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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bradley Manning: ‘I Am A Female’

Army Pfc. Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, his lawyer announced Thursday morning.

Manning, who was sentenced on Wednesday to 35 years in prison, asks to be called Chelsea Manning in a statement Manning’s lawyer read Thursday morning on the “Today” show on NBC.

In it, Manning expresses a desire to begin hormone therapy “as soon as possible.”


  1. Looks like he may get his wish. Either way 35 years in prison will make him a woman.

  2. That homosexual pansy has been sentenced to 35 years in jail and now the tax payers are going to pay for his sex change. Only in new America with a gay muslim in the White House would this happen.

  3. Nice try Bradley.trying to activate the phantom gay rights movement myth.Why not say your great grandmother was black while you are at it so 2 phantoms can be in play.

  4. Hang the traitor coward!

  5. Why didn't he LEAK that info?


  6. Absolutely, why didn't he leak that info before now...what is the world coming too....

  7. @10:31, with a blind attitude like that I hope you're right there with him.

  8. 432 go cry on ur liberal Perez shoulder...moron.

  9. He committed his crime as a (I guess) man...he does have outside plumbing, after all...let him serve his sentence the same way he goes in. After he is out, let him pay for his own sex change.

  10. 754, YES! and, who cares what his sexual preferences are? Would this be different for murder, theft, or any other crime? He can wish for anything hr wants, but he needs to buy it! Either give him or Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize, or leave him in the pokey. I think he's a hero, but a weirdo as well.

  11. he is just testing the new "open" policies of the military.


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