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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why American Racism Is Impossible To Defeat

Despite all of the genuine hopes, by millions of people, of every tribe and tongue from every corner of this planet, an excruciatingly sad reality is being made perfectly clear.

The issue of race--and more specifically America's brand of racism--will never be defeated.

As the father of a multi-racial family, this reality strikes at the disappointment my soul feels about many things in our nation today, but none more personal.

Some who see the headline to this piece will immediately assume I've taken a position in this fight. Because I merely observe what is evident, and state my observation publicly. Some whites will believe I am attacking them. Many African-Americans will believe I am championing their grievances. The truth is neither, the truth is both, and the truth will never be admitted.

For it is impossible to cure a societal sickness, when parties don't wish for it to be cured!



  1. because the j jacksons & a sharpless and others like them keep it alive...

  2. The plan is to divide and conquer: create civil unrest and declare martial law. That was Hitler's secret agenda.

  3. So I guess we should all go out and marry blacks to prove we're not racist?

  4. 9:07 you're a loser. There are many black families that have the same values, wants and desires as white families. The problem is in either race there exists the element that gives people a bad name.


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