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Friday, August 30, 2013

George W. Bush: Obama Has A ‘Tough Choice’ To Make On Syria

Former President George W. Bush said on Friday that President Barack Obama has a "tough choice" to make in determining a U.S. response to the Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons.

"The president's got a tough choice to make," Bush told "Fox & Friends" host Brian Kilmeade. "And if he decides to use our military, he'll have the greatest military ever backing him up."

"I'm not a fan of Mr. Assad," he added. "He's an ally of Iran, and he's made mischief." 



  1. Better not in light of the evidence...

  2. "If he (Ob') decides to use our military" he will be giving the "finger" to congress and our constitution.. But then he does that all the time..

  3. Given the history of the Bush administration, I hope they all speak up in order to remind the country of the folly of rushing headlong into action...and how our your men and women in the service pay a horrible price while the elites enrich themselves with fat defense contracts.

  4. Obama may or may not realize it,but he has created a perfect storm scenario.Every stupid thing he's done is culminating into one enormous mess.Bombing Syria is just one small part of it.The fact that he has allowed everything to come together AT ONCE is unbelievable.Do we really have stupid written all over us.He has lied so much that even he believes it.


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