For All Races?


  1. I was never wiretapped, and I am part of this Nation. So this is wrong.

  2. How do you know you were never wiretapped? What a fool!

  3. So you think 5:12..guess your one of those who s not doing anything wrong heh..such ignorance in this nation as too why the constitition was even written!

  4. 5:12 even your stupid comment was stored by the goverment. Your just not awake yet to realize it.

  5. The ones who exposed the one on the left are hailed as heroes, the one who exposed the other is hunted like a dog.

  6. 5:12 = Obama Democrat (STUPID!!!!)


  7. Cuck Cook said...
    I was never wiretapped, and I am part of this Nation. So this is wrong.

    August 6, 2013 at 5:12 PM

    Chuck quit being such an idiot. You are quick to fall on the sword for the Muslim aren't you!

  8. Richard Nixon could be easily hailed as one of the best presidents in the U.S. history. He just got caught.

    On the other hand Obama got caught numerous times and no one cares.


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