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Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Story Worth Telling

More than a decade ago I had been living in West Ocean City, (Captain's Hill) and I had read about an auction that included two homes for sale on Herring Creek. One was directly on the main body of water and the other was on a canal.

The main home had been owned by a couple who had no heirs. They also owned the second home on the canal in which their caretakers lived in. The caretakers were incredible people who I had met at the auction. 

The first, (main) home had sold for an incredible figure, $423,000.00. The new owners knocked it down and built a McMansion you can see from Rt. 50. Back then, this was an unbelievable price for such a home so the majority of people interested in the second home on the canal simply left the auction because they didn't want to wait another 2 hours before the next home went up for auction and they were afraid it too would sell for crazy money as well.

During that two hour time gap I got to know the two people, (caretakers) and felt I simply needed to buy that home. I offered the highest bid and purchased the home. A living trust was created for the two African American caretakers in which they were to live there the rest of their lives.

It had been 12 years since I made any attempt to contact them, every few years driving by to see if the property was being taken care of. For those people who know who I'm talking about, the yard was always perfectly landscaped and the home well taken are of. 

Last Friday I just had an instinct and we drove to Ocean City. When we got to the home the grass was overgrown and I knew something wasn't right. After checking with neighbors we learned the two had unfortunately passed away. 

Making that purchase was one of the best things I can recall ever doing. During my campaign Mayor Ireton had tried to point me out as a racist. He had NO CLUE who I am and what I'm truly about.  

"Never judge a book by its cover"
Mr. Ireton.



  1. This is the Joe Albero I've known all along. We know first hand the many kind things you do for people and stay totally quiet about. You made those folks' last years very comfortable and peaceful. God Bless you & Jen.

  2. Cool story and a super-great gesture on your part!

  3. Just like the gay friend you made up out of thin air to defend yourself I smell BS with this story as well.

  4. Damn you are a liar. YOU bought a house for some black folks? Who are you trying too fool Albero? Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Nice story Joe!

    The real racist is that pansy homo Jim Ireton. I was in a bar several month's ago and heard Jimbeau call a person a n#&&*r and that is a fact. The boi mayor is a racist.

  6. Joe, could you be speaking of Miss Daisy? If so, she died almost 3 years ago at the age of 96.
    Lovely lady. One of the Henry's from Berlin area. I know the property you are talking about and Miss Daisy had worked for Mrs Coffin.

  7. To all you who don't believe this story the deed is right online at mdlandrec.net. Go look and see for yourself. Joe is not lying. Get over your jealousy that you all so blatantly are displaying and your ignorance.

  8. anonymous 8:15, Yes. Miss Daisy was actually 98, (so I'm told) when she passed. Saunder was, (again, so I'm told) 20 years younger. No question, wonderful people.

    anonymous 8:01 & 8:05, it's very sad you people have to be so hateful. My story is 100% true. If I were to take a guess I'd say 8:05 is none other than JR.

  9. Big heart & very admirable of you Joe!
    My family & I live in the area. Since the house is vacant due to the unfortunate passing of the elderly couple, are you interested in renting it to a decent & hard-working family that plans on living in Worcester County for may years to come?

  10. Joe, it's Sunder and he was her brother. Miss Daisy's husband died when I was a child and I'll be 50 this year so I'm thinking late 60's early 70's. I knew your story but didn't realize it was you. I'm not sure if Sunder is still alive. I think lawyer Ray Shockley would know.

  11. anonymous 8:27, Thank You. Right now we are simply adjusting to owning the home. It's a bitter sweet situation. Right now we're landscaping every day to catch up with what Saunder had spent so many years creating.

    We are so blown away with the mature pines, hollies, maples, cedars and so many other species. Many of these trees are at least 100+ years old and are a sight to see in itself.

    Our Family loves Ocean City so I'm pretty confident we'll keep it and enjoy it year round.

    A little birdie told me we might be seeing a new Blog coming about soon.

  12. anonymous 8:29, I wasn't sure how the spelling of his name was. Thanks for that update.

    Sunder unfortunately passed away in June.

  13. Joe, you never cease to amaze me. Enjoy it in good health.

  14. The world needs more people like you.

  15. Joe, He was known to everyone as Uncle Sunder. He was a very accomplished man. Retired military. He served in Viet Nam.
    His hobby was gardening and he knew a lot about it.
    Both he and his sister Miss Daisy were devoted to their church.

  16. anonymous 9:02, It was very evident his passion was gardening. We are trying to be VERY careful as to not disturb ANY of his work. He was truly gifted.

    I did know about his past and in a sense I feel really bad about not staying in better contact. I simply wanted them to always feel as if this was their home and they had no one to answer to while they lived there.

    Sunder shared quite a bit of his past the day I met him. I knew he and Daisy were very spiritual and had recently heard quite a bit these past few days of his service to his Church. They are both missed by many.

  17. Perhaps your good Karma from acts like this is what saved you from becoming mayor of Salisbury!

  18. Funny, you have told me this story and never mentioned the occupants were African American. You described them as two older people you didn't want to displace. Enjoy your new space!

  19. 8:01 & 8:05-Copied directly from the state tax website.


    This transfer was made on 9/27/01, at the time Joe purchased the home.
    It is extremely ignorant to engage your mouth before using your brain. If you had done your research beforehand you would have known better than to accuse Joe of lying. Please now go and crawl back under your rock, you couple of miserable ill bred people. The laugh is on you 8:05! HaHaHa. Ignoramus opens his mouth before checking deed and tax records!

  20. You're right Joe---it didn't matter.

    "To whom much is given, much is expected" & you do just that!

    Thanks for sharing the story After
    they had passed.

  21. Awesome Joe. A kind heart you have.

  22. anonymous 10:25, Nothing but good was ever going to happen with that deal. Two wonderful and deserving people enjoyed their home until they passed and now the Albero Family will do the same. It is what I call putting good money after good money.

  23. I remember you telling me this story less than a year ago, sucks. Hope all is well joe, Roadie Joe's misses ya!

  24. A new Blog??? What great news. Welcome to OC, Joe!

  25. I love how people talk crap on you Joe!!! This is one of the nicest things ive ever heard somebody doing

  26. This is one of those stories you read and wonder can someone actual do that for someone. Good to know there are still good people in this world. What a great story to tell your grandchildren. I love history and I think this house will have alot to tell!!

  27. 9:46 here. That's my whole point. It didn't matter. Didn't matter to you and it sure doesn't matter to me.

  28. I admire your generosity and kindness.

  29. Ireton and his kind (democrats) are the REAL racists. They disguise it.
    How many homes of poor elderly black folks were lost because they couldn't afford upkeep plus taxes in Salisbury? The democrats are the real racists because they don't want blacks to be homeowners so keep on raising property taxes. Then the homes get abandoned and are sold to landlords, who are friends of the politicians. Instead of coming up with some way to help the poor elderly blacks keep their homes they price them right out of them.
    These same democrat racists made poor black people think they could afford mortgages. Even Shanie Shields got caught up with one of those crazy loans. Then when they defaulted the landlords bought the homes for pennies on the dollar.
    If you are a democrat then you are a racist because all the democratic policies do nothing more but abuse minorities so others can get rich off of them!
    Democrat = Racist!

  30. 4:05 You bring up a good point that got me thinking. If someone has made welfare a life choice are they even able to qualify for a mortgage or will they be forced to rent the rest of their life?

  31. They would be forced to rent for the rest of their lives 4:36, and the landlord gets a monthly check for rent from the government.
    That's what it's all about with the democrats. Keeping their friends pockets lines. Same with food entitlements. Obama's food programs expansion had nothing to do with the people but all to do with the bankers, retailers and food manufacturers benefit.
    The democrats want to keep black people down. Instead of being about jobs for people they talk things like "affordable housing" which equates to nothing more than corralling black people in the projects. They encourage illegitimate births because for every poor baby born a lot of people benefit financially.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Ireton the Phony slandered Joe Albero for his own political advancement. Ireton the Phony used and discarded his friends to advance himself. Ireton the Phony puts on an act for the religious community.

    Just an opinion based on observation.

  34. Or, it could be that the property in question was purchased, to give lifetime rights, so that the Coffin, Evelyn Q., Charles H. Shorley, and Mary P. Rose, Revision; Developer/Owner: Coffin, Evelyn Q., Charles H. Shorely, and Mary P. Rose .................could be created. It was the following year that LUGASI MEIR was able to build another "McMansion" because of the subdivision that was created by breaking up lot 51, which is the one you claim you bought, and creating 51 A and 51 B. $50k was a small price to pay so that Meir could build a dream home, knowing it would be a matter of time before Sunder kicked the bucket and the old house built in 1900 could be torn down. The fact of the matter, is that the only way to re-subdivide and have their cake and eat it too, was to make a deal so that these people could have lifetime rights. Lifetime rights are another way of saying....give the peasants a place to live for a little while so the masters can eventually have it all, or sell the property to someone else.

    http://sdat.resiusa.org/RealProperty/Pages/default.aspx 10128 SILVER POINT LN
    OCEAN CITY 21842-0000


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