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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Court: Bloomberg's NYC Ban on Big Sodas Is Unconstitutional

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's controversial plan to keep large sugary drinks out of restaurants and other eateries was rejected by a state appeals court on Tuesday, which said he had overstepped his authority in trying to impose the ban.

The law, which would have prohibited those businesses from selling sodas and other sugary beverages larger than 16 ounces, "violated the state principle of separation of powers," the First Department of the state Supreme Court's Appellate Division said.

The decision, upholding a lower court ruling in March that struck down the law, dealt a blow to Bloomberg's attempt to advance the pioneering regulation as a way to combat obesity. Beverage makers and business groups, however, challenged it in court, arguing that the mayoral-appointed health board had gone too far when it approved the law.



  1. A very wise choice.Those huge sugary drinks turn my stomach also,but every individual should have the right to eat or drink as they choose.Even the right to get as fat as a pig if they choose.

  2. So now the court needs to find Bloomburg unconstituional..since every word out of omallys twin is

  3. waste of taxpayer money defending this absurdity.

  4. He has now lost control of his liberal gun control issues. People are getting tired of lying liberal Democrats.

  5. I'm waiting for the ban on spoons and forks...after all, don't they contribute to obesity???

  6. This country may not last to the end of Obama's second term because the country is chasing away jobs that can be here and chasing away jobs that are already here.


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