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Sunday, August 11, 2013



  1. If we only knew what our babes would look like in 30 years. Wow !!!

  2. All you young boys out there need to be careful what you wish for in life.

  3. getting old is hard sometimes

  4. This is the standard. Women age horribly.

  5. Sarah Palin look out.

  6. lets see,,,,I’ll take the first one

  7. 10:25 Look at their mothers. That is what they will end up like.

  8. That is a horribly bad picture of her. Google her name. She does not look that bad. That's a terrible post, making fun of women. So disappointing. Nobody looks the same as when they are in their twenties, fact of life people.

  9. Im sure you men look just like you did 30 years ago.

    1. I do 1:19. Sorry about your luck.

  10. I'm 60 and male and don't look so hot myself. My wife has held up better, but I'll love every wrinkle on her. These kind of comparisons really are a dump on women.

  11. Those who read Sby News don't age.They still look as good as they ever did.The men and women all look the same as they did in the 70's.That's why we can't figure out what happened to Daisy.Maybe we should pass our secret along to her.

  12. Catherine Bach as - Honey BooBoo.

  13. 11:26 Please go look in the mirror AGAIN. You wish!!!!!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm 60 and male and don't look so hot myself. My wife has held up better, but I'll love every wrinkle on her. These kind of comparisons really are a dump on women.

    August 9, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    Excellent response. You sir are a gentleman. Kudos.

  15. 10:25 RAY I am sure all the women are lining up for you. You would jump at a chance to have a woman like that. Your so ugly you could be a modern art master piece.

  16. catherine bach's husband committed suicide, I am sure it has been hard on her and her daughters.

  17. 10:07-I've read your comment several times,and the more I read it the less sense it makes.Would'nt a modern art masterpiece be a good thing?

  18. I wouldn't wish being famous on my worst enemy. What a life of he!! these people must live. I couldn't take it 24/7. The money would be great but it is a double edge sword.

  19. I'm 59.
    Can I post a photo of my "shape" to you? It will have to include a disclaimer, though. I truly believe I am as sexy as I was at twenty, but I'm afraid others would be of a differing opinion!

  20. Still looks fairly good to me! Is she sane and compatible? That's all I'm looking for...

    My ex was insane and wanted to kill me. Not a good life.

  21. Modern art master piece is a line from Full Metal Jacket.

  22. Fact of life.. We are genetically engineered at birth and only by marvelous intervention can our development be changed. If you are not subject to the same aging problems as others, thank your parents and grandparents and all of your other forebearers.


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