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Monday, August 26, 2013

Colin Powell Warns US To Step Back From Syria

Speaking on CBS News on Sunday, Powell said the situation in Syria was beyond the capability of the US to influence to any significant extent as Washington has recently ratcheted up its war rhetoric on Damascus.
“We shouldn't go around thinking that we can really make things
happen,” said Powell.
While he acknowledged that he had “no affection” for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Powell said Syria’s foreign-backed opposition forces do not seem to be much of a choice for Washington.
“What do they represent? And is it becoming even more radicalized
with more al-Qaeda coming in? And what would it look like if they prevailed and Assad went? I don't know,” he said.
Powell’s remarks come after US officials ratcheted up their war
rhetoric on Syria following conflicting reports of an alleged chemical attack which the Syrian foreign-backed opposition was quick to blame on the Syrian army.



  1. Exactly why Powell and Obama don't hit it off.

  2. And he's right! From the information I've seen, I don't know who is right and who is wrong there.

  3. I say the US needs to stay out of everyone else's business. Help our own people.

  4. 1157 let the International Community STEP UP Enough is Enough.

  5. Evil arabs killing evil Muslims and vice versa.... and we want to get involved WHY??

  6. Not a fan but he's right. NWO at its best.

  7. 1:14 nailed it....we should practice that here at home too!

  8. 1:14 is correct it is a win win situation.

  9. I, for one, am sick of endless war!

  10. Powell revealed himself to be a bit of a schmuck - but he is right about this one.

  11. best to listen to powell. Otherwise we'll have to blame something else on bush.


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